Random thought on if you could use other killers addons.

Like all of tricksters purple addons on Twins. Imagine the sheer glory of Bouncying Victor, Piercing Victor and possibly the best of all Explosive Victor or like Infantry belt on trickser +2 max knives and his last two knives are just huntress hatchets instead hell even like a tombstone ghostface
Li- li- li- li- li- like what if ghhost Face could throw hatchet really fast while he T-poses midair
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Excuse me, #########?
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*hackerman flashbacks*
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its the pigogorgonface
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Bubba with Mother Daughter Ring :)
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Hag with bloody coil
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Zoomiest chainsaw
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What if Huntress had Spirit’s Prayer Beads Bracelet where her lullaby is global across the whole map?
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Has science gone to far? Scientists say we need more Pemo Face
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I'd like Leprose Lichen with Legion. Would make Iri Button Legion even more annoying with the constant spamming.
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New Bubba Build:
"Order" - Carter's Notes (The Doctor): Bubba now has Illusionary pallets that survivors can run to, to feel safe. But then when they get there the pallet disappears.
Paint Thinner (The Nightmare): Uh oh, well this is bad. Basically, it's a fake pallet that looks real but if a survivor tries slamming it on Bubba nothing happens. I think you know where I'm going with this.
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Bubba now uses the ghosts of pallets he devours to torment survivors.
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Freddy with leprose lichen
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oh god imagine leprose lichen plus the one that makes freddy come out of all gens at once
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Blight + any duration addon from any other killer since they add usually 6/8/10 seconds (plauge and oni for example) would increase his rush time from 3 seconds to 9/11/13 which would be funny, that or recharge addons from nurse taking his recharge down from 2 seconds per token to 1 second