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Can't use blight on Ormond

So I've started getting into playing blight and overall he's really fun and really good to use. However, when I've been put on the Ormond map I just give up because it is near impossible to actually use my power. For some reason you can't slam into 95% of the objects on Ormond and its basically just a massive slip N slide map. I'd like to know if anyone else is having this problem and if so I hope the devs fix this becuase it's essentially a game over the moment the game has started.


  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    I've noticed that too. Heck, even that giant vehicle next to the resort doesn't have it, and its literally a perfect rectangle.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Blight can slide off alot of objects even some killer shacks, the devs know about it. I and many others have made posts about it, not a single mod, dev has actively acknowledged it or spoke about fixing it. So I wouldn't hold out for this fix

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508
    edited August 2021

    I'm afraid you'll have to learn what objects he can and can't bounce off of. The snow piles he'll slide off of, and he slides off of most reworked shacks. There's other things, but I'm keeping the context to Ormond. Once you get used to the map's rules, it becomes a place where you can do fancy tricks with easy 180 hits.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    Youd think its a bad thing but once you know what objects you can and cant collide with it lets you get some very nice hits and maneuvers around all those objects that have no collision. Ormond is one of my favorite maps as Blight.