Nemesis is a training wheels killer

Basically hes the new freddy.
He's not even that good tho
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Yeah, I put him in B tier before, but now I'm thinking low C tier.
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Ironically both of these killers fail vs great survs, and both of these killers are hell to play vs good survs.
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nemmy is only a low b tier
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Bruh what
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low C
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Good or bad, I just find Nemmy to be fun! No matter if I’m killer or survivor, if there’s a Nemmy in the match, I’m having a good time!
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Zombies are usually useless 90% of the match and the tentacle hitbox is extremely demanding.
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It's funny how his zombies still have such a bad AI. You can make them run into a rock and get them stuck for the rest of the match.
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How exactly is he "the new freddy"?
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Is this a joke?
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I never understood the whole B tier rating when he gives the survivors an extra 8 health states per game.
Remember theoretically because of the cures and what not it can take an extra 5 hits to down a single survivor if they used all of cures.
Edit: I just want to know what made you originally think that nemesis was a B tier and what made you change your mind.
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He's pretty bad and has the most useless iridescent add ons in the game yesterday I went against the exposed one but haha I used a vaccine while injured so completely irrelevant
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That is certainly...a take
He's certainly not an awful killer but to get the most out of his powers, you need to know what you're doing. Hitting people with the tentacle isn't always easy (especially against experienced survivors) and the zeds are basically useless flies buzzing around doing nothing.
He's not a bottom tier killer but I'd put a lot of killers above him, especially if we're talking about noob friendly killers rather than powerful killers
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Where's your Nemesis streak gameplay against good teams?
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Because he is basically a short range 115 deathslinger who never has to reload and can break pallets with his shot.
Once the ball is rolling with Nemesis he is extremely strong, and survivors getting tunneled off the hook don’t have time to get a vaccine.
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Even if that is true Spirit still has no counter-play.
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Nemesis isn't that powerful.
He's not bad, He's not great. Overall, I think he's fairly balanced.
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I'm sorry but no.
Nemesis cant' do anything near what Deathslinger can at loops and gives survivors up to 8 extra health states per game.
I mean for anti loop Deathslinger can spear you through the dang walls on some shacks to get hits which nemesis can't do.
His Shot range is 18 meters meanwhile Nemesis' is only 5 base 6 at T3.
I have no idea how you could compare the two.
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As I said, he is 115. He also gets one of the best tracking tools in the game (zombies).
Nemesis quick scopes people with the tentacle the same way deathslinger does with the gun. I compare them because you can attack with the tentacle faster than survivors can react most of the time.
And unlike deathslinger, when you whiff over a pallet trying to hit a survivor you just smash it and keep moving. Slinger has to reload and break it. Nemesis loses almost no distance. He is a monster in tier 3.
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am sorry what
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Freddy received a full rework and used to have an entirely different powerset.
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He only got a full reworked cause everyone complained about him.
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I doubt complaining did anything. It was probably dropping sales of Freddy's DLC, so they wanted to boost their profits a bit and buffed him through the roof. It worked better than expected.
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Low F tier. He's the only killer in the game that gives survivors a free health state rivaling mettle of man and on top of that free health state you get a free sprint burst as well....
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Nope it was complaining from both sides of survivors and killers. Killers didn't wanna wait 7 sec to hit people. Survivors didn't like the fact of how his power allowed you to tunnel considering you couldn't body blocked him. You also had to messed up a skill check to escape the Dreamworld.
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I would find Nemesis a lot more fun if his zombies didn't walk into a wall half the games and his power didn't feel horrible to use.
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Made a thread on how to get better with him earlier...I don't know if it's salt, I know BrokenSoul was kindly willing to help out, but it really does feel like he struggles so much because he feels too slow. He punishes pallets and windows like Pyramid Head, makes people cough and vomit like Plague, but somehow feels lesser than either killer.
Tentacle giving speed boost without health state drop feels awful. Ideally you use tentacle to punish pallets and windows, but the slowdown when prepping it doesn't help and MAN does it hurt having to hit them 3 times in a scenario where no other killer but Trickster has to hit more than twice. And how good is Trickster? Often I just feel better going for M1. I know devs said they did not want to remove the sprint burst from it because it would feel too oppressive, but there has to be something else to make it more worth going for.
What is the point of T-Virus? Just so that they puke? So that you have an extra saving grace when put into a bad situation against a zombie? The status effect feels worthless. I almost never vaccinate as Survivor with it until I'm on death hook. I'm not a super experienced killer so I know some of this is just salt or inexperience. I chase one person as Nemesis and two gens immediately pop by the time they're on hook. He just feels too slow to start and by the time he gets going against good survivors, it feels like it is too late.
Edit: I don't think he's F-tier or whatever. He can be strong, but a lot of the times he feels weak. I'm not sure how to get a good grasp on him to have a confident say on where he is compared to other killers.
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115% killer with no map mobility. A power that punishes him early game where killers are weakest. A power that gives 8 free health states to the enemy team. Zombie AI that is only good for memes and 80% of the time does literally nothing other than extremely minor info.
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Deathslinger can shot people up to 18 meter nemesis is only 5 meter and this is block by most of the loop a car can block the strike honestly they have nothing alike nemesis feel more like a nerf pyramid head compare to anyone in the roster
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I'll admit that sometimes the zombies come in clutch since they don't have a light or a terror radius of their own, but those moments have been few and far between. Other than that Nemesis is a strictly m1 killer. The fact that survivors can take three hits from his power just to get downed is ridiculous. I've seen some very smart survivors take advantage of the fact that infection provides them immunity from being injured INCLUDING a speed boost, and will use that as a means to get away from Nemesis or take the heat off of their teammate.
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Not really since he actually requires some skill, and knowledge. But I agree with you in the fact that I feel he was made for newer players. He is pretty easy to pick up on.
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You do understand giving that health state is optional right ? A lot of people sleep on nemesis, he's very balanced and strongly in b tier, I've got a few hundred games with him and the meme that zombies are bad baffles me, they aren't game changing infact they are very balanced but even just in tracking information alone they help you really keep pressure on the game and the fact that the longer you keep Nem in one place the sooner the zombies will turn up and ruin your loop. Sure they bug out occasionally, you whip it walking past and a new spawns in 12 seconds.
Everything about him is very balanced with just enough depth to his power to give him a bit of a skill ceiling outside a basic m1 killer.
Nemesis really brings the pursuer pressure that fits his theme and nothing about him is BS but because he's not bs to face it ranks him poorly which is in itself, bs.
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I don’t agree with that. Slinger and Nemesis are similar in that they both quickly attack from range with no real warning. I find them to play super similar at most shorter loops, and also on long wall loops.
Huntress, Pyramid Head, and to a lesser extent Demo and Victor all give a huge “I’m about to do a ranged attack!” indicator.
Nemesis / Slinger ADS for .1 seconds and unleash the attack right away. And they both shoot in a straight line fast enough it’s basically hitscan.
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Yeah its optional if you never wanna use your power for the rest of the game and only use M1 to down survivors....
You give people the sprint burst....PERIOD if you ever use his power and tier him up past 1, you WILL give all survivors tagged a free health state. <--- That by itself...against any survivor with a brain and ESPECIALLY against survivors who absolutely know the ######### game in out backwards sideways and upside down will have your chases last twice as long as any killer in this game...period....and if you were around for mettle of man before it was was easily the most nightmarish chases you could ever have to deal with in this game, and for Nemesis these chases are BASE KIT....All I can say is thank god they nerfed insta heals before releasing him because it could be 10 times worse.
He doesn't have any depth. He doesn't have any secondary objectives, he doesn't have to strategically place traps around the map, he doesn't need muscle memory for movement skills, he's an M1 killer with a worse ranged ability than pyramid head.
His only big brain saving grace are his zombies.....which would be fine.....if they weren't a buggy ass mess getting stuck on terrain, and if they weren't perma locked to 2 no matter how big of a football field size map you go to....
He's F tier. And don't even bring up trickster for comparison because trickster donkey stomps him out of the water with lethality even though its popular on this forum to say that tricksters power set is "weak" yeah about as weak as bringing a machine gun to knock out bottles at a carnival. And I'm actually shocked they aren't in the process of nerfing the ######### out of him.
I personally don't like trickster, not because he's weak, but because his aesthetic doesn't fit, his power is a repeat of other power sets, and his theme is like...Murder She Wrote levels of scary when you're 6 years old and its the only thing your parents will put on the TV and you can't change the channel and you fall asleep of boredom listening to this 80 year old woman talk about the good old days while chasing around serial killers who look like the local mail man....1940s era soap opera scary...much spooky....very meh...
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And then there’s guys like this who main him, say he’s amazing, and win literally every game with him at rank 1. So…..
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And thats perfectly fine....people like this exist with every killer at rank 1, and if you pitted them all against each other Nemesis would still be F tier in comparison.
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Thats the thing if you look behind you can see nemesis getting is tentacul ready for a hit so its dodgeable compare to deathslinger were you cant do anything against is power if he miss its not because you presict the shot but because he missed and cant aim.
The best thing i can tell you is try nemesis in a match and the survivor go to turn in a loop try to hit them whitout already having your power up you will see its not instant it take about 2 sec before you can hit but i will give you this if the tentacul is already in motion you cant dodge hit
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F tier is for trash killers like pig and legion and trapper and such. Nemesis is a solid B tier. He gives up some early game pressure for mid and late game power, no different from Oni or Myers.
His power can get you at like 90% of the loops in the game. He smashes through pallets almost as fast as Bubba during a chase. Please explain to me how that is trash tier. I loaded into “the game” earlier as Nemesis and was downing people over the majority of the loops. How many other 115 killers can do that?
You can watch that match I linked and even in the first 2-3 minutes he’s hitting quickscope tentacles no other ranged killer in the game can compare to (except deathslinger)
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What I don't think you're grasping with nems power is you use it at the chase drop, you find a survivor very quickly with lethal purser and you normally land the first m1 quickly thanks to m&a, you follow them for down potential and normally they will take you to a loop with a pallet or a window where you get an easy whip and you drop chase and move on, with your zombies constantly feeding you Intel around the map you always know where to go to start chases and rinse repeat, nemesis is a high Intel killer as you're always seeing your zombies react around the map it's like getting mini bbq's throughout the game constantly.
In a perfect match come end game there should be no vaccines and everyone should be infected with your power at tier 3 and at this point nemesis has become a very different killer than the early game, by this point your zombies will be around the 3 gen with you as well and the pressure snowballs.
If you're running around just whipping people I can see why you feel he's f tier but you're clearly not setting up your end game on him very well. This is what annoys me when people compare him to phead when you don't play phead in this way at all it's a terrible comparison simply because they are mele with a ranged attack does not mean their game play is the same at all.
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Holy crap someone actually used that add-on recently? Did they get any downs with it?
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This is meaningless. Dowsey had some ridiculous win streak as twins. What happened the second he got matched against survivors who are as good as he is? 4 man escape. Players who have thousands and thousands of hours shouldn't be playing against literal who's that the matchmaker just picks cause they've been in queue for a bit. Now if this guy could do this with MMR on I'd be impressed.
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Nope all of the vaccines were used when they were injured lol
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If I recall he won every game he played during the MMR test as well, including against a tournament team that it matched him with.
But still that’s not my point linking that. My point is nemesis is a 115 killer with a ranged attack that readies up almost as fast as deathslinger ADS and can’t realistically be dodged because it’s basically hitscan. The fact he needs a third health state makes sense, he would be stupid OP if he downed you in 2 hits right off the bat.
The people who think he is bad probably just suck with his tentacle attack, which is understandable.
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He's fun, but he's easily beaten.
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Everything you just described can be done on other killers, especially with Lethal Pursuer. The only difference is other killers will have downed and hooked 2 to 3 people in the time it took you to hook 1 and injure another (Nice break chase btw, thanks for the free gen and the free health state.) <---thats what every survivor past rank 4 thinks of you when you show up with nemesis. They don't say it, cause a lot of them like the easy match up....but deep down....they got you painted with a clown mask.
Again, try playing AGAINST him rather than AS him. He is up there with Trapper for joke matchups. You just go into the same LOS loops that you would use for PH, except against nemesis he can't hit through walls like PH so the loops actually work 100% of the time and last way longer. And he has no way to boost speed or half cut those same loops to catch up leaving you plenty of room until he's forced to M1 like a basic #########....Hell trapper would actually at least be able to force you to jump into another loop. With Nemesis you can just keep on going on a T-wall making him look silly. And thats without even bringing lithe into the mix or quick and quiet.
And I'm not even a god tier survivor watching nemesis and juking him out of his clown shoes....Imagine what actual survivor mains think....
Hell the only threatening part of nemesis kit are his zombies body blocking an indoor map, and Lethal Persuer...but every killer can use that perk so woopty doo.
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I mean....comparing him to early freddy is kinda too far though cmon now, he was a broken product...early freddy being body blocked was.....I don't even know how the ######### they let that slide in the game for so long without going...."OH this is actually broken ######### were we thinking".
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If you wanna get better at him or have easier matches...just do what we always do to trash tier killers when they launch and are trash...pump him up with the best perks in the game and.....profit?
Ruin+undying+BBQ+franklins for keys? Like...there's really not much you can do his skill cieling is capped pretty hard. I'd tell you to git guud, but, you could have spent that same effort "gitting guud" on a killer who actually would reward you for all that time spent gitting good. I'd say "spread the pain" but he's not that kinda killer, if you leave someone alone, with all the free health states you're giving them a free gen. I'd say "maybe a pure slowdown build would crank him up" but could run those same slow down perks on other killers who are better at slowing the game down.
IMO he needs a niche. Every killer in this game has some kinda niche to work with, wether it be speed, stealth, huge range, or just flat out insta downing like a boss. Nemesis on the other hand doesn't really have a niche....maybe you could say his zombies are it? But ehhh....they still need some serious coding work before they're solid.
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Nemesis is A-tier.
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The last paragraph goes a lot in line with what I tell my buddies which is that it's hard to pin down what Nemesis really wants.
A character like Pyramid Head, my main, is clear. He wants to be able to pressure maps more effectively via perks so he can spend more time in chase where he is strong.
Oni, another killer with a slow start, either likes perks that make things fast to start with, or make his late game utterly explosive.
What does Nemesis really WANT? Outside of STBFL due to tentacle extra health state, I can't really say for sure. He shares a lot with other killers but is significantly weaker than all of them in those regards. The one truly unique thing he has, the zombies, are inconsistent. Sometimes they're godlike, sometimes they're worthless.