Ps5 question about how this is possible or if it’s a bug or whatever

Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

I had a match against clown on badham and literally did all 5 gens and he chased me as I popped the last Gen and I ran him over a minute and went down exposed only went down cuz teammates wouldn’t open the gate but I thought it was noed cuz we weren’t exposed before but as soon as I was unhooked I was Mori’d off first hook when he could have only had 3 stacks before my hook and was at my hook when I got unhooked I got bt. He had no Mori just dh bbq coul and some other random perk that didn’t explain what happened. He was at every hook I saved so I’m not sure what happened, if someone could explain it I’d appreciate it cuz I deserved that escape after doing all five gens lol and had more points than everyone but he didn’t get any pulls off gens or hooks or anything like that so I’m confused how he got stacks camping or even had 4 stacks before my hook and we didn’t get notified….??

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