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Bubba tips

I'm trying to level up Bubba to get BBQ onto my other killers. Does anyone have tips on playing Bubba?


  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Watch Otz play and use his builds. Bubba does great at windows if you know your limits.

  • Fiesta_de_guerra
    Fiesta_de_guerra Member Posts: 6

    Run bamboozle. Bubba doesn't really have a skill cap.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,014

    He doesn't really have a skill floor, but he has quite a skill cap. His skill cap is actually a lot bigger than people give credit for, if you don't run Bamboozle that is.

    It's possible but quite difficult to get chainsaw hits in loops, let's say, LT walls, if the survivor is in a certain location.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    If you have Bamboozle, use it. Windows are his biggest weakness and proper use turns normally-safe places like shack into deathtraps. Some structures have only a window and no other way out without busting a breakable wall, and if you have Bamboozle and do not break that wall, survivors are likely to run right back inside to a dead end they did not expect.

    You don't need add-ons, but if you want them, the best ones by far are Award-Winning Chili and regular Chili. Award-Winning Chili by itself adds .5 seconds to the duration of each charge, which adds up to 1.5 seconds - almost as good as the 4th charge you'd get from Depth-Gauge Rake without any of the downside. Chili is a bit more modest at .25 seconds per charge. Same idea, and stacks with Award-Winning Chili to make you very dangerous. These will let you start revving from further and still get a hit. Alternatively, if you find yourself low/out of charges often, Primer Bulb will help you regenerate them faster. If you see a couple flashlights in lobby, consider the Light Chassis to get some cheeky downs on people trying to set up flashlight saves from behind corners you can simply tap your chainsaw to see auras through for 8 meters. They rarely expect it and it's unclear you have this add-on unless they're running Distortion and are observant, which they won't be.

    Avoid the Scratches family of add-ons like the plague. They're terrible. I also don't recommend the Carburetor Tuning Guide as it comes with a significant drop in maximum speed and makes chewing pallets with him more awkward due to consuming all charges at once.

    A good chunk of Bubba is learning when to start revving to pressure survivors into giving you a quickly-broken pallet or dying. That'll come with experience, but generally a pallet and a half's width of distance is a great time to rev without add-ons if they're not close to a vault. The chili add-ons let you extend this further out.

    If someone jumps in a locker mid-sweep, I've found that 39 times out of 40 they don't know the timing to jump out safely, and due to the way Bubba works, that timing is highly variable. At one charge used, you can just stand there just outside of Head-On range, recover, and get an easy grab when they pop out at you. At two (and three) I typically consume the third charge and intentionally tantrum on the locker just before the third sweep ends. Even at red ranks, I've only run into a few survivors that know the correct timing to get out safely. If someone does know the timing, just remember who it was and try something else, because if they're actually good they'll force you to settle for a hammer hit.

    A proxy camping Bubba is scary. Don't listen to salty survivors who call it scummy, I call it efficient use of his power since he can hit both the rescuer and rescued. Sweep whichever target is easier, and, if the other survivor is poorly positioned, continue on your way to sweep him too. If the rescued person has BT on them, make a decision based on their actions and your options - if they continue straight but don't have a vault close by, you can chase them down and hit them twice with your chainsaw, as you'll catch up to the BT speedup. If they are bodyblocking you and you're both next to an obstacle, you can sweep and ram the obstacle for an instant double hit via tantrum, downing them again for being a nuisance. If he takes a single chainsaw hit for the rescuer and then veers off/doubles back by running through you, then continue for the rescuer if possible. Occasionally, both will get away and you'll have to go about your normal business.

    Things that may trip you up are the tops of certain staircases, particularly Haddonfield's staircases that go underground, as sweeping while descending will make you slam a wall. Some of the Haddonfield trees have branches that you can walk under but you'll slam with the chainsaw. The broken concrete walls near Midwich Elementary exit gates will also make you slam a wall. Autohaven Wreckers' maps are also full of small obstacles, as many loops incorporate knee-high tire piles, buckets, and other trash piles that are not always easy to see while your chainsaw is in motion, and some of which are also both dumb and obnoxious such as the side mirrors on cars and trucks having an extended collision box from the vehicle's main body that serves as part of the loop. Hanging meat such as on The Game or Coldwind Farm will also make using your chainsaw a nightmare, as you will tantrum on these.

    Any spot that you can get cheeky M1 hits as a killer you can get with a chainsaw sweep/tantrum, such as if someone runs the cattle fences or Haddonfield fences too tightly and you're on the opposite side. Bear in mind that you must do everything possible to avoid telegraphing this plan of action, as you still need to rev for 2 seconds.

    Hope this helps. My thumb is broken so I'm unable to play for a couple months. Kill them all for me, please.