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Option to turn off SWFs

I just played another game with SWF. And as usuall, i lost. Im purple, around 15 hours of gameplay trickster, make it even 60, because i guess i know maps and i played game before, versus 12000 hours (seriously) red rank team. Even when i get purple team gens are repaired one after another. :/ And usually game is like that - team i lose, random - i win 50/50, even poor killer like me can spot them, because they rarely bodyblock, they dont wait around every corner to save each other etc. I dont want play with teams anymore, why there is no option to turn off matchmaking with them? :/


  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    The problem is that it hurts people that just want to play with their friends. Punishing people for that reason is some hell'n'bad design.

    The problem here is that you met people that are not in your range of skill (thx MMR system, solution of all of our problems, eh ?) . I mean, I play sometimes in 4SWF, mostly 2SWF, and my two other friends are not that good in the game so they are down quite easily, we're not that of a threat, and we're, together, around purple rank. And with that kind of option, we would get punished for wanting to play together and have a good time.

    See what I mean ?

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    You effectively breed 2 birds and have no stone by doing this. SWF's will now struggle with significantly longer queue times by no fault of their own, even the SWF's that are just friends playing together instead of seal team death squads. More particularly duos, since a very large amount of SWF's are just 2 friends playing together. Same for killer, a large amount of the player base (i'd estimate maybe 30=40%?) are SWF. Mostly duos, which would MAJORLY alienate the lobbys you'd get, which would leave you with unbearable queue times. Im sorry to say but just tough up and accept you'll get bullied sometimes. You're only one person and theres 4 of them, sometimes the collective beats the individual. Ya can't win em all.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,169

    We don't have an MMR system yet. So yes, it literally would be a solution to this problem.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Uuuh they actually put it on live, did they revert it ?..

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,169
    edited August 2021

    It was live for 48 hours... two months ago.

    I get TC's issue, I have it too. Purple killer, facing nothing but red rank death squads, with the occasional yellow rank noob stomping that's entirely unrewarding.

    For that 48 hour test, I was placed against survivors of my skill level, and the games felt so much better for it.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Absolutely no one would choose to play with a SWF with the exception of killers that want to play a bit toxic and take it out on SWFs. Honestly the majority of SWFs are not like this, but I think people forget about the casual SWFs because it's not obvious that they're a SWF. I almost only play with my friends because I can't stand solo queue. We're casual, we do survive more often than we would in solo queue, and we get more generators done than we would in solo queue. Personally, I don't think it's obvious we're SWF with the exception of taking hits to help a teammate out of a gate, but things like that can still happen in solo queue. We don't taunt the killer or tbag or follow around with flashlights to clicky clicky. Players like that deserve to get facecamped, and I do believe that teams like that can make killer horrific to play.

    However SWF won't be nerfed until solo queue is buffed. Dowsey made a video on this. In order to fix the issues with SWF, solo queue needs to be buffed, so then the devs can fix the issues with SWF, without nerfing it to a point that people don't want to play with their friends anymore,

    I understand the stress of teams like this, but you have to understand that not every SWF is like this, and it's unlikely SWF will ever get nerfed just because of the amount of players the game would lose.

    All I would say is just try your best to avoid teams, even if it means lobby dodging several times. If I'm going to play killer then I'll play in the evening because queue times are super quick. If you play with crossplay on, maybe look and see if the survivors are on different platforms. I know people can still play in a SWF on separate platforms, but if there's a mixture of platforms then I assume they're more likely to be solo queue. If people join at separate times they're also likely solo queue. I'd also recommend dodging teams that all have the same item (mainly 4 flashlights of 4 toolboxes), and dodge teams with similar names or teams playing the same character/cosmetics.

    I know I've listed some very petty reasons, but if you genuinely want to avoid a toxic SWF, those are some tips. I'm sure lobby dodging a few times is better than facing a toxic SWF.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    Just get better. you got lazy because most players in any rank is a bot who just do gens, get hookef, do gens get hooked, do gens and then they die.

    Mostly you dont see survs who plays actively depending on situation etc

    That brings people like you to cry about players who plays very competetive

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,952

    That would be a valid statement if match making wasn't a mess

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    Dude, I got lazy? About what you are talking about? I played at best 15 hours with trickster. Less than a day. I know maps? I guess. I played game before? Sure. But i dont play in tournaments, im not competitive and i never will be. Also it is impossible to be better versus team with 12000 hours. I dont even have 5% of that time. -_- Anyway, it is not about people being competitive, you missed the point by the mile.

    Anyway, lets say straight - SWF in DBD is cheating. Gameplay of DBD is build around playing with random people without any communication. And yet cheating is allowed by devs. So i dont understand - we should all have in-game chat, or SWF should be not possible. And yet single players are punished by playing alone, and SWFs are allowed to cheat out killer. How this makes any sense?