Any tips on learning killers at high ranks?

I'm getting to a point where I wanna branch out on killers and be well-rounded in all of them. My problem is that I got myself all the way into Red/Purple lobbies now, that if I tried to learn any new killer, gens would go by extremely fast. To the point where I couldn't even understand the workings of the killer.
I play/main mostly M1 killers (Myers, Legion, Ghostface, Trapper, and my main Pig). The only killer I understand how to play and sometimes do play that isn't mostly M1 is Hag. I have most of the teachables of killers (13 out of 23). I'm still new to the game, only with my first devotion just recently.
Do I just continue to play thru those games after I get a good build for that killer? No matter if I derank or not because I shouldn't get many hooks? That seems to be the only way, but I wanted to know if anyone has any tips to make it easier to pick up other killers like Huntress or Slinger. (Hillbilly too, I should love to be good with an og killer, but I have a hard time with him.)
Thanks in advance tho. ^^
This is inherently one of the biggest frustrations with dead by daylight as I too find myself in the same boat as you. Trying to tackle the mechanics of a new killer at the rank that I'm at proves to be very frustrating since not only will survivors be very high rank, but I'll have minimal perks at my disposal to use for hours on end until I get more unlocked.
The developer update mentioned that an offline bot mode was supposed to come with the mid chapter update, but for some reason it never happened. All I can suggest is watch tip videos from streamers like Otz or Dowsey, as they can offer very helpful tips on how to tackle games in high ranks.
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Best thing you can do is play through it and stay analytical. Don't worry so much about wins and losses as you learn. I didn't pick up Nurse until I had 1300 hrs in the game at rank 1. It was terrible, but it can be done. I'm going through it with Huntress and Billy right now.
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Trust me, just dodge lobbies until you get something like a duo and 2 solos. (or also any match that you think would look annoying to play)
A lobby full of solo survivors is the most casual experience that it feels like green ranks again.
It's what i've started doing from time to time because I also was practicing other killers and I swear I was seeing the light man, it's legit a different experience.
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Even if you are playing without perks etc. you should still be able to find survivors and have at least a few chases in a game. Also often I've found in games where gens fly by, Survivors will stick around for chases even when the gates are prepared etc, as they are in no real danger if there's still 4 survivors alive at 0 gens with not many hooks.
You'll lose a lot of games, but if you just focus on chases and learning maps, and don't assume you're just going to 4K every game like you would against green ranks, then you will only get better over time.
You can also watch twitch streamers to learn tricks and tips, specifically try and find a streamer who mains the Killer you are interested in, but obviously you also need to play the game yourself.
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I am kind of shocked bhvr hasn't fixed that glaring problem with Killers. I may be rank 6 with Trapper but I am a rank 15 with Nemmy. I think I saw somewhere bhvr is working on this for killers but I haven't seen or heard about that in awhile.
Best you can do is just keep playing. When I hop on one of my weaker killers I remind myself not to sweat and just enjoy the killer.