Why do survivors complain about killers?
This game is arguably survivor sided as it should be. And I can see points to both sides of killer and survivor arguments about balance. But at the end of the day this game is Survivor favored and anytime I see someone talking about ways to nerf a killer or anything that benefits the killer I am somewhat confused. Do survivors just want the easiest time going up against the killer? I personally think a lot of relativity and perception goes into this next paragraph as to why survivors would think killers are OP but here it is.
If survivors don't escape they "Lost" Now in my opinion if you escape as a survivor that should be just as hard as a killer getting a 4k. From someone who plays both Killer and Survivor pretty equally I can safely say when I escape it's the same feeling as getting a solid 4k in DBD. Now that's my opinion. I personally am better at this game playing killer but still equally enjoy playing as survivor.
So for those hard core survivor players please help me understand the complaints about killers.
Well there is a lot of situations where the game clearly isn’t survivor sided. If it was a meta build nurse on blood lodge I’d hardly call that a fair match
As for complaints certain killers do need to be nerfed the biggest example being spirit
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When you say the game is survivor sided, are you talking about a specific skill level or just overall? Because it all can vary. The game is survivor sided in the highest level and the game is killer sided in the lowest level.
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This game is not survivor sided- it’s SWF sided. Two different experiences in my opinion. Competent killers can dominate solo que, but get destroyed by competent SWF.
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This game is not survivor sided. It is pretty balanced. It may be Coordinated SWF sided, but it is certainly not Selfish Q sided.
And this would be at the highest skill level. But, into purple ranks it is killer sided. And a good killer will beat 4 randos the majority of the time. Especially when using any tactics they deem necessary.
And add a bit of RNG sided as well.
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Sure, but that balance is killer sided from rank 20 to 16 and survivor sided from 15 to 1. Basically once the survivors figure out the mechanics of the game they are the stronger side. So overall this is a survivor sided game.
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Ah, yes, another this-sided that-sided post. Though I agree that Killer is the more stressful role by far, I don't believe the game is skewed to one side significantly enough to be biased towards one side.
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its killer sided rank 20 to rank 1. Its survivor sided when a cracked team of 4 sweating their asses off and communicating everything and all have the ability to loop for 90s which literally happens 1 in every 30 games maybe, its a killer stomp the rest of the time, survivors are lemmings. Even in swfs when 3 of them are good they all die because the 4th creates huge dead zones that no matter how good they are the good players cant get out of alive.
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Against most killers you don't even need to be good at looping. Just start running away from the killer and hold W when they come towards you from 40 meters away.
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And against most survivors you never need to use your power either and they just run into you and die. tuning for the top 5% is pointless
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I agree with what you said.
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Play killer a few times, learn what they can and can't do. If you are spotted as a survivor run to the nearest pallet/window and make the killer work to hit you and above all just run forward, you can waste tons of time this way and it will allow your teammates to finish all the gens.
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I play killer and survivor equally too.
Two reasons:
1) It's only survivor-sided in SWF. Solo survivors are probably weaker than solo killers. SWF is stronger than killer, which is stronger than solo survivor. That's the hierarchy.
2) Queue times are higher and lower bloodpoint awards for survivor. It feels bad to have a 5-10 minute queue, then some error happens and you're put back in queue. 5-10 more minutes in queue. Then you get a match and someone d/c immediately due to some ragequit reason. Another 10 minutes lost finishing out a dead game. Another 5-10 minutes in queue. Then you get a 3rd match and get face camped (meaning I'm not playing the game but instead just looking at my character). So now I've spent 30-45 minutes not playing the game but being in the game.
I don't look at my escape as a necessity, but I do view getting some real 2-3 hooks per survivor or gens done as a full game. Anything less feels bad. Especially after then getting under 10K bloodpoints or some nonsense. While on Killer, I'm racking up 50-100K BPs per match, even when not getting kills.
Edit: I found #2 to largely not be an issue during the 5th anniversary event because so many people were playing and matchmaking was better.
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because they are entitled and care to much about a video game.
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So ya it's Survivor sided because SWF exists.
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Whenever someone talks about the game being "sided" one way or the other, it just reads as bias to me. So chances are that's why it's hard to understand people's complaints.
There's a lot of reasons someone might be upset with the outcome of the match. Sometimes they go up against BM killers or killers that play dirty. Sometimes their teammates let them down. Sometimes they're just mad that they lost. On the flipside, I've had killers scream at me or complain about balanced perks in post-game chat. It's just how the game can get.
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This game is only survivor sided if there are 4 survivors and a killer of equal skill and the survivors are working together coordinated (swf). Since this game is heavily RNG based (also the matchmaking) you won't have this situation very often. A very bad looper can be enough for the killer to get an entry to the game even if it's against a swf. In most games there is a chance for the killer if he finds the potato first and gets an easy down. A 3v1 is hard for the survivors because slugging is a very powerful tool in this situation.
But yes, in higher levels this game is survivor sided because everyone plays optimally and efficient, and if everyone can loop it can be very hard to even get one kill...
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Because they're bad and haven't realized that survivors control just about everything in a match by just holding M1 when not in a chase
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The game is not survivor sided, why are people still saying this nonsense?
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Why do killers complain about Survivor?
The players are allowed to complain about whatever they want.
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Nah, competent solo queue survivors can easily dominate competent killers.
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Doesn´t has to be a full squad. If you get 1 or 2 more decent people, than thats more than enough.
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A quick and simple answer, it's because they're bad.
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You see the lowest level of killer play against the highest level of survivor because not enough people play killer. So does that mean when you reach rank 13 as a killer you just enter the highest level of play
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If spirit deserve to be nerf does that mean nurse need to be nerf because we all know nurse is stronger.
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I would say yes she does but the problem is her kit is so unique that nerfing it without gutting her is Impossible
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1 bad survivor can easily lead to a loss
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Simple. They are bad so they blame the killer to not fell so bad
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It used to be like that. But currently a survivor can die/dc/go afk with 3 gens up and the others still can escape.
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How so when survivor is weaker now? (Not saying they are underpowered but killers have been buffed)
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Survivors are as strong as ever and what killer buffs do you mean? That Trickster one, where he still is bottom tier?
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Trickster ain’t bottom tier anymore. Not particularly strong but still capable of beating good teams. A lot of survivors tools have been nerfed most with good reason and the fact is solo queue has gotten much worse especially with people throwing games for archives challenges.
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I haven´t noticed a problem with solo queue. Still having a absurdly high escape rate.
So either i´m a better survivor player than i think, or survivors aren´t in as a bad spot as people claim.
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Maybe. It’s hard to use stats or escape/kill rates to come to conclusions. I can say from my experience that most matches are 3k’s and from my experience the reason for this is survivors not trying because they have really specific challenges like “Hide from the killer for X seconds” or “Unhook X survivors safely”
Not that I have an issue with dying since taking this game seriously is long past me but what annoys me is knowing I’m going to lose from the start
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Seing the complete opposite. 3 and 4 man escapes. Maybe its a regional thing. But when i watch streamers, they usually get 3 or 4 hooks by the time the gates are powered. Which alings with what i see in solo queue.
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Every time I see these "survivor sided" BS threads, I gotta ask.
Do you lose more than you win as killer?
It's that simple. Many of us that play killer, and have for a long time, do just fine.
So if you are losing more than winning, perhaps your killer game needs work.
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this is game neither survivor sided nor killer sided it is all about situations bunch of things makes it everything harder for one side mostly maps you got midwich it is mostly survivor sided cuz there are no mindgames or you can't cut off survivors all of you just press W if it is suffocation map you can trap survivors there are so much deadzones on that map so everyone at some points is right to complain about some stuff cuz map design isn't fair this is just common problem there are some add ons that definitly BS(wraiths seeing people through walls in 12 meters,spirits being able too see blood pools while phasing and keys exist etc.
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If survivors did this (which is a hyperbolic claim by a lot of killer mains) - NO gens would ever get done because survivors would just be running all the time. Not sure what rank you are playing at, but at red ranks - survivors do not do this - we rely more on our looping - we don't run the second we hear the killer. Eyeroll.
Regarding the OP - This is not a mutually exclusive act - Both survivors and killers (mainly mains) complain about one another, perks, and maps. Open your eyes - they are all over these forums.
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I see swf and survivors mains complain about everything killer related, they say wraith op, deathslinger op, nemesis zombies op, trickster op, etc… I rarely see killers complain about survivors perks like spine chill, iron will, dead hard, etc… Survivors have it easy especially with how safe camping pallets is now
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Survivors only complain because they want to have the easiest time winning. I wouldn't pay attention to them and just pay attention to what matters... having fun.
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Are you joking? There are daily threads on this forum complaining about Dead Hard, holding W, gen rush, DS at exit gates, exhaustion perks in general, flashlights, SWF, the hatch, survivor sided maps, and the list goes on. Please don’t pretend that only one side complains in this player base because it’s laughably easy to disprove.
IMO there’s nothing wrong with complaining about stuff you don’t like as long as you’re not being abusive about it. Survivors are perfectly justified in complaining about killer perks/powers/playstyles they dislike, and killers are perfectly justified in complaining about survivor perks/items/playstyles they dislike.
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Ehh, I really only see that on these forums. But I also see a lot of killers complain on here.
Go on DBD's reddit and you'll see its 99% killers complaining about survivors there.
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Yeah killers complain too, I would complain to if I bought a killer and can’t use their power because survivors want easy counter play. All killers want is to have fun, survivors just want to feel powerful and teabag killers at every pallet and escape for free
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Because anything that goes wrong in the match for the survivors, it's the killer's fault. They die, killer's fault, they escape, killer's fault, they get 2-hooked, killer's fault, they have bad teammates, killer's fault. There's no accountability from the survivors; They never make mistakes.
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I play at rank 1. Any good survivors will do this because most killers can't do ######### about it. The other 3 survivors will keep doing gens. You basically just get zoned out by 4 survivors who you can't reach.
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using streamers as some sort of metric is ridiculous since many of them (at least the ones that are twitch partnered) have thousands of hours in the game.
watching umbra, zubatLEL, otzdarva, etc.. going on a killing/winning streak isn't something that is achievable for the average players.
watching survivor mains running loops around killers making them look stupid having an escape ratio or at least 9:1 while still bodyblocking and being a martyr, likewise isn't something that is achievable by most players as well.
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why do killers complain about survivors?
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If survivors control everything in YOUR game by just holding M1 maybe you need to play better
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Exactly, when even streamers with thousands of hours struggle to get a decent amount of hooks before the gates are powered, then how would normal killers perform? Which just shows how unbalanced the game is.
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Both sides complain about things they don't like. Which is fine. Where your argument falls down to me is saying survivors just want easy matches. That is not the case. They want fun matches.
As for the game being survivor sided, sure. If you're talking about the highest levels of play. If you're looking at the average game then it favors killers.