There is truly no other way to nerf it. Like it’s completely impossible to kill a SWF party unless you run specific killers with specific add ons on specific maps.
No, you get gut. Its not the world that need to adapt to you but other way around
23 -
Killers when survivors don't want horrible teammates.
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There would be no way to implement it, and even if they could, they never would.
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This topic will go very respectfully with no fighting at all, I can just tell!
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It is not impossible to win against an swf party
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Funny how Survivors never say this to themselves when whining about:
Camping. Slugging. Tunneling. Nurse. Spirit. <Insert perk here>. Any new Killer to hit the PTB.
I mean; you're not wrong. But it never seems to apply to what Survivors hate. 😁
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When you lose that 1 out of 10 games because the survivors are actually sentient for once.
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I should probably mention that I know both sides are toxic af…but one side has got to give up something first
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maybe if the bad ones would play more games with the good ones that would even out…but no lets just be stuck in an endless cycle of flashlight saves and noed
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I'm pretty sure It's possible to beat SWF squads, even with weaker killers. I beaten SWFS with weak killers like trapper, and legion. Now you can't 4k EVERY game. It's just part of life sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Sometimes I get 0 sacrifices, but that is just how every other video game is you will lose at times.
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There’s a difference between that and a full SWF. I was able to make it to red rank as a solo queue survivor, so should you.
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I’m guessing you’re asking for the game to die off?
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SWF is fine. Yes matches are tougher, but the quality of survivors lately is very variable and I don't blame people for wanting to play with people who they can trust to play well.
A group of 4 strong solos will play just as well as good SWF teams, so the issue really isn't SWF.
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No they won’t.
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Isn’t already bc of this ? It take sooo long to find a killer
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I guess if that's your opinion you can either: 1. Run those specific killers, builds, map offerings to win, 2. Accept that you're going to lose playing killers that are "impossible" to win with, or 3. Quit the game.
Cause the devs are never going to ban or even nerf playing with friends.
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You right I should’ve quit why bother fighting a losing game and don’t act like that you know exactly what I mean but I guess you’re a SWF
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Lmfao don't want to sound rude but maybe get urself ones? Friends are only reason I wasted money on this and you want it banned? Why? I'll accept as long as they refund me completely
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I don't think Behavior is ever going to change this.
But I definitely agree that it's not fair.
If the intention was to be able to communicate, then the game did have a voice chat function.
I think this is something only killers at red ranks will understand...
2 -
better idea, bring solo q up to power level with SWF then buff the killers to compensate. Problem solved without ruining playing with friends.
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Please tell me you don't actually think there's even an infinitesimally small but non-zero chance of that ever even being considered by the developers of a multiplayer game in 2021.
There's a reason people discuss other methods like the idea of trying to make the solo-swf gap smaller and balancing around that. While it's impossible to find a perfect solution (as no perfect solutions exist), there's at least a probability of it happening that's bigger than a big fat 0. Stuff like this or trying to interfere with voice chat is genuinely a waste of time and keystrokes to even discuss, no nicer way to put it.
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How dare i spend time with my girlfriend on a game we love to play together
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dead by daylight is still the only game I've heard of where playing with friends is a bad thing
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Survivors defending SWF like « this is completely balanced » meanwhile literally making a tread about why healing isn’t even useful anymore. Yes SWF is definitely balanced when you don’t even feel the need to heal
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Why do you think they didn’t have a mic feature ? They did say it was meant to be solo and not SWF you can probably google it
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But that's the problem. It's so easy that higher ranks are back logged with players that aren't ready to be there. And it affects both sides. The amount of times I see survivors doing blatantly silly things and getting downed because of it is pretty equal to the amount of times I see a killer trying to double down on mind gaming the safest pallet on the map.
Boosted survivors boosting boosted killers.
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Please, my SWF dies all the time and I beat SWF all the time.
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Lol ok if you want over half the playerbase to quit and kill this game then sure.
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When did they even boost killers ? We can’t even hit during a pallet stun. If you are even slightly dropping it you are like in BT ffs
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Bad ones yeah probably. Try doing that in red rank, be my guest
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I'm a rank 3-5?
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Alright then have fun with your 40 minute lobbies like there used to be.
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Then I doubt it. What you mean is that you often get 1 or two death. Bc everyone else can be secured.
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How? The matchmaker. It doesn't do anything or even bother to put killers in a game where they can learn anything.
The new killer experience is often like this:
Easy game, easy game, easy game, easy game, then a sudden spike in difficultly because you're now against people that do loop and aren't afraid of the the terror radius. In that entire time in low/mid rank, the killer never had to learn how to play because the opposition was so bad they didn't have to and now that they do, it feel like they hit a brick wall.
That's why we need a SBMM.
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They still are tho. Even with cross play
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I play both and am red on both. The experience on survivor is fine, if anything it’s your teammate that are often the problem but even then.
on the killer side…just securing a single hook can be a chore of immeasurable difficulty if you get the usual suspects.
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40 minutes? 15 minutes is a massive stretch and hard to believe but you're apparently having 40 minute queues.
This is free entertainment lmao
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I thought we were both using a figure of speech…I never had 40m queues when did you have that ?
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That's enough time for a quick lunch
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My friend and I lose IQ points when we play together. I play more seriously when solo, but I have a lot less fun. I've come to avoid playing solo as much as possible. This game needs better balance, but getting rid of SWF will empty the survivor queue.
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...No, I get 3-4 kills. o.o
I just watch the survivors. 2 or more flashlights or multiple toolboxes or medkits? Franklin's.
Ruin + Corrupt and then a filler perk I swap out. Usually undying so I get told where they're at if they go near a totem. To protect my Ruin a bit.
and I just patrol the gens in the beginning I don't have covered.
If I'm trapper I set traps on my totems. Sometimes traps on traps so I get alerted.
That way Ruin is up . . . but I also see them by every dull totem . . . if they want a totem they at least get injured if not hooked ...
Gens are covered at the beginnning of the game so I only have a few I need to patrol.
and if I need to I'll play an offering for a map I know they can't hide as well in if they look very camoflagued.
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SWF simultaneously boost ppl way above their rank and reward toxic behaviors. That is all.
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This is inaccurate. Proxy camping and priority tunneling will easily put SWF into the dirt
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I believe I mentioned earlier specific perks on specific maps bla bla bla. Go check it’s there
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I play SWF all the time and most of the time we die. We have red ranks but we play pretty casually nor are we toxic. I also win against a lot of SWFs (I'm only counting the ones I know are SWFs because of one of them being a Twitch streamer). But I get it, the frustration of playing against a well-coordinated SWF ━ but you're never gonna win them all. I don't think they should be banned. If anything I enjoy the challenge as in the long run it'll help me improve.
I'm willing to guess you made this discussion after losing against a well-coordinated SWF and you were in the heat of the moment?
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Not when they all bring BT and DS getting camp and tunnel is very easy to deal with. And if anything we’ll just finish 3 gens for 1 death gg
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I never mentioned specific perks on specific maps. I mentioned if I see they're dressed to camoflage I will SOMETIMES play an offering for somewhere they won't blend in.
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Well yes but what frustrated me is that we all did insane bp and probably all pip. Yet they didn’t go down once bc of all the BT DS flashlights and unbreakable. Literally do you know how frustrating it is to be stuck in a 3 gens for over 20 minutes ?
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If you really think it is completely impossible to win against SWFs, you are probably not good at playing Killer.
I am a mediocre Killer at best and even I manage to 4K 4 man SWFs, because most SWFs are just casual groups. Unless you want to claim you go against tournament SWFs all the time, but this would be a pretty obvious lie.