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My Thoughts on Springtrap in DBD



  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Just skip threads like these if you don't like it. How hard is that to do?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Nope. The person I quoted said it was annoying and irritating. Why go into threads that bother you so much? I skip threads I dislike.. 🤷‍♂️

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    This was much needed, thank you for jumping in and calming the crowd down.

    Anyways, what do you think about Springtrap?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    Any chance of merging them since so many have been made in last couple days? The multiple posts are really what starts to frustrate people because it starts clogging up the pages.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,025
    edited August 2021

    Some threads are locked and no longer able to be commented on, but if the need arises in the future, we will look into doing so.

    I'm afraid my familiarity with the character is a bit limited (only played FNAF 1 many years back), but I always enjoy hearing people's ideas for the game (whether its any kind of character including popular characters, their ideas for random perks, events, cool thoughts for maps, etc)!

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    Thank you for considering merging the repetitive posts in future. Other suggestion would be a chapter request/prediction section for those types of posts but figured merging posts is easier. 😁

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I had no clue who Springtrap was - I have never played FNaF. I did watch a few streams on it for a little bit.

    As for bringing Springtrap to DBD - Meh. If that were a DLC for DBD - it would be the first one I do not own. I would simply buy the survivor and not the DLC as it does not look like a killer I would want to even try. I honestly don't think that the next chapter will be a licensed character - call it a hunch.

    I would rather see an old school "monster" such as a Werewolf, Dracula, or Frankenstein. If I had my wish for a licensed character it would be either Pinhead or a Xenomorph.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2021

    That's great to hear (that you're at least familiar with the game), I played pretty much the whole series because I'm a huge fan of horror genre. Dead by Daylight is kinda like a Mashup of all horror, having another iconic character would make DBD more diverse and attractive to more players. Hopefully, if it ever happens, the developers should add Springtrap from FNAF — that would be so cool!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I dont really see the issue with indoor maps, certain killers are terrible on indoor maps, but other killers are great on it. Then compare them to open map, and killers that thrive on indoor maps suddenly become quite terrible and killers that are terrible on indoor maps suddenly become quite good. Indoor maps arent the problem as chases on both sides are pretty similar anyway. It's the lack of patrolability that makes indoor maps a bit hard. My point is, people hate on indoor maps because popular players who tend to play killers who thrive on open maps call indoor maps terrible. RPD is as problematic for killers as Shelter Woods is for survivors.

    And yeah, I agree, you can make any power sound lame, that doesnt mean they are actually bad powers. Trickster had a bit of an issue where he couldnt really use Main Event well, and 8 knives basekit was slightly too much for a chase to end. I actually think 7 blade trickster basekit with a main event buff would have been perfect. I think 6 blade trickster is a bit too oppressive considering he can bypass things like BT and DS as a basekit(sure, DS is a 5 second stun, but he actually can down you again from a distance before you can reach a loop. Even Bubba needs to catch up with DS). Essentially, none of the killers bypass both DS and BT, they have to wait out or eat at least one of them. Having a killer that can bypass both is a bit problematic. PH used to be able to bypass both by camping the cages, and they nerfed that because it was too powerful. I think Trickster might even be re-adjusted within 3 months where he would be more like Plague, giving survivors a 3 second invulnerability to be hit by projectiles after a damage state is dealt. People constantly downplay abilities they dont like because it's either a skill they dont like to develop themselves(sure, go ahead, there is 24 killers, you dont NEED to play all of them, nor are you expected to play them well), or because it requires a strategy they dont think is good, because such strategies arent good on killers they already play.

    So yeah, some killer mains will always be hating, because they dont want to learn any killer that requires them to think outside of the box. They just want killers that are powerful in 1v1 AND in 1v4 and then claim all survivors who cant keep up are bad, even though the only way for survivors to keep up with killers like that is near perfect communications(and guess which players also tend to complain that 3rd party comms is cheating? Cant have it both).

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Springtrap would be a great fit, and they don't deserve the negativity they get upon being brought up in relation to dbd.

    It's understandable to dislike the idea because of the amount of times it's brought up, or personal experiences with it's fanbase, but you can't really deny it's popularity and impact it had. Too many people dismiss the games because "big youtuber played it and kids like it", when the actual games are good all things considered.

    If someone dislikes FNAF and doesn't want it in dbd, that's fair, everyone has likes and dislikes. Just don't try and gatekeep, and if you're gonna disagree, be respectful at least.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, let me say this: I care for about Springtrap or Candyman being in DBD or not (i never played FnaF, and while i saw the first Candyman movie, i really didn´t think of it as iconic). However, the threads and posts i see about Candyman are in no way near the amount of threads i see for springtrap, which get so annoying that i dont want him in the game because of the picture i get about his supporters, and thus, indirectly, springtrap.

    And thats the statement and perception of someone not really involved in the discussion, unlike you.