ETA on the MMR?

It's been what, 3 years now? getting REAL ######### sick of red rank sweat squads when I'm trying to learn a new killer. Surely it's not THAT hard to just write some code saying "If color>=player, then don't put into lobby". Yes, queues would be longer, but the only people who would complain are the red ranks who want to bully inexperienced players on either side.
They are trying to find a way of doing it where it doesn't put the sweat squads in a 30 minute queue and reveal the true balance problems in the game.
Dowsey had a 2 hour wait time on his twins after a 800 win streak and had to be sniped by a comp squad to get a game, while in the most recent test he had almost no wait time. This means they have already put a cap on the mmr making it somewhat useless.
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They should just rework the ranking system and ways to get pips.... it would be easyer and just as good if not better
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Removing the safety pip would do wonders.
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I would also welcome a band aid solution, i don't think there will ever be a good working MMR for everyone. If the ranks would have actual meaning it would fix some of the problems. One way would be changing the rank reset. Another would change the matchmaking so you can only matchup with people +/-4 of your rank or something like that. At least for 5 minutes, then it can gradually widen the pool.
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When they add it, I hope it's a separate mode from what we have. Not a big fan of MMR, and I enjoy how chaotic current matchmaking is.
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Hopefully never
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Very soon
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There's absolutely no way to do this. If people wanna comp sweat, then let them comp sweat and deal with the consequences of pushing the game to it's limits. There's no reason to punish the rest of the player base because the comp players wanna treat pub games like it's a tourney when the game clearly isn't balanced for it
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Probably in about 5 years, seeing how slow they are working on this game.
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Not soon enough for the ######### matchmaking that is in the game at present.
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given that all 3 of the tests were complete messes, i'd say hopefully never
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The last one wasn't a mess. It worked pretty well.
Those who didn't like it are generally those with artificially increased ranks. Went against a rank 4 killer who was more on our skill level of 12 and 13 and not a rank 4 killer.
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I dunno, I'm a boosted killer and I'm pro-MMR
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no i'd say it was a mess, all i got were survivors that had literally just installed the game regardless of what role i was playing
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I'm pro-MMR because of its individual killer rank aspect. Current system would be fine for me if it had individual rank for each killer too.
I just want to learn killers like Nurse, Billy and deathslinger against opponents of corresponding skill level, not usual red rank swf's.
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Nah, more like 2043 at the pace they’ve been going.
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We aren't getting one. And if we get another test run, everyone will just show the pics of their rank 18 smurf account getting matched verse red ranks and cry how mmr sucks.
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I was going against rank 20s as a rank 1, it wasn’t fabricated.
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I generally find that those who didn't enjoy the last SBMM test also were those who complain about one side being OP constantly on the forums (ie. Boosted players/mains on both sides).
The last SBMM:
Matches lasted longer.
I didn't have one blowout match as killer or survivor. (Not one match did a killer get a 0k and not one match were all 4 survivors killed before 2 gens were completed). *There were two killer matches where the killer was AFK - I did not include these in the results stats because I also do not put those in my normal statistics.
Scores were up nearly 25% overall in the matches I played for survivors - killers were only up around 7% BUT they were also already high to begin with.
There was almost no increase in wait times for either role when I played.
Disconnects were down slightly from the previous week.
The problem with the SBMM test relative to the forums were the idiots who didn't understand that rank was irrelevant during the test. People complained about facing red rank killers in green ranks and being paired with people of various ranks... I just facepalmed at most of the negative feedback as it was largely "supported" by citing ranks. Stares. Thankfully with something like SBMM the data will speak for itself instead of the biased forum mains who were mad they didn't get to continue to play their boosted survivor/killers.
I hope we see SBMM by the end of 2021 or by the beginning of 2022.
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HEY so was i, when i played killers i never used :D
Not hard to fabricate.
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I'm sure some were real.
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At this point I've all been given up on the MMR. BHVR has been touting this for years with nothing to show for it. Every once in a blue moon they'll turn it on only to turn it right back off for months. At this point I don't think there's any way to properly balance a 4v1 game. Either the Killer is going to get wrecked, or the survivors are. I don't see there being a fair middle ground.
There was supposed to be an offline bot mode, but for some reason that never happened. I think that would be a better way to allow newer players to practice because matchmaking in its current state doesn't help in any way.
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It amazes me how people don't understand SBMM at all. Of course if you never played a killer you are going to face - new survivors who have never faced that killer or who did and did poorly. It is LITERALLY what killers have been asking for for YEARS - to not play a new killer and face survivors at your current main killer rank. Shakes head.
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That's literally how the MMR is supposed to work, when you play a new killer you're supposed to get low-skill survivors. BHVR literally said it during the first test