Survivor Perk Idea - Anti-Camp
A new survivor perk:
During Struggle Phase, removes the need to press skill checks and pauses the hook timer when the killer is within x/x/x meters from you for maximum of 30 seconds. Other survivors are notified when your perk is activated.
Not a strong perk, but it would punish killers camping a hooked survivor if they had to wait a lot longer than usual while other survivors are free to roam around.
No. Any idea where the killer is punished for being within X meters of a hook for too long is simply never going to work.
The devs already tried it, and survivors abused it by looping around the hook.
The best way to combat camping is to make more perks like BBQ.
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What OP suggested is not even remotely similar to what the devs tried out.
OP's idea is basically another version of Camaraderie, which is not a problematic perk/effect in the slightest.
The only thing I could criticize is that band-aid'ing design flaws with perks is still another design flaw. But it's DbD after all.
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That's Camaraderie without the requirement of having another survivor nearby.