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David King Fight club collection missing hand wraps

DarkJokerOfAmuro Member Posts: 86
edited August 2021 in Bug Reporting

sorry to post another dbd cosmetic bug or complaint about him After the graphic reworks but i feel like this should be really looked into. Before the rework Davids' Fight club Collection all had Hand wraps that were mentioned in the description like these here.

but then after the rework All hand wraps from the outfits have been removed, though the shirtless variant may still have it.

The outfits, while still good, but also at the same time lack the charm they once had for accessorizing David and giving him a more rugged look, especially with the red hand wraps sort of being iconic in a way. Can we please fix get all the handwraps back for David cause i dont see why these would be removed in anyway as part of a conscious decision for its part of his character.

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