Can we please let Myers' Tombstone addons work on people who are downed?

Honestly never really cared about these addons until i started going for the achievement again on PC.
I was lucky to get it when Michael was first released on Xbox in 2018, but now even if you do manage to get to T3 and the game isn't over somehow, survivors will actively make sure that you will NEVER get the achievement by hopping in lockers.
Like, I understand that people don't want to die, and if the game is still going then fine it's what you do to win. But people will do this even if they are the last survivor! They already lost, but seemingly want to make sure that they face another Myers in the future who is going for this stupid achievement.
If you could just mori people on the floor it would at least make this achievement attainable in red ranks. Idc if they remove the purple tombstone as long as I can get this achievement crossed off it is bugging me so much.
God no
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Should never be able to do that
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So how do you suggest anyone earn this achievement legitimately in 2021?
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Unfortunately yes. They can't change the trophy but if they changed the add-on it would be broken.
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Even if they change the add-on, as OP said I guarantee every match at least one person will DC/not let themselves die this way out of spite, once they realize the killer is going for the achievement.
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How is it different now?
I have done it month ago...
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Congratulations! It's not different now. I'm very surprised no one BM'd you.
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Last one tried to go into locker, I just waited for 20 minutes before he got tired of it.
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See? And if he had a big brain, he coulda DC'd and been through his next match in that amount of time (assuming no recent DCs prior).
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Well, some achievements should be hard. Survivor's achievement Left for Dead is even harder imo.
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Sure, but there's a fine line between hard and practically unobtainable without farming. Those two achievements are way different to get today then when they were released. I got them long ago. Left For Dead for me happened to be during a Nurse match on old Wretched Shop with far gates. Nothing like that is ever going to happen again.
I like to earn my achievements legitimately. I have actually relocked achievements that were handed to me to go back and actually earn them.
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I do think this is a fair request. All it takes for someone to deny the achievement is go to the locker... and this achievement isn't easy to get even without it (At least against non brown survivors).
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Unfortunately that's the problem with the achievement. From what I've heard the devs can't change achievements in games.
It's why the key rework will unfortunately still have some sort of way that all 4 survivors can escape through it. I'd like the hatch to only spawn when there's 1 survivor left but that's impossible.
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So you want to buff addons to help you get your achievement?
It's a game, things have counters, you'll get it eventually.
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If you want the achievement that badly then your best chance is to depip. Its very hard to get it in high ranks as most survivors will just jump into a locker once they realize you have tombstone.
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Change the achievement or get rid of it. It's a crap design of an achievement.
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Just delete the stupid add-on, then they'll have to change the achievement.