How would you feel about Pumpkin Head as a killer?

It's Sunday after, I feel like trash but I gotta clean later, so I decided to play a classic horror movie while I wait till I feel better to start.
As I was surfing, I found a movie I haven't watched in a long time.
Pumpkin Head.
The nostalgia is surreal. I know Pumpkin Head isn't as popular as some of our other cast members, Freddy, Michael, Pig, Leatherface, etc. But, it's a really nice cheesy (the good kind) of horror slasher to sit down and watch.
Like I said, it isn't as popular so the chances are pretty slim. But, besides that. Would you think that they would be an interesting cast member? I know a good portion of people want original killers and I don't blame them for wanting that, we get some interesting concepts for original killers, Twins, Deathslinger, Oni, etc. They got some fun ideas.
Though, I know a lot of us are also craving more monster killers and I think Pumpkin Head would be a very good choice.
I know a lot of concern comes from its height and posture, but looking at the creature it appears to be ever so slightly taller than Trapper, maybe on par of Plague holding her vomit and for it's posture it's pretty similar to Demogorgon. It stands bipedal like Demo and it also has a hunch.
Now that's just for the original Pumpkin Head, as for the power.... that might be a little tricky to come up with, but maybe a stealth killer? For a massive hulking demon, it can be rather quiet in a decent amount of scenes. Or it could be a relentless chaser.
I don't know, what do you think?
I'll be down for it. Loved the Pumpkin Head movies including Blood angel or whatever it's called. Know the title had the word Blood and something about Wings.
maybe too Leprechaun.....I love the little rascal. Just hear "I Want ME GOLD" in the distance.
Also Slenderman which lot of people know is my go-to dream killer lol
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I noticed haha, you've been bringing in the wave of alwnderman as a killer concept. We'd probably get Slender man from the Slender man movie
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I just hope its Slenderman from Slender the Arrival and just have the Sony version as an ultra-rare skin.
Would rather have the arrival design as a default skin since its more iconic and having Sony version as default is.....weird since no one really liked the movie or remembers it.
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That's fair, but that's the only thing I can see that allows them to be put in. But.... then again, weren't they public domain?
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Thrilled! I love Pumpkinhead and think he’d fit really well in DbD, plus we need more monster killers.
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Well......situation is sorta mixed really.
The Creator Eric owns Slenderman but Mythology Entertainment bought him though said Eric helped a bit to make the movie.
So unsure if Mythology Entertainment owns him, if Eric owns him, or its just both.
They could ask Mythology Entertainment and then if they get the OK they would go to Blue Isle Studios who made Slender the arrival for use of the character model.
Another option is just to make a better redesign then Sony if they get the license like Noah summers version of Slenderman which is more fateful of the original design but more creepy and has a Victorian folktale vibe
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Indeed he would, an unstoppable monster that kills anything in its path.
Its like if Xenomorph and Demogorgon was combined with a bit of hell fire.
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I like sleepy hollow so yeah 🎃 head would be cool. Surely should be released on Halloween or just have him be a seasonal killer 😅
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They would possibly be the tallest killer on the roster, maybe the same as Nemesis or just a smidge.
I would personally be in favor if we get that look for them instead of the 2013 game.
But, yeah. I guess bhvr would have to reach out to Eric, makes me wonder what the power would even be
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I would love to see them added, the Headless Horseman would also be a cool choice, but a little strange for flashlight saves....
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If that's the case ask for original Sleepy hollow Headless Horseman chapter.
Or just go to the Headless Horseman from Sleepy hollow TV show.
Or just both Headless Horseman and Pumpkin head for a Halloween special DLC
Maybe same height as Nemesis since both have almost the same height. Also pretty sure devs could think of a power since you got Teleportation, tentacles, 8 pages, madness/illusion, Electronic/machine interference, and the master level of stealth.
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As fun as madness would be, I'd rather not reach out for it unless it's changed slightly. Like Michael/Ghostface if that makes sense.
They'd have to find a way to make it slightly different.
I'm more curious of their walk cycle
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Madness would probably be changed since would just be stolen Doctor power. Probably a stealth/aggressive killer that can somehow teleport or vanish, then reappear by a survivor in fast motion, but also use 8 pages and his tentacles.
The walk cycle will most likely look like this