Does anyone else dodge lobbies with multiple console players?

I say this as a console player, but I usually leave a lobby with more than one other console player. Just from experience, console players typically die two seconds into the match, throw pallets instantly, refuse to do gens, etc.
This is even more true for default/free outfits Megs for example, and I usually would rather wait for another lobby than deal with that.
That's basically my experience with PC players and one reason why I don't have Crossplay on.
So no.
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No, and everything you said about how they play is utter BS unless you're talking about rank 20's.
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It depends. I’m more likely to dodge people who look like they were probably boosted to ranks they shouldn’t be at than console in particular. If I see more than one of like default Feng, bob haircut Meg, basic Jake, default David, all dark clothing Claudette, etc. then I’m at the point where I usually dodge because 9/10 times they spend most of the match crouching around for no reason and playing super scared of the killer.
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No, never for this reason. Que times just take too long to do stuff like this.
Plus if I'm playing solo q, I expect everyone to usually be trash so I just don't care to dodge.
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Xbox player here it usually depends on how their usernames are if it's clearly a username of someone who's like 10 years old yeah I'm dodging
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How do you know if they are console or not if you too are on console?
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If they’re on PlayStation you can tell, can’t for Xbox or switch though
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Nope, not at all, red rank console players act like rank 20s. I had 3 games today where a console player went down in chase in 10 seconds and instantly dced.
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Nope, this is a regular occurrence at red ranks.
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Because the rank up requirements are not demanding at all until red ranks. The gap between purple and red is massive for pipping.
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I do that when I get like 10 games of just console players in a row and I get really frustrated.
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And you are also in Red Ranks on Console?
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By your own logic, you must be terrible at the game since you know, you're a console player. Maybe you need to focuse more on improving your own skills.
I notice really no difference between either console or PC players at any ranks. They all have their share of boosted red rank players. Players that suck in chase but due to playing primarily in a SWF group and loading up on 2nd chance perks they get carried to red ranks.
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I really hope this narrative dies, considering I play on the Series X and I regularly outplay other console players and these apparently flawless PC players. There’s no correlation between lack of skill and platform, the only tendency noticeable for console players is the lack of ability to 360 and moonwalking mid-chase as a survivor.
I have DBD on my PC but there’s no cross progression which forces me to use the version with more progress which is Xbox. I have some shxtty games where I underperform and get rolled, but I never knew this was exclusive to console. Players are boosted or bad on all platforms, console racism is a trash mindset to have especially on a casual party game
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Obviously or I wouldn’t be complaining about red rank survivors
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It’s extremely easy to stay in rank 5/4 limbo.
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There’s definitely a difference, better performance and I’d wager PC players have a higher avg age which will have an impact.
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I'm tired of hearing this #########. There's no difference between console and pc. There are bad players on both sides. The rank system allows even the dumbest of players in red ranks.
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I generally try not to discriminate against people on the basis of the platform they play on.
I also don't see the value in segregating myself from faster queue times and a player base with more variety.
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So you obviously think yourself better than them, right?
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Its kind of judge-y tbh. I'm on console and am usually one of the last people alive. I'm altruistic, objective and am not afraid to get into chases. I run Elodie with her Christmas sweater.
Build is usually BT/Q&Q/Lithe/WHLF or We'll Make It
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Die as in go down, which puts the team at a massive disadvantage. Especially if they dc after
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I can last more than 10 seconds in a chase, so yeah. Low bar
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You realize they probably think the exact same as you, right?
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I wouldn’t count against an Elodie, they’re usually good. It’s just the Meg/Claudette console players for the most part I avoid, other than some cosmetics.
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They can if they want, makes no difference to me at all. I play Yun-Jin, Quentin, Jake so likely avoid negative assumptions.
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This topic was certainly revealing, that's for sure.
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You don't think XxForniteFunniesxX can't carry?
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You are literally intentionally trying to make me look bad, and it’s quite disgusting. Where did I say it was about going down first? The issue is going down in the first 10 seconds, then instantly dcing and dooming your teammates. I had said in this thread this had happened 3 times to me today, and it’s happened twice since in a row.
Thanks for calling me a liar though, yet another person on here who has no idea how to show any respect to the people they’re talking to.
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I don't really think it matters who you play.
Survivors are just skins anyway.
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It doesn’t on paper, but if I see a console default Meg with a stupid name, I’m dodging, it’s not worth the pain.
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But I never said anything about going down first, that’s not the point. If someone has a decent chase then goes down, that’s great. But it’s not fair for those of us who want a decent game, only for default Meg to die instantly, dc and then we have to 3v1 a killer who almost certainly will still be sweating.
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Never said all of them are bad, simply that it’s not worth the risk if there’s multiple of them. My first priority is my own well-being, and I don’t want to get in a bad mood because I have heaps of dcs.
I don’t need to see it from their PoV, it works for me, nobody is entitled to be played with.
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OP didn’t say anything bad about people going down first though, they complained about people going down in an extremely short time and then disconnecting or suiciding on hook. Two very different complaints.
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wouldnt bother me at all
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How are you going to talk down to console players when you are one? I highly doubt that you're much better than them.
Are you trying to get some kind of validation from PC players?
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I don’t dodge but I know exactly what you mean.
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I'm on PS4, and the only time I will dodge other console players is if I am playing killer and the 4 survivors are all playstation. This usually means they are a full or close to full swf, and sometimes I just do not want to deal with that. This is still very rare for me though as I will usually just play it out and murder them all.
Also, I usually get a lot of salty messages after games with 4 other playstation people so sometimes I will play it out just to see how creative they can be.
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Me, they DC more often too.
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How do you determine that they are pc players?
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You're a console player though? How do you tell another player is a PC player? You see the crossplay icon, but you see it for other console players too iirc.
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I dodge all the lobbies. Literally every single one of them. I have 4 000 hours in this game and I've dodged 35 436 lobbies and counting.
You cannot stop me.
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Oh, you can just tell by how bad they play.
If it wasn't clear, I was mocking people who claim that Console players (or PC) are bad at the game and they just know where they play.
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No! Console players are very good and I view them as my brothers!
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No we don't because we don't judge people's skills by their playing console/pc etc and idk about ur experience but I had a lot worse with pc players and on other hand I had better it depends which players u get it's all luck
Also you cant know what platform others use just because they have global icon doesn't mean they are pc
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I am so tired of this PC versus console argument. There are bad players on both sides. Personally I prefer to play with other console players. I'm on PS5, and right now I like to play with other PlayStation players simply because things like hacking, stretched resolution, mods, etc, is something that I don't have to concern myself with when playing against other console players.
Once you've come across a hacker, it pretty much spoils any and all fun that can be had in DBD. The fact that hacking runs as a rampant as it does too on PC is simply astounding.
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I've only seen it a couple of times but my favourite thing is when a survivor starts ranting in postgame chat about their stupid console teammates and the stupid console teammates start arguing back because they're actually one of the rare stadia or windows store users 😂 I wish it happened more often
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I don't dodge lobbies, but if you ask which I prefer. I prefer lobbies of mostly console players if not all console players, because I won't get heat at the end of the match win or lose.
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I play Solo on PS4, usually main Bill. I'm the type that will stay to the bitter end, and attempt to leave no team mate behind. End Game collapse with 60 seconds left? I gotcha. I'll try.
I'm also used to saving people all game, healing everyone when possible, cleansing the Devour Totems/NOED in dire situations, Only to die on my first hook while I watch all my healthy team mates leave me through the Exit gate.
It's unrelated to console/PC, it's a selfishness issue that permeates the playerbase.
I can't wait until September when the kiddies are back in school lol.
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Without a system that specifies which platform players in your matches are using, what are you basing the average skill of PC players on to have the ability to confidently assume low-skilled players are on PC? Or is that the part that you were mocking and you don't actually mean that?