Autodidact should increase skill checks

Maybe add a line to the description like “guarantees at least 1 skill check every 6/5/4 seconds”.

I think this simple change would very effectively bring this perk out of the junk heap.


  • Dr_Gaster
    Dr_Gaster Member Posts: 243

    Simple changes such as this are often the best way to improve something.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    That'd make the perk too strong, IMO.

    I'd give it the following: When healing another survivor without a medkit for three seconds, press the active ability key to set skill check chance to 100% for one second. 30 second cooldown.

    Guarantees a minimum baseline. Might even need a 20 second cooldown, but that's specifics.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    It is currently a high risk/moderate to low reward perk. It needs to either be buffed or have the skill check chance increased to reduce risk. I would favor something like the offerings that increase skill check chance but a certain percentage; maybe like 50% extra chance.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2021

    Or, rather... Autodidact needs its shadow-nerf removed (same with Stakeout).

    Currently, if I have Autodidact equipped, I get less skill checks while healing.

    If I have Stakeout equipped, I get less skill checks while repairing.


    At least a simple fix for Stakeout is to have the perk spawn a skill check if you have reached max stacks and are currently repairing a gen. Not sure how to apply that to Autodidact.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    but then which perk trigger if you press the Activate Ability button while healing? Autodidact, For the People, or both?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    Both, which means you don't get the skillcheck. Just don't run the two together, they counteract one another from the get-go anyway.

    Similar to how Sprint Burst and Lithe don't work, because fast vaulting forces SB to trigger, cancelling out Lithe.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    Yeah, Autodidact needs some kind of buff, but I dont think that a flat-out increase in Skill Checks is the correct way. Because Autodidact is really strong with 5 Tokens, especially since it basically ignores Slowdown-Perks like Sloppy Butcher (or anything else which applies Mangled). However, there is nothing more frustrating than running Autodidact and not getting any Skill Checks at all or maybe one, which is just a big penalty.

    Maybe, the Skill Checks can be more dynamic - while getting Tokens, the Skill Check Odds are increased a lot and decrease until they reach 5 Tokens. Lets say, 200% chance of a Skill Check with 0 Tokens, 150% with 1 Token, 100% with 2 Token, 50% with 3 Token and 25% with 4 Token. Once 5 Tokens are reached, the Skill Check Odds return to normal (so 100%).

    This would mean that the first Skill Checks are really easy to get and the later Skill Checks which make the Perk really strong are harder to get.

    This is just a rough idea without much thought and I just threw together some numbers.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    One thing I want to correct you on:

    Because Autodidact is really strong with 5 Tokens

    That I disagree with, because We'll Make It achieves surprisingly similar output with far, far less set-up. Autodidact only affects healing and forbids the use of a med-kit to boost itself, which actually makes Autodidact's competition with perks like Botany and Desperate Measures far more level than it might initially appear.

    In regards to your idea: While it is overall a pretty solid idea, the issue is that it would retain the issue once you hit max stacks. It'll still suffer most of the same old issues if you have a really solid chance of just not getting to proc the max stack Autodidact. Getting it all the way up to 5 and then never getting another skill check will pretty much put us back to where we started in regards to this issue.