What is the counterplay for flashbangs?

I was carrying a survivor to a hook and another survivor dropped a flashbang. I looked straight up because I thought they worked like firecrackers, but I was blinded anyway and the survivor was rescued.
How should I try to outplay going forward?
Look up GG
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Lol, did you even read what I wrote?
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You can walk backwards. You only need to look in the opposite direction until you hear the explosion.
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look up
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I look in opposite direction. Has always worked for me. Been successfully flashed twice but not carrying at the time.
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Either keep trying to look up when you hear it, or try and look away and go around it. Lightborn works too.
They are pretty annoying, since when you look up, sometimes it will snap your camera back to normal.
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Clearly, he was too busy looking upwards.
On a serious note, you gotta keep in mind what Survivors have in their hands, so that you don't slap a flashbang carrier on your way to the hook. Otherwise, take a step back and look upwards, away from it. There seems to be a tiny AoE where you get blinded regardless of what you do, but with little bit of attention, it's fairly easy to move out of it, as it really is rather small.
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Lightborn is fantastic.
It's even better against flashlights, especially if you pretend you don't have it equipped and turn your face while they try to blind you, letting them think they're just failing the blinds.
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i did, you must not have looked up in time
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I always turn sideways when I look up, because realistically I would never look a flashbang head-on.
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Seems like the consensus I'm hearing is turn your back and walk the other way until the explosion. I'll try that next time and see if it works. Thanks to everyone for the feedback!
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By the sounds of it you did nothing wrong, just DbD being what it is. Seeing as I've seen and have experienced, flashlight blinds happening when the killer has already turned away.
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95% of the time you can just look up to avoid the blind.
however, as you noticed, that doesnt always work. My guess is, that you cant avoid the blind when you are standing right on top of the grenade when it detonates, so try to avoid that the next time?
and btw, yes, the flashbang is literally just a reskin of the firecrackers.
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I've done that and been stunned anyway. Either it's buggy, or that doesn't work.
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I've been stunned looking up as well, just try to back up and look the other way.
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if you're directly on it I dont think looking up works but its got a long fuse time so just be careful not to be directly on it when it goes off or just look away when it blows
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I think it's just buggy. Looking up has very consistently countered flash bangs to me. I do look up immediately upon hearing the sound of the flashbang being dropped so maybe that has something to do with it?
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I really should start doing this.
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I did that as well, still got flashbanged. I've never had any laggy flashlight hit me like that.
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In response to both of your comments, I would be careful trying this against survivors that actually know what they're doing, since they actually get a notification if Lightborn is in play. Once they notice that red icon at the bottom of their screen, they'll immediately stop trying it.
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Looking up does counter it, I did it many times.
You either reacted too late, or you got robbed by latency, because dbd is perfect.
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Look away, or just let the survivor mistime or misplace it. They aren't exactly easy to get.
Plus, they function exactly the same as firecrackers. You might have lagged or not looked up in time.
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The perks icon is also literally just a reskin of Diversion.
Veryyy sus