In regards to the photo

Hello. I've been analyzing this photo for quite awhile.
This infamous photo has started many a debate in saying who they are.
We're gonna ignore the S for now and focus on something in particular.
This photo. To the many Fnaf fans you clearly recognize this photo exceedingly well, but I wish to state something before we continue.
I am ever so slightly bias to Fnaf. I much prefer Candyman in the game, but if fnaf joins the roaster then oh well. It happened.
But, I want to state that I don't think it's Springtrap.
So, in this photo the body is facing towards the left ever so slightly, the "ear" makes this pretty clear, that "ear" is the right ear and it's facing us pretty well.
This is the original Springtrap model. Please note the right ear.
It's incredibly short compared to this original photo.
Now I know the photo is pretty rough so allow me to get a better picture.
Again. It's facing the left slightly, the the right ear is much more prominent. Notice how it's a tad bit long? Not only that, but the left ear is actually the start of a pillar of the disturbed ward's stone fence. In other words: it's just a bird and you can notice it's beak if you zoom in closer.
Does this necessarily meanp it's not Springtrap? No. It still very much could be Springtrap, I just wanted to share some light into this photo.
As for the Candyman picture that a few people including myself noticed.
This made me think this is Candyman, I kept seeing the massive heavy coat, but it's unfortunately another stone pillar with a tree and hook.
If you zoom in, you can see the hook bar, it's strange, but it's extremely similar to the ones on the disturbed ward.
A friend and I reloaded this map several times and we kept getting random spawns to get the exact same spawn as this, unfortunately we never got it, I hope someday someone will, but the closest one we had did have the rock, but no hook or bird.
This could be a unique spawn however.
Now, again. This isn't disproving Springtrap or Candyman, but I wanted to bring attention to this.
Edit: apparently this may have been over looked. It's just birds on a rock.
Its huntress.
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I see on the wall where you can see that rabbit, I see Candyman and it looks like this photo.
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Could it possibly be Robbie the Rabbit skin for Legion? Just... Darkened artificially for some reason? I don't really know why they would do that, but I don't think this is Springtrap either, and I can't think of any other rabbit killers. Unless the original killer is like, the Easter bunny or some #########.
Or, maybe... It's just a cryptic photo and has nothing to do with the next killer. I don't know. The caption was about having a chat with any DbD character, right? It could just be them asking a quirky question to be quirky.
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I completely forgot about her existence, but now that you mention her... Yeah, that looks like Huntress to me. She's got the slight head tilt and everything.
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To be honest, I see a crow on a rock.
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you know, i very highly doubt they would just release a screenshot that is ment as a teaser (the red S) that just happens to have the new killer in the background.
thats like making the Resident Evil teaser trailer with Nemesis hookcamping the Survivor on the hook.
this is either a rock with a crow on it that just happens to look a bit weird, or its a Huntress with Insidious standing there.
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Obviously it's crashed space ship debris, Extraterrestrial killer coming through.
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Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too, but I just wanted to say this because I saw a ridiculous amount of comments talking about that
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it's a crow on a pile of rocks next to a fence.
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Yeah.. that's pretty much the point of this post.