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Killer rant

nemeios Member Posts: 36
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

I'm now rank 7, why is this full of f... ######### survivors, really

I always tried to be kind, I leave without camp, no tunnel, 3 hooks per survivor, AND EVEN WITH THAT they're doing teabagging, like, really? I could 4-kill all of you noob and I let you live.

No more gentle killer, you can all die survivos



  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    I have had a total of two 4ks (for the entire time I have been playing, even in beta...ever) where the survivors only comment was "gg".

    The rest are death threats and told to commit suicide and get cancer etc etcetc no matter how you play.

    Their salty tears are my reward I guess. Now I actually revel in it, knowing how upset they are IRL gives me a sort of bonus satisfaction. Makes the immersion more real! I almost CRAVE it!!!
  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Your trying to kill them and end their game.. Don't expect a cuddle and a reach around after the deed is done

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited October 2018
    Sad thing is you still lose if you pip up and 4k queue times are nightmares for red rank killers. Some survivours arent t-bagging out of disrespect apparently some survivours think its also a way to show respect weird huh. I deal with this problem by writing a list of survivours who pissed me off. I call it a mori list.

    You get on this list by running ds, hatch camping and farming other survivours. Flashlight saves I respect, good pallet looping again I respect. Instas i also respect as it might feel cheap for the killer but its is pretty heroic to see good application of the item on allies to save them. Bt or body blocking dosent even bother me provided you didnt just farm your teammate for benevolence or points. 
  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    I don't t-bag, but I believe if there looking at you and t-bagging it's a sign of respect, and if there back is to you and there t-bagging there being a ass clown but I could be wrong.

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    I only tbag when I'm in a chase so that the killer stays on me, but once the gates are open I leave when everyone else does. I hate people that stay when everyone is gone just to screw with the killer. I used to be a survivor that, every time I got camped or tunneled, would send hate messages to the killer (never death threats though that sucks). As I started playing more killer and understanding the frustration of SWF or toxic survivors, I've stopped sending hate messages because I understand. 

    I think the main issue is that people don't want to play both sides, so it's easier to hate when you cant understand it. In fact, if there is a no kill game, I'll message the killer telling them that it was a tough match and they did really well for the people he/she had to face. I always love the thanks I get from killers from motivating them. I suggest atleast hitting rank 10 with both killer and survivor (rank 5-1 if you have the time) to get a better understanding.

    As to your rant, ya it does suck a lot. Atleast on PS4 they have to individually send you a message instead of an end game chat. Shrug it off and play as you like. If you arent enjoying the game because you're playing with some suppressing rules, play your own way. You'll get hate, but in the end, you killed them!
  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Salty survivors are now my main source of sustenance. I drink up their tears and eat up their hate like cookies. If you really want some salt, get really good with long bomb hatchets. Oh lordy, the stuff I get sent when I down some dummy with a solid hatchet throw lol.

  • Naiad
    Naiad Member Posts: 194

    @Zarathos said:
    Sad thing is you still lose if you pip up and 4k queue times are nightmares for red rank killers. Some survivours arent t-bagging out of disrespect apparently some survivours think its also a way to show respect weird huh.

    First time I've heard that :/
    I have been teabagged before as a thank you, but it's usually really obvious it's that. Though thinking about it they are normally facing me when they do that.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902

    I think toxicity in DBD is a carry over from the immature and over-reactive player mentality in other games. All games have toxic players, even the Sims. Players are just competitive and often times an adult that has the mind of a 14 year old or an actual 14 year old. The internet offers them the anonymity to say something outrageous in an attempt to make themselves feel better, without fear of repercussion. They'll be salty if they don't win, and cocky if they do. My advise, as a survivor main who never teabags is get used to it, don't let it p*ss you off and throw you off your next game. Whether you play fair or not, there will always be idiots teabagging at the entrance, just like I encounter killers who 'beat, hatchet, and tonic me' until death on the hook simply if I ran them around for a bit. And I mean, for a bit. I'm not even a good looper. Also, teabaggers always pay in the end. I've seen many survivors both streamers and otherwise, die at the exit gates because they just couldn't leave until the killer witnessed them spam crouch.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @nemeios said:
    I'm now rank 7, why is this full of f... [BAD WORD] survivors, really

    I always tried to be kind, I leave without camp, no tunnel, 3 hooks per survivor, AND EVEN WITH THAT they're doing teabagging, like, really? I could 4-kill all of you noob and I let you live.

    No more gentle killer, you can all die survivos


    Survivors are done with their flowers, now they dont rely no friendly farming killers anymore.

    Just play like a real killer and get your hooks, tunnel, camp, slugg as you feel the need to :lol: