Kate's Blonde Hair 5.1.1


So the color on Kate's blonde hairstyles changed from the rework release to today's bugfix patch. It seems...dull(?) compared to how it was pre-patch. The changes to this hair were one of the few positive things about Kate's rework and they changed it when no one complained about it? No fix for her face rework that people actually complained about...


  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,331

    This is how it looked on PTB

  • Kinguin22
    Kinguin22 Member Posts: 40

    Bruh every update they're making her worse and worse, they still haven't done ######### to her "Beach Eyes" hair, oh no, now its actually BRIGHTER if you've noticed. They still haven't fixed her face animations while in a match. And i don't get why her "Caribou Beanie Hat" has the blonde hair instead of the original head piece. Poor Kate.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,331

    Right, why did they change the things no one complained about??

    Players: "We hate Kate's face rework, please fix it"

    Devs: "Let's make this hair look worse"...?