
Os assassinos estão muito lentos. Principalmente Michael Myers no nível 1. Não tem como competir.
You're in the English section of the forum. I think you're looking to post your message there:
(I think for the ones who wonder what they were saying, that it is: Myers is slow while in tier 1, no way to compete.)
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I really don't know what to say to you, the killer speed for all the killers is fairly balanced. And you shouldn't go for many chases if you're in tier 1 as Michael, you should be stalking.
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It's funny how he calls killers "assassins". Are stealth killers called "Silent Assassins" over there? I wonder if "Devout" emblem is called "Assassin's Creed" there too.
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Here on Brazil (I'm assuming he's from here due to Portuguese) we don't have specific words to separate killers, murderers or assassins. We basically call everyone "assassinos".
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As far as I know, the word "assassin" was loaned from Arabic where it was a name of a sect called "hashashin" or something like this. So before that sect Portuguese didn't have a word for murderers?
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Well, we actually have "matador", but that's for a certain type of bounty hunter killer. "Homicida" is another one, but that's too specific.
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Por isso que você não tenta dar chase nos survivors com o Myers no nível 1. Até onde eu sei ele fica na mesma velocidade de assassinos como o Trapper a partir do nível 2 e fica mais rápido que os sobreviventes então é completamente possível competir. Outros killers têm a velocidade menor (ex Nurse, Huntress, Trickster, Hag) porque o poder deles tem potencial de compensar.
Most of the people I play with here (in SA servers) actually use the english names for things such as perks and also say "Killer" and "Survivor" instead of the portuguese words for the roles. Official translation for "Killer" is indeed "Assassino", though.