Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Survivors receiving 5 second haste status off hook to prevent tunneling

     These developers need to start fixing toxic survivors and killers. Both are getting upset about things and I very much get both sides as I do play both. I believe that I'm a pretty respectful killer and survivor and it seems like they are doing pretty well fixing things for killer and survivor but there is still one issue for survivors. Tunnelling.
       Killers I understand will go after the same survivor if they have to because they can find the others, but let's face it. It's not fun at all when you did nothing and the killer wants to behave in such a toxic manor. They have a large number of perks to counter so much and that's great, but what's not fair is when the killer wants to chase you down off of the hook when the person isn't running borrowed time and what's worse is how much easier it is for the killer to track you off of hook. They can follow and follow until you're down.
     Now looking at this from a team standpoint this isn't horribly unfair at all, but when you look at how it affects an individual survivor, it's horribly unfair. Especially when they played nice, haven't gen rushed, pallet looped or anything and the killer just wants to tunnel that person to death from the start and they get no bloodpoints because they can't lose the killer cause of their tracking ability. Meanwhile other survivors can work on gens and try to punish the killers, but it's not stopping the survivor from losing out.      Killer can run bloodhound and predator and as long as they're following, you have no choice pretty much just to keep running running running and leaving scratch marks. Bottom line, you're most likely going to get hooked at least once when you're an average player and if that one hook determines the rest of the match for that one player, then just take the other chances out if that's the way it's supposed to be, but since I know it's not, Imma go with a much more fair solution. Give the survivor a 150% haste effect for 5 seconds and make it so that the killer can't hit them straight off of hook and make it so that the survivor doesn't leave scratch marks. Then if the killers want to argue, don't worry, you gave them make your choice so they can throw a survivor on the hook and it still prevents quite a few survivors from suffering as a result of a killers toxic style of play. Encourage use of these perks, encourage gameplay that requires skill from both sides and quit making it so unfair. Killers can still be pallet looped hard and 360 juked over and over. Balance it so that just as easily as the killer can catch you, you can get away.
     Give survivors more to work with and killers more too. It's not fair how much the killers have in their kits just as it's not fair how much theyre pressed for time and you're leaving us with pretty much not a whole lot of choices which is causing more toxic play. Please encourage less toxicity and please as a community, get good and stop being toxic to win.


  • JimTheOrc
    JimTheOrc Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2018

    Borrowed Time and the apparent crappy Chaser emblem that makes you lose BP already does that

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    When you've been hit and the killer can still follow you till you're down with bloodhound and predator. Next arguement please.
  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Wouldn't be that bad of an idea, but if the hook it right next to an exit gate then thasa rip for the killer.

    But borrowed time does that too so i guess it could be good

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    Once again, the exit gates are literally a specific preventable circumstance. Run iron grasp and don't hook em near an exit. Next arguement
  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    what that wasnt an argument

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited October 2018

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    Once again, the exit gates are literally a specific preventable circumstance. Run iron grasp and don't hook em near an exit. Next arguement

    Don't just assume everyone even -has- iron grasp or agitation.

    The easiest thing to do would the haste not activate after the gens are done.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    Once again, the exit gates are literally a specific preventable circumstance. Run iron grasp and don't hook em near an exit. Next arguement

    Don't just assume everyone even -has- iron grasp or agitation.

    The easiest thing to do would the haste not activate after the gens are done.

    Almost everyone runs those perks for event hooks, but when the event passes so does the perKS

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @MyNamePete said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    Once again, the exit gates are literally a specific preventable circumstance. Run iron grasp and don't hook em near an exit. Next arguement

    Don't just assume everyone even -has- iron grasp or agitation.

    The easiest thing to do would the haste not activate after the gens are done.

    Almost everyone runs those perks for event hooks, but when the event passes so does the perKS

    I just don't like plans, any plans, that revolve around having specific perks. The Bloodweb is still governed by RNGesus, after all.

    New people, new killers, or just bad luck might mean someone doesn't have it.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @MyNamePete said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    Once again, the exit gates are literally a specific preventable circumstance. Run iron grasp and don't hook em near an exit. Next arguement

    Don't just assume everyone even -has- iron grasp or agitation.

    The easiest thing to do would the haste not activate after the gens are done.

    Almost everyone runs those perks for event hooks, but when the event passes so does the perKS

    I just don't like plans, any plans, that revolve around having specific perks. The Bloodweb is still governed by RNGesus, after all.

    New people, new killers, or just bad luck might mean someone doesn't have it.

    Yeah makes sense as i dont have dead hard for my dwight as i leveled him past 50 at least 20-30 times. New players would get it easier too as no teachables will interrupt the RNG. Same thing with borrowed time could be said as a counter-argument too.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Sure. Also, generators can't be progressed if they're 10% over the map-wide average generator progression. You know, to prevent tunneling. Because it's "not fun" to go for the more logical target.

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    I see you haven't played a whole lot of survivor either and quite frankly, your arguement sounds like you aren't very good at killer and have survivors escape often, or is it only when you don't tunnel all the survivors to death. You see, this isn't an unreasonable solution as the one you suggested is. It's our objective to complete gens just as your objective is to kill. I have played more than enough killer to know that you don't have to tunnel at all really to kill ppl. I'm not suggesting that the killer not be able to kill them til they go after someone else. All I'm suggesting is that the survivor just have a chance to leave hook. Your suggestion is unfair as it would only allow the survivors to progress gens 30% by the time everyone was dead and would guarentee win for the killer where as what I suggested only guarenteed that survivors get away from the hook.
  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Stopped reading after " I ve been playing nice havent gen rushed etc" lol
    Its in your hands and hands of your teammates to not let killer tunneling why killer shouldnt tunneling when he can do that ? Tunneling benefits killer get good

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    I never saidI haven't gen rushed, you took that out of context. I said it isn't fair to be tunnelled when you haven't gen rushed. The reason I worded it that way is so that you don't get the idea that you just got. I was stating when you haven't done anything at all to get bloodpoints other than be chased and be unsuccessful in escaping before you received a hook. So go ahead, next arguement please. I have 100s of answers for every one you can think of for your toxic choice of strategy that is making this game not fun for survivors. How about you get good instead?
  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    I never saidI haven't gen rushed, you took that out of context. I said it isn't fair to be tunnelled when you haven't gen rushed. The reason I worded it that way is so that you don't get the idea that you just got. I was stating when you haven't done anything at all to get bloodpoints other than be chased and be unsuccessful in escaping before you received a hook. So go ahead, next arguement please. I have 100s of answers for every one you can think of for your toxic choice of strategy that is making this game not fun for survivors. How about you get good instead?

    lol killer suppose to read your mind to know whether you just trolling or playing game intented way? Next

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    Don't care
    Tunnelling isn't fair and to be quite honest. It's not even about whether the survivor was toxic or not. This isn't unreasonable and you guys are acting like it's crucial to a victory when for a survivor having an opportunity to run away from the hook and not instantly be chased until killed is. So your next arguement. Get good if this is the only possible way you can win.
  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148
    edited October 2018

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    Don't care
    Tunnelling isn't fair and to be quite honest. It's not even about whether the survivor was toxic or not. This isn't unreasonable and you guys are acting like it's crucial to a victory when for a survivor having an opportunity to run away from the hook and not instantly be chased until killed is. So your next arguement. Get good if this is the only possible way you can win.

    Point is you can prevent tunneling by juking killer. It's the part of a game and its assymetrical horror game with one side contaiting one strong char and the other containing weak characters but more than one

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    What about unhook smarter? I know, using brain power to play survivor, kinda weird
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I agree that tunneling is not needed, but it is effective at cutting a team down quickly. If this happens to you, it sucks, but I blame it on survivor actions. I'm talking about those cocky survivors that run up and taunt a killer. If I found someone that isn't a pro looper and hook them, why should I shift my focus to the guy that wants to waste my time? It makes more sense to pull back, let the save happen and eliminate the weak link first. If I'm gonna spend time in a loop, let it be in the end game where gen progression doesn't change the pacing. I don't tunnel but I do ignore anybody that wants the chase till the last 3 gens.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    As if invulnerability, bodyblocking, BT and instant exhaustion recovery wasnt enough

    Some survivors..... I tell ya

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Malakir said:
    What about unhook smarter? I know, using brain power to play survivor, kinda weird

    But using the brain.... it hurts....

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Trapper mains would quit the game.
  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    No they wouldn't.
    If you literally can't win without tunnelling then maybe you should get better. I don't tunnel or camp unless there is no other option because I know how it is affecting that individual player. The others may escape but that individual doesn't receive anything for that when all they did was be the first found which 90% of the time, somebody is gonna be found, so it shouldn't be so punishing to receive 1 hook. But your arguement that all trappers would quit, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of wraiths cause they're the ones with the tunnelling build which I believe just needs to be reworked cause it's not fair to be tunnelled.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    No they wouldn't.
    If you literally can't win without tunnelling then maybe you should get better. I don't tunnel or camp unless there is no other option because I know how it is affecting that individual player. The others may escape but that individual doesn't receive anything for that when all they did was be the first found which 90% of the time, somebody is gonna be found, so it shouldn't be so punishing to receive 1 hook. But your arguement that all trappers would quit, I'm pretty sure you're thinking of wraiths cause they're the ones with the tunnelling build which I believe just needs to be reworked cause it's not fair to be tunnelled.
    I can say the same
    "If you can't win avoiding to unhook in front of the killer or can't hide, get good"

    Idk why there is a double thread about this. Im lazy to copy paste my answer from there but you got it