IS IT SpRIngTRAp??? 😱😱
ANOES and Saw.
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Yep - Leatherface, Freddy and Pig were released in that order one after the other. And more recently, Ghostface and then Demo.
How is it annoying? No one is forcing you to read any threads. Stop reading ones about Springtrap and making yourself annoyed. Besides, now is the time where you should EXPECT Springtrap speculation because the hints BHVR are giving out could actually be referring to a FNAF chapter. I don't see how it's any different to the million threads about "nerf Spirit, nerf SWF, the grind sucks, etc"
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You are missing the point entirely.
If every FNAF thread was in one thread, I could ignore it without 40 'OMG SPRINGTRAP!' and 'It'S sPrInGtRaP!' and 'FNAF CHAPTER!' taking up every other posting on the front of the forum.
It's spammy and annoying instead of being considerate and located in one post.
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Omg Springtrap!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's my ######### parody of omg Neil Cicieraga
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If these are actually hints then I don't think the killer will be licensed at all. Devs have a bit of a trend between licensed and original killers. For every licensed chapter there are no hints before hand, we know a killer is coming but we don't know who until the trailer drops or it appears on the other end like Resident Evil.
When it comes to original killers it's always little bread crumbs and hints dropped here and there. Like the bottle of tonic being the only thing we see before ever knowing it was clown. Behavior might not even be allowed to legally give any hints for a licensed chapter.
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Then what about the million other threads about nerfing x killer or balance of x map? People just like to pick and choose what they don't like and Springtrap is one of them. I honestly hope they do add him in spite of everyone who hates on the idea just for sake of hating on it.
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This is false, actually. Saw had this picture of a bajillion screens. ANOES had the pipe with DbD’s logo. Leatherface had the whole “what’s your mask made out of?” thing.
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Imagine picking a robotic bunny rabbit over say Dracula .....
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What if it's Spirngtrap just so they can be a Legendary skin be Naughty Bear? It would work really well and with the Anniversary Naughty Bear charm they haven't forgotten it's existance
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Why not just make a Naughty Bear chapter instead since it's their own game.
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Title correction.
'Is It SpRiNgTrAp? 😱😱😱'
You know, gotta emphasise the wonkiness of the sentiment a little ;)
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It just wouldn't work well unless the lore is a Mascot similar the Robbie skins for Legion
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I'm sure they could make their own killer bear have lore that works in DBD. Being their own license they'd have the freedom to write a lore that fits.
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One can dream. I'd love a vampire, Dracula or an original character.
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Because people are passionate about things they like, you really think that's a bad thing?
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If they really want to add fnaf they should wait until Scott and his donations aren't still fresh in everyone's mind. Push it back until people forget Scott was even involved with fnaf - because at that point if he truly handed over all fnaf to someone else and isn't even getting royalties this would no longer be a reason. But if they do it now, or near future, knowing how they need to get license months before release would mean Scott was the one profiting off the license and this particular argument for why fnaf shouldn't be in the game would keep going.
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Please no 2 licenced killers in a row
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You were not around when Freddy, Pig and Bubba released it seems?
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Wait they did? Oh no. Please make a creative killer, don't just copy an existing one with all the possibilities you have T_T
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A licensed killer is not a copy. They still get to create a unique DbD power, just look at Pyramid Head and Freddy, you couldn’t have guessed those powers from the source material..
and if this one turns out to be licensed, the next two will most likely be original creations as BHVR have said they don’t want more licensed than originals released.