Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Survivors receiving 5 second haste status off hook to prevent tunneling

     These developers need to start fixing toxic survivors and killers. Both are getting upset about things and I very much get both sides as I do play both. I believe that I'm a pretty respectful killer and survivor and it seems like they are doing pretty well fixing things for killer and survivor but there is still one issue for survivors. Tunnelling.
       Killers I understand will go after the same survivor if they have to because they can find the others, but let's face it. It's not fun at all when you did nothing and the killer wants to behave in such a toxic manor. They have a large number of perks to counter so much and that's great, but what's not fair is when the killer wants to chase you down off of the hook when the person isn't running borrowed time and what's worse is how much easier it is for the killer to track you off of hook. They can follow and follow until you're down.
     Now looking at this from a team standpoint this isn't horribly unfair at all, but when you look at how it affects an individual survivor, it's horribly unfair. Especially when they played nice, haven't gen rushed, pallet looped or anything and the killer just wants to tunnel that person to death from the start and they get no bloodpoints because they can't lose the killer cause of their tracking ability. Meanwhile other survivors can work on gens and try to punish the killers, but it's not stopping the survivor from losing out.      Killer can run bloodhound and predator and as long as they're following, you have no choice pretty much just to keep running running running and leaving scratch marks. Bottom line, you're most likely going to get hooked at least once when you're an average player and if that one hook determines the rest of the match for that one player, then just take the other chances out if that's the way it's supposed to be, but since I know it's not, Imma go with a much more fair solution. Give the survivor a 150% haste effect for 5 seconds and make it so that the killer can't hit them straight off of hook and make it so that the survivor doesn't leave scratch marks. Then if the killers want to argue, don't worry, you gave them make your choice so they can throw a survivor on the hook and it still prevents quite a few survivors from suffering as a result of a killers toxic style of play. Encourage use of these perks, encourage gameplay that requires skill from both sides and quit making it so unfair. Killers can still be pallet looped hard and 360 juked over and over. Balance it so that just as easily as the killer can catch you, you can get away.
     Give survivors more to work with and killers more too. It's not fair how much the killers have in their kits just as it's not fair how much theyre pressed for time and you're leaving us with pretty much not a whole lot of choices which is causing more toxic play. Please encourage less toxicity and please as a community, get good and stop being toxic to win.


  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
         These developers need to start fixing toxic survivors and killers. Both are getting upset about things and I very much get both sides as I do play both. I believe that I'm a pretty respectful killer and survivor and it seems like they are doing pretty well fixing things for killer and survivor but there is still one issue for survivors. Tunnelling.
           Killers I understand will go after the same survivor if they have to because they can find the others, but let's face it. It's not fun at all when you did nothing and the killer wants to behave in such a toxic manor. They have a large number of perks to counter so much and that's great, but what's not fair is when the killer wants to chase you down off of the hook when the person isn't running borrowed time and what's worse is how much easier it is for the killer to track you off of hook. They can follow and follow until you're down.
         Now looking at this from a team standpoint this isn't horribly unfair at all, but when you look at how it affects an individual survivor, it's horribly unfair. Especially when they played nice, haven't gen rushed, pallet looped or anything and the killer just wants to tunnel that person to death from the start and they get no bloodpoints because they can't lose the killer cause of their tracking ability. Meanwhile other survivors can work on gens and try to punish the killers, but it's not stopping the survivor from losing out.      Killer can run bloodhound and predator and as long as they're following, you have no choice pretty much just to keep running running running and leaving scratch marks. Bottom line, you're most likely going to get hooked at least once when you're an average player and if that one hook determines the rest of the match for that one player, then just take the other chances out if that's the way it's supposed to be, but since I know it's not, Imma go with a much more fair solution. Give the survivor a 150% haste effect for 5 seconds and make it so that the killer can't hit them straight off of hook and make it so that the survivor doesn't leave scratch marks. Then if the killers want to argue, don't worry, you gave them make your choice so they can throw a survivor on the hook and it still prevents quite a few survivors from suffering as a result of a killers toxic style of play. Encourage use of these perks, encourage gameplay that requires skill from both sides and quit making it so unfair. Killers can still be pallet looped hard and 360 juked over and over. Balance it so that just as easily as the killer can catch you, you can get away.
         Give survivors more to work with and killers more too. It's not fair how much the killers have in their kits just as it's not fair how much theyre pressed for time and you're leaving us with pretty much not a whole lot of choices which is causing more toxic play. Please encourage less toxicity and please as a community, get good and stop being toxic to win.
    Do you realize how OP a free Adrenaline after every unhook would be?
  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    Its a haste, not an adrenaline for one. For 2 it wouldn't be op because it would only be for allowing the survivor a free chance to get away from the hook at least and area. Mainly cause of doctors who like to tunnel you off of hook in madness 3 to death from the start of the game. I never said they get healed instantly. Adrenaline heals you. If anything, it's a free sprint burst which every survivor who runs that get it. It just doesn't leave scratch marks to make it harder to track you straight down after you just got off of hook cause of wraith's bloodhound and predator perk.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


    If you still have problems being tunneled after hook, I recommend a harsher punishment for farming survivors that actually cause the whole problem

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    We don't need to buff people being unhooked. We need to punish the people making the bad hook saves harder.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Peasant said:

    We don't need to buff people being unhooked. We need to punish the people making the bad hook saves harder.

    Reward a bad hook save giving a free escape I dumb like pretending to be camped when the entire team swarm the hook
  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    Who the hell is getting away with predator/bloodhound in 2 perk slots???
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Terrortot said:
    Who the hell is getting away with predator/bloodhound in 2 perk slots???
    I would with the spirit as well as shadowborn and stridor


    I might actually do it for fun haha
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Terrortot said:
    Who the hell is getting away with predator/bloodhound in 2 perk slots???
    A spirit maybe with glasses or a nurse. If a person is tunneled from the hook by any killer they're dead. Also, most people run sprint burst. Did the op forget that your exhaustion goes away on hook giving you a free spirit burst. 
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited October 2018
    Its a haste, not an adrenaline for one. For 2 it wouldn't be op because it would only be for allowing the survivor a free chance to get away from the hook at least and area. Mainly cause of doctors who like to tunnel you off of hook in madness 3 to death from the start of the game. I never said they get healed instantly. Adrenaline heals you. If anything, it's a free sprint burst which every survivor who runs that get it. It just doesn't leave scratch marks to make it harder to track you straight down after you just got off of hook cause of wraith's bloodhound and predator perk.
    But still... 5 seconds is quite alot when it happens at EVERY unhook. If a killer has a 3-hook playstyle... That's a possible 8 times that they will see it. If anything, this would encourage killers to camp more.
  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    Yeah but they receive penalties to bloodpoints for camping or at least on my platform they do. I'm not sure about others and even then, why do they act like they can't win without tunnelling when they can vs survivors on an individual level who can't possibly win if every time they get off of the hook, they are unable to lose the killer for the duration of the entire match. It's not fair strategy for that individual. Maybe for others and maybe for that killer to receive a loss for his strat because he got rushed while spending all day on this one survivor, but for that survivor. If anything, they won't receive a win and it's because of something that just happens 90% of the time which is getting hooked.
  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    I know it's not a 100% solution and I never said it was. All I was saying was just to have something to help make the killer not be able to tunnel as easily so that they will instead of going for the injured guy, they'll just go for another. And the 5 seconds is to make absolutely sure they have a chance to clear enough distance for the killer to not instantly throw them right back on the hook that they just got off of. It gives them a fair headstart which they should get if the killer is just going to come straight back and chase them down again.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    In this case I would like not even stunning by pallets, isn't fair they can abuse that. Add 100 charge on gens, they do that to quickly. Delete DS and sb from the game. Dont be able to 360 anymore and vault more than once the windows. Fight poverty and make everyone rich. Delete Claudette p3 clothes or buff wraith at her level. Make self healthy even take 5 extra seconds

    Okay after all these bs you can see how easy is make up dumb sht if you don't use your brain. I know its hard but tunneling isn't something that hard to prevent. Let the guy hang there a while, wait the killer to be far enough, save the guy.

    Woah new meta! If you did it wrong it your mate fault not the killer by doing his job. When I play with my friend he's fine, for a little. Then decide to hug the killer but that's another topic, in higher ranks they actually hide and they are okay if you save them in the right time
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I see where you're coming from, but unfortunately tunnelling is a valid technique for any killer that cares about winning. And if I'm being honest, it's scummy (because as you pointed out it's really unfun for the survivor) but not as scummy as camping. Partly because it's actually effective. If you're just playing with winning/completing objectives in mind, tunnelling makes sense in a way that camping doesn't, because if the rest of the team plays well, a camper will often waste too much time securing a single kill, but it makes sense for a tunneller to go after the unhooked player because they're injured and therefore easier/quicker to down.

    Typically, killers who care about the survivors enjoying the gaming experience won't tunnel, unless the survivor was really annoying and they just want them dead in retaliation. But from a standpoint of pure efficiency, tunnelling is a good idea. The actual solution, I think, is not to punish killers for doing their job, but to punish survivors for not doing theirs properly - that is, for unhooking their teammate when the killer is right there. IMO, survivors shouldn't get any bloodpoints for hook rescues unless the rescue was a safe one, instead of getting points regardless and then a small bonus for safe rescues. And I'm not saying that tunnelling, or any behaviour which ruins the game for other players, shouldn't be disincentivised - the devs have done a lot trying to disincentivise camping for that very reason. I just think that the disincentive should be a killer mechanic, rather than buffing survivors. Because honestly, killer mains whine a lot about how underpowerered they are, and I think often they're exaggerating a bit, but if I had to pick one, I would agree with them that killer is more difficult to play as things already stand.

    @strikerfreak12x said:
         Killer can run bloodhound and predator and as long as they're following, you have no choice pretty much just to keep running running running and leaving scratch marks.

    Counterpoint: survivors can run Sprint Burst, Lightweight, Lithe, Iron Will, Urban Evasion, Quick and Quiet, or any of the other perks that make it easier to escape from chases.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    As a fun solution would be buff lightweight, unhook then using your brain, and overall buff stealth perks. Dont exaggerate but I'd have more fun like that for both side (or killvivor?)

    Even if when I unhook someone they are fine unless I mess up, then I take a hit for then since was my mistake but punish killer by doing his job in the most optimal way is dumb