If its not fnaf im uninstalling

Kwek Member Posts: 66

Seriously, with hints as clear as what they gave us(burned maps, bunny on a rock, TRAPped ace, matching letters revealed in the same manner as springtrap name was revealed for fnaf3, ciircus baby, classic animatronic AAAAAAA scream) there's one thing I can be absolutely sure of - they know goddamn well what they're doing. And although i'm not the biggest FNAF fan, Springtrap is so likely to break a year-old trend of bland, uninspired killers that barely fit into dbd at all, that I actually got extremely excited for new release and for the future of the game in general. If they announce anything else, I will not be able to perceive that as anything but an arrogant mockery and a literal spit in a face.

Wonder if anyone else feels the same way?



  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    I just want to see the new FNAF map. I want to see something worse than RPD.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I don't know much about FNaF, but reading the theories, it makes sense. I'd be happy no matter who is the new Killer.

    I do hope people don't expect too much Springtrap because we could be wrong. I also hope today's hint we put us deeper into one or another theory. The trailer should be out Friday, right?

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    For some context Springtrap is a hybrid animatronic in a sense that its both a suit and a robot, but EXTREMELY unsafe, its possessed by a serial killer William Afton (the main antagonist of the series) who is know to have killed multiple children using the suit (originally named Spring Bonnie), after being cornered by the ghosts of his victims he attempts to hide in the suit for safety thinking they would fear him, but this proves to be his fatal mistake since the deterioration of the suit caused it to malfunction and release all the mechanical parts crushing him and puncturing him, killing him in the process, his soul would later poses the animatronic turning it into a mechanical monster thats both animatronic and a corpse fused together, despite this state he would continue his career has a serial killer, he even describes his fate has bittersweet but fitting.

    Theres a lot more after but thats after he stopped being Springtrap and turned into Scraptrap (a far more destroyed version of the animatronic) and later Glitchtrap (a virtual virus after his body was completely destroyed)

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    At this point I simply hope that it will be a FNAF chapter to stop all this whining pro and con FNAF. Every new chapter and teaser there comes one part of the community screaming mutiny for it to be FNAF and another against.

    To the op, which uninspired killers that don't fit into DBD would you mean? Just an honest question to your opinion, since I don't think that any of the non licensed except trickster are questionable from my point of view.

    (To trickster, he is too bright and colorful for me, not taking any cosmetics into consideration and is the only real humanlike not disformed and too real killer. All other are obvious products of fiction while he could be a real person.)

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    What about Huntress and Legion? they are pretty much normal and could easily be real.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Thanks, I wasn't able to find anything understandable in the Internet actually and I felt confused about who is was. It was clear with your explanation.

    And I understand better how it could well fit the game.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    People will read this and still say “FNAF is for kids” and that’s honestly pretty funny

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    The merchandise being for kids I agree with, the actual games though are definitely not for kids given how they’re designed, I definitely wouldn’t want my kids to play a game that involves child-murdering robot zombies

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Its no really for kids though, ifs anything its for teens and above, even if theres merchandise, the actual games themselves arent, but everyone knows nobody gives an F about rating which often results in stupid parents complaining about the games being violent despite buying for their young kids -_-

    Whatever FNAF may look like its for kids but definitely isnt

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158
    edited August 2021
  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    Nothing against you, but I hope you're uninstalling.

    Getting tunneled in a pizzaria and camped by an animatronic is just a new low I don't hope to encounter.

    Also I just think personally that FNAF is just TOO high a level of CAMP in horror for DbD , personally.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    Wow, seems like you really don't like intended dbd gameplay mechanics, maybe you are the who should uninstall?

    Too high level of camp... that's definetely something

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    For starters i doubt a kid would like a game has hard as FNAF, the first days are easy but later on they can be pretty damn hard, and thats without counting the hard modes such has the infamous 20/20/20/20 mode which requires you to be basically flawless to beat it.

    Heres an example of that mode:


  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    I have yet to meet anyone who has watched Coraline and told me “this is perfectly fine for children to watch” so I can only imagine how insane the people who said it is for kids are

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    Neil Gaiman, the author of Coraline, says it perfectly OK for kids to watch. 😂 He wrote it based on stories his 5 year old daughter would tell him. It's a kids book and movie.

    Even the studio that backed the movie thought only kids would see it. 😂

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    i mean, Neil's grip on sanity is questionable so my point still stands

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    If Pig doesn't get indirectly nerfed in the next patch I'm uninstalling

    Check and mate BHVR

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    It's OK to like kid things. I love Coraline too. There's some great media made for kids that adults can enjoy too, no need to pretend it's not for kids. 😂

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    Twins and blight fit dbd, but are incredibly boring characters that could have been so much more. Twins theme was originally supposed to be a mother and unborn or "taken" baby, which would be metal as hell, but they chickened out and had to scrap that for overdone siamese twins vibe instead. We even have an abomination skin for hag, using exact same theme, which ruined initial impressions for the twins even more. Not even gonna talk about powers here, but you know.

    Blight's is beloved right now becouse he is just so fun to play(my current main as well). But the design is bland and atrocious on almost every level, starting from visuals(skins kinda fixed that a bit) to supposed "alchemist" power, which is "press button to 230% movespeed". His release felt like non-release, nobody was really playing him(true for twins and trickster as well), nobody was talking about him. Us growing on him half a year later is not gonna change that fact.

    Trickster is fan-service, if you aren't into sexualising virtual murderers, there is nothing fun or interesting about him. Almost feels like devs are ashamed of him with how much they were pushing to talk about trickster's supposed great reception in anniversary quotes. Again, not even talking about gameplay here, but I was actually taken aback by the blandness of his power on the reveal(was same for blight, but at least blight's power is bland becouse they were tring to make it fun).

    RE chapter, now that generated a ton of hype and brought a lot of people into the game. But it would do that regardless of chapter quality. Nemesis is, again, the most bland choice they could've made, his power is the most uninspired so far, and it feels so... wrong. "You just made a strong physical impact on survivor, but he didn't get injured couse.. you know, you gotta infect them with T-virus first, doesn't that make sense? Yea, that virus that turns people into zombies? It's blue goo now for some reason. And also it doesn't really affect survivors, it just let's you... physically impact them 🤣". Like it legit feels like a bad joke or an 8yo killer concept, and the worst part - there is nothing fun about it. For any side. It doesn't get any attention, nor does it deserve it. They even tried to go for "whipping" kink out of desperation, didn't seem to do any good. Funny zombie moments is all we got out of it. Yea, for me that's just shameful work. Survivors are great though. Map is literally the worst in the game, but whatever.

    Of course, those are just my grumpy veteran observations, but you asked for it :) Hopefully you now understand why I have so much hope for Springtrap to bring this game back on track

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2021

    You're definetely not alone at parroting bad opinion that makes zero sense. Did you guys get it from an infuencer or something? What's with all the seething about fnaf?

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    i wasn't saying i don't like kid things, i'm just saying that no one with a sane and rational mind would look at about half the ######### in the movie and go "yeah, it's ok for my kid who isn't even 10 years old to watch this, this is fine"

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    It's no worse than any Disney movie. 😂 The movie is rated pg and classed as "family horror." It's the same as the book that has won awards for childrens literature. I think you're giving kids very little credit for what they can handle when it comes to scary content.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    Springtraps chase music...

    Dumb dumb dee dumb dumb

    Dumb dee dumb dee dumb

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    They literally said they never intended people to camp and frown upon it, despite allowing it as a " strategy "

    So quit trying to twist things to suit your view.

    and you know I mean " camp " in that sentence as in something that is " high-camp " and not in regards to camping in game right?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    The same I told in all the "trickster fits DBD or not". They don't have a normal face, an important part to humanize something. Without that you can distance from them same as killer in for example in "your next" where they are faceless "monsters".

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    I'm sorry I have to tell you that, but phrase "Fnaf would not fit into dbd becouse game is too high-camp for my liking" makes zero sense, is ridiculous, and looks like something a kid who's just learning words would type out. I'm suprised you actually "meant" something by it.

    And yes, camping is not only intended, but even natural for the game type. You have to either be delusional or entitled survivor-only gamer to disagree with that. Even if devs said what you say they said(which isn't likely btw), they only did that to appease majority with sweet words, becouse let me tell you - if they didn't intend for camping to exist, it wouldn't be there after 5 years of game's existance

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well yeah I can yee were you come from and agree with the thought of most of the characters being bland gameplay wise. But I think just from their theme and optics that the first two fall exactly in line with old killer like billy, nurse or wraith and yeah I exclude licensed killer from this kind of discussion because of the limitation set (and yes nemesis power is pathetic, his punch is at the same time feeling wrong given the reaction of the survivor to the weight it implies and cool in this aspect when they backflip after a face punch).

    And yeah to the argument about trickster but i think the same will happen to Springtrap. It would be a fan service killer for that asked for it and I can't think for the life of me of an interesting killer power for them. Also behaviour would have toake Springtrap way more gory to fit into DBD than the few version i have seen of the character. I simply think bright colors like trickster or a bright yellow Springtrap don't really fit into DBD. And yes I don't like many of the "funny" (bunny, Santa, chicken and so on) cosmetics or skins but not only in DBD, but also in siege or league of legends -.-

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm sorry I have to tell you that, but phrase "Fnaf would not fit into dbd becouse game is too high-camp for my liking" makes zero sense, is ridiculous, and looks like something a kid who's just learning words would type out. I'm suprised you actually "meant" something by it.

    I'm sorry to tell you, but "camp" (in that context) is an adjective, one that's been in use for over a century.


  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    "Also I just think personally that FNAF is just TOO high a level of CAMP in horror for DbD , personally."

    How is defining camp as adjective and linking a dictionary page for some reason(which is, no doubt, a very well-perceived method of communicating on the internet) makes this phrase something other than insane ramblings? Any meaning that you could possibly extract from it is ridiculous and nonsensical, why would someone even bother to defend it is beyond me. More posts=better life mindset maybe?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Camp is an adjective and has been one for over a century. That's why I linked you to the online dictionary, so you could read it and see for yourself (or just do a little research into how, say, the original Star Trek series is described; hint, they use the adjective "camp" a lot).

    The sentence may be a little awkward, but it's perfectly understandable, if you know what the adjective "camp" means.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited August 2021

    I first learned about FNaF because my kids were going nuts over it. "Hey dad look," Some goofy bear pops on the screen (what I was thinking). I thought it was just some low budget game for kids didn't think about it much. Well they recently put them on game pass so I downloaded ALL of them to check out (See what the hype about). I was playing and asked my kids "Is this all you do?" which they said yes but theres jump scares and yada yada yada. I was interested in the story behind but I uninstalled them all out of sheer boredom. I understand these games are popular and I actually despite my experience would not have a problem if they came but just not now. Down the road when we have more of the icons (Ones who fit more IMO) then why not. Although it does not sit well FNaF being in a game with Fred, Mike, Bubba, etc. However we already crossed that bridge with Trick bait so what do I know.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    "Well yeah I can yee were you come from and agree with the thought of most of the characters being bland gameplay wise. But I think just from their theme and optics that the first two fall exactly in line with old killer like billy, nurse or wraith and yeah I exclude licensed killer from this kind of discussion because of the limitation set"

    Oh I always thought that, but that's the problem. Those first killers were made by basically an indie-studio at the time, they have decent concepts but they look really, really cheap(I think hag is the worst for me in that department though). Compare them to later killers, and especially to killers that directly preceded the blight-to trickster-era - Oni and Deathslinger. Now those are great character designs, and it's something you should expect from a company that grown so much since 2016 and is practically swimming in revenue. A bit silly to let them get away with lazy designs, becouse those killers look a bit better than wraith or billy.

    "And yeah to the argument about trickster but i think the same will happen to Springtrap. It would be a fan service killer for that asked for it and I can't think for the life of me of an interesting killer power for them. Also behaviour would have toake Springtrap way more gory to fit into DBD than the few version i have seen of the character. I simply think bright colors like trickster or a bright yellow Springtrap don't really fit into DBD. And yes I don't like many of the "funny" (bunny, Santa, chicken and so on) cosmetics or skins but not only in DBD, but also in siege or league of legends -.-"

    I feel like you might have gotten things mixed-up here, kinda easy to do on these forums becouse of all the baseless misinformation and identically baseless hate for the franchise going around. Again, i'm not the biggest fan, played a few games, only completed third one because it was the easiest, did not care for community and it's products. Most of fnaf's left a mark of being high-suspense, incredibly well-designed and original games with great audio work(which is like 70% of horror for me). But on these forums fnaf is apparently "all jumpscares kiddie game", which just leaves me speechless to say the least. Also people care about fnaf community for some reason? I mean, lots of psychopaths love horror movies, should we delete myers becouse it would attract them to the game? Makes sense, yep.

    Also springtrap is not childish, funny, or bright. He is rotten green, has guts sticking out, and the most discomforting face expression. Perfect fit for dbd, imho.

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    Why are you trying to make an argument based purely on strawman of me not understanding the meaning of the sentence? I get what he's saying my guy, and I literally pointed out that all the implications you can deduct from that brainfart are completely fatuous. That's the simple truth. Guy said it's his "stance" and i'm bad for not thinking it to be the smartest, which is understandable on some delirious level, so i'm just moving on. Please stop your hilarious adjective crusade and move on as well

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Maybe because all of your responses implied that you refused to accept that the word "camp" was an adjective.

    You said: "How is defining camp as adjective and linking a dictionary page for some reason(which is, no doubt, a very well-perceived method of communicating on the internet) makes this phrase something other than insane ramblings?"

    Someone who knew that the word "camp" was an adjective wouldn't claim that someone using it as such was making "insane ramblings" would they?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    Their use of camp makes sense when you know it's used to describe things that are over the top/outrageous. Camp is actual a very common term. Met Gala theme few years ago was camp. Camp is used alot to describe horror movies because how over the top they go. Evil Dead is considered campy. Toxic Avenger is considered campy. This site lists the upcoming fnaf movie as campy. 😂

  • Kwek
    Kwek Member Posts: 66

    "How is defining camp as adjective" means "Why are you even doing that? it's obvious. You might as well say camp is a word". And that's... pretty goddamn obvious in the context and even without it. But thank your for your invaluable input

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    It may have been obvious to you, but I can pretty confidently say that it quite clearly wasn't obvious to everyone else seeing as you now have multiple people speaking against you. Maybe instead of blaming everyone else for not understanding you, you should make your point clearer next time.