Has the hidden ranks improved your experience of DBD?



  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    I'm pretty sure we'll have another survey soon. I know there was one a little while ago with some general topics, I guess they'll focus on match experiences this time.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    True true. Just getting into a chase with a survivor is good enough for me to tell what kind of player they are. People emphasize too heavily on what rank others are but it literally means nothing. I’ve gone against god tier players in green and purple ranks and straight up potatoes at red ranks.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    It haven't felt any changes to my killer or survivor games.

  • zumer
    zumer Member Posts: 336

    I die in 99% of matches. This game is fun only for killers. why not just make ranks from escapes? If I'm always dead, why do I keep playing against strong opponents?

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    No. It hasn’t made it vastly worse either, but it HAS taught me that if the people I’m getting teamed up with are my skill level, then holy #########, I’m way worse than I thought.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    12 hours (6 as killer and 6 as solo survivor)

    Faster ques for both roles

    More BP per match

    Slightly increased escape rate as survivor

    Same kill rate as killer (2.9/4)

    No increase in DCs

    Matches lasted longer

    Matches were more balanced: No shut outs - The only match that was bad was due to a DC and suicide on hook.

    I have 18-21 more hours planned and will give a thorough breakdown of stats after that.

  • ZonkyWizard
    ZonkyWizard Member Posts: 568
    edited August 2021

    I would like for DbD to keep the ranks hidden, @MandyTalk I think it's a great idea

  • venusxbunny
    venusxbunny Member Posts: 34

    My point is that a practically new account with less than 10 hours went up against people who have played extensively. That's just going to discourage new people from playing. Nowhere in the game news does it mention a test going on so new people are going to think an unbalanced match like that is normal.

  • venusxbunny
    venusxbunny Member Posts: 34

    Same, people can have skill or suck at any rank but 95% of low ranks suck and getting put against a seasoned team on an account with less than 10 hours proved to me the matching just got turned off.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    People do not have an issue with rainbow ranks if the match went well. It's something people notice when they go against a bully squad/toxic SWF. At least then, the experience could be explained. Now it just feels like it is being covered up.

  • venusxbunny
    venusxbunny Member Posts: 34

    Because the ranking is garbage, I'm a rank 3 survivor playing solo but only escape 30% of games. Apparently just doing enough hook saves and objectives makes you good enough to go against strong killers, even if your running and escape skills are subpar.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I don’t know if this is because of the new matchmaking, but everybody seems way more whiny. I’ve seen more Survivor endgame trash talk in the last two days than I have in the last two weeks. Some other survivor bitched at me because I was crouching and watching to see if Myers would leave another hooked survivor alone (nope, kept facecamping, even when I ran close), and accused me of giving him tier 3 on purpose. It was at endgame, so it’s not like I was ignoring gens to do it.

  • Anghroth
    Anghroth Member Posts: 40

    Guys come on, are you all really that naive or blind? They are hiding ranks for the EXACT SAME reason they won't tell us, how the SBMM calculates in the background. It simply doesn't. There IS no system behind all this, they just force the shortest queue times possible now, shove everyone together (total newbies with veterans), hide the ranks and if your experience wasn't fun, they can blame it on the SBMM "still having to calibrate a few things here and there".

    At least when the game tried to put together matches with about the same rank range, games were fun. Some were easier, some were harder, but overall it was pretty balanced most of the time.

    I have a bit over 600hrs in this game, played 2-3 Trickster matches since his release and wanted to try him yesterday for a few matches again. EVERY single one of them was a sweatfest, hardcore meta survivor builds, several keys and (since we asked each other in the after game chat), much higher ranks than me.

    So, sorry for the harsh words, but: screw your SBMM, delete it and make sure it never comes back! It doesn't work in a game like DbD. Skill isn't measurable in this game, get this into your damn minds, devs!

  • str4wberryp
    str4wberryp Member Posts: 86

    It didn't improve my experience, it was actually quite the opposite. Besides, it kinda looks like the devs are hiding the ranks to cover up the flawed matchmaking system.

    The current matchmaking is terrible, but so is hiding ranks. Reverse it ASAP.

  • TinyRick7128
    TinyRick7128 Member Posts: 13

    Hell no! It's been an absolute mess. I took a break from the game to play some old favorites, came back, within a week had made it to rank 8 but as soon as they brought back this supposed SBMM all I'm getting are face and proxy camping losers. Like come on Behavior. I honestly think killers need an extremely heavier BP and objective penalty for being in proximity of hooked survs. Their SBMM has been super inconsistent. I either get really good killers who make the trials absolutely challenging and fun or basically whoever gets hooked first is guaranteed to die and start dropping rank

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Hidden ranks have changed nothing, why should it? I knew before that there are good players who don't play often, some even derank. I mean watch Ayrun for example, he was rank 9 the last time i watched a youtube video of him. If i get sweaty team i get a sweaty team, doesn't matter for me if they're red or green ranks.

  • Dionysusdog
    Dionysusdog Member Posts: 154

    I hate the hidden tank. I sweat for rank one and now without any warning I can't show it to anyone. I always enjoyed the time of the month when I logged on and my friends noticed it was rank 1. Now that's gone.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I love it. I get a kick out of when players try to make fun of me assuming I am grade 1, but I am grade 1 and them thinking grades actually corresponds to skill just shows more of how much they suck at this game.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    No, it’s even more frustrating because it provides even less information about whether or not you’re getting matched with players at your skill level. And just stop it with the “grades are no indicator of skill” nonsense. The red grade survivors and killers I’ve played with/against are far better (in general) than the low-grade players. There’s absolutely a correlation

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    No, Tweek, Ms. Choksondik

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Here's a very valuable life lesson:

    **Correlation does not imply causation**

    Just because people you match with are red grades and happen to be semi-decent doesn't mean that one caused the other. There are literally thousands of DBD players that rotate their Iridecent Grade 1 on a monthly basis with each other simply due to how much they play DBD and how little they invest in any other video games on their free time. A lot of them are somewhat OKAY, they're nothing special and there's a large portion of them that are legitimately dogcrap boosted by a grade system that isn't based on skilled play. I legit feel bad for people that still believe in 2022 that the grades indicate your skill level when the Devs themselves even said on the day it was announced that its meant to reward people based off their monthly play-time, NOT for their skill. Literally the worst players in the world get to Grade 1 now as long as they mostly play DBD for the month or they get a streak of easy matches which is quite common in the SBMM era.

    How could you ever take the grade system to heart as an indicator of skill when its virtually impossible for you to 'derank'?? LOL. You can get carried by randoms or friends in a SWF to a certain grade and then go on a 500 game losing streak and you won't get punished for this at all like you would in any other scenario. You will NEVER go from rank 1 back to 2 like you could before..All it takes is a few good players to carry a lobby and the other players will benefit and get free pips as long as they hold 1 button for 1-3 minutes which doesn't require any type of skill-cap.

    TLDR: IDK how many times people have to explain this including the Developers themselves, but grades indicate how much you play the game not how good you are

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Um, no? Why would it have? It's still the same garbage MMR producing the same thrash trials as before where 8+k hour nurses and blights dunk on sub 200 hour survivors, while 4man SWFs with 4+k hours per survivor are bullying killers playing for the first time. Nothing has changed.