What is with killing themselves on hook? -rant-

Like for real? I played four games as survivor and got tired of teammates killing themselves on hook for no reason at all. No camping or tunneling killers. They just kill themselves instantly so I'm like whatever i'll just go play killer. And the same thing, just killing themselves on hook. And no I wasn't camping or tunneling, I'd hook somebody and start walking away and bam they killing themselves.
First I thought it was okay I'm using Freddy they don't like Freddy. I was using my standard build of Corrupt, BBQ, Discordance, and Pop with no add ons. So I switch to Trapper with the same build and once again no add ons, but people keep killing themselves on hook. Why get on the game if you are just gonna freaking DC or ######### ruining the game for everybody else?
Rant over >_>
Because my teammates are crouching around doing nothing. I'm not going to give them unhooking points when you have done nothing while I have taken aggro.
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First hook jitters. Some people have really high expectations of themselves or they're emotionally committed to a "perfect" trial.
First hook sucks, it's true. Often, I've found I'll be the only one that escapes as a result of being hooked first. It comes down to how the dynamics develop. Don't let it get to you though, I've played games with a 3-man escape even with a fast hook or DC...it's really fulfilling to slam out a severely disproportionate trial and still result with a team escape
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I wish quitters like that would honestly switch to another game. It's obvious they want baby easy matches where they never lose. I'd recommend they play a kirby game if thats how they feel.