Thanks Behaviour!

Skyost_AB Member Posts: 42
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

Thanks to SBMM, the system that will soon be implemented, now every time i play a killer that i don't usually use or that im bad at, since i know the basics and have good perks because im rank 1, i get to completly destroy people who probably just installed the game, getting many dcs and people just straight up killing themselves, probably uninstalling soon after.

And when i'm playing a killer i do use, now im forced to use meta perks and to tunnel, because otherwise gens explode. I never get to play with anyone who is good at looping or at least decent, just people obsessed with pressing M1 next to a ######### gen, doing it even right in my face and with brand new parts and prove thyself just to make things more fair.

This is clearly optimal DBD, this is just what we needed, this is so much fun. Complained because you got 4 rank 1 survivors when you were a rank 12 killer, even though rank never really meant anything? Well don't worry, now as soon as you get good enough you'll be punished with actual bully squads every match. Guess you'll need to continue getting better, so you get destroyed even more. Have fun!