So, they are hiding ranks this time during a test...

Because they are afraid of showing it's still rank 20 survivors vs rank 1 killers and vice versa.

Very smart indeed :D


  • MadmegMain
    MadmegMain Member Posts: 105

    Or because i can derank to 16 as a rank 1 proving the rank system doesnt mean #########.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    Yeah, its exceptionally clear they don't want bad press for another white rank purge. Its funny how smart BHVR thinks they are sometimes, they love hiding controversies like their players are a bunch of smooth brained cavemen who can't tell what they are doing.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    It's because people were comparing MMR to the old ranking system when they are completely separate and have nothing to do with each other. People would say stuff like "I'm red rank why am I getting matched up with green and purple ranks" when green/purple ranks didn't even exist.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Like gendoss mentioned, it's due to people comparing it to the old system when they weren't related.

    But yeh lets continue with the "BHVR hates the players" way of thinking.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Or because during the last few tests people weren't giving good feedback and just whining about the ranks that were showing.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    It's so people aren't like "OH MY GOD THIS MMR SYSTEM IS ######### THE RANKS ARE SO FAR APART" when it's a different system from the one the ranks are tied to, therefore ranks don't represent what it's using for matchmaking so there's no point in showing them

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    It's the reptilian lizard men trying to stop us from realizing the world is flat

    Wake up sheeple

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    The old ranking system does have some merit though. There are plenty of people in the game stuck at the ranks they are because that's where they belong, so when you're playing survivor and your team is all lasting 15s in a chase, hiding in corners and self caring your problem is with the way they played...a playstyle which is far more common in the green/yellow rank. A forum post complaining they are constantly getting paired with a rainbow is easier to make than a forum post saying I keep getting paired with potatoes. I doubt they are complaining about the people's ranks when they played well, its just validating when someone plays like trash to see that their rank matches how they played.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    If I worked there I would've done the same thing because there's probably only a certain amount of times you can say:

    "We're using a system not based on ranks"

    And getting the response:

    "But it doesn't work because the ranks are different"

    Without wanting to pull your hair out

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    But if the people ranked as such perform as expected for someone of their rank then just how different could the mmr possibly be. Their issues aren't necessarily the people's rank it's the skill level commonly associated with their rank. If they played well then their better ranked teammates wouldn't be complaining about it.