How do you feel about the SBMM?

GGrim Member Posts: 19

Personally I hate it.

  1. No more visible rank to work towards.
  2. Matches have been worse than before.
  3. It's easier to purposely destroy noobs by playing a character you don't play often.

I am speaking as someone who plays both Killer and Survivor equally and I have about 1000 hours in the game.

How do you feel about the SBMM? 39 votes

GibberishYoshman2523Alma_LlamataempestuouszacktbhDeath_Syko21Elcopolloxtr4mesteponmeadirisKill_Yr_Idol83KateDunsonRogue11ClarityOfWillvacamanDistortedDream[Deleted User]Hex_IgnoredGGrimComedyHourZaroktheImmortal 21 votes
KiwayAneurysmCrowmanRattiusgetuy45u4iuDino7281syain[Deleted User] 8 votes
Not sure
musstang62TheGhostofZgoranonymous31337PurgatorianMaxwellbm33FobboTrickstaaaaaVioletCrimesTricksters_Wife 10 votes


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Not sure

    I will refrain from a good or bad vote until it is fully implemented. As of now though I'm still getting really hard games, ok to 1k per match even when I keep losing. I am trying killers I don't normally play too.

  • GGrim
    GGrim Member Posts: 19

    In my opinion as a high rank skilled player you should be quite universal even when trying new killers. It should only take a match or 2 to get in the swing of things. If you're not a high rank skilled player than you should have no worries about rank and just try new characters and learn the game for a while.

  • GGrim
    GGrim Member Posts: 19

    I have recently noticed a lot of people that vouch for the new system being good is because they are getting into matches and doing amazing every time leading them to believe that's a good thing. If you do amazing every match then the system is not working well. It's supposed to balance you with players your skill level, not allow you to destroy people or get destroyed constantly...

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165
    Not sure

    It doesn't feel good or bad, honestly it just feels the same.

    One match I'll get randoms that work well with my swf teammate and I, next match we get randoms that are either new or sandbag team to save themselves. Only difference is now I can't see what rank they are.

    Did team just work well together against that killer or was it a low rank matched against us high ranks? Were the bad teammates because they were inexperienced and matched against strong killer so that's why they kept running killer at teammates or was it high rank survivors that do that as their way to survive every match?

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    Third point isn't relevant with the SBMM that is currently in live testing.

    I don't play Ghostface other than for his dailies, so for the past 6-8 months I played as him maybe 3-4 times total. Yet two days ago, while playing as GF, I got an extremely efficient and well-organized group of survivors, who destroyed gens in less than 8 minutes and demolished me at every loop by playing them perfectly and making almost no mistakes at all, showing their skill and knowledge of map's layout.

    At the same time, I play Pig and Legion fairly frequently, because they have been my main killers for a long time. Yet yesterday I had, like, 5 or so matches in a row with 4 total pepegas every time, for both of these killers. In none of these matches did they manage to finish at least 3 gens before getting stomped on with me barely even trying. And the maps did vary a lot, from Autohaven to Ormond, from Coldwind to Haddonfield.

    So with killer that I'm bad at, I got 4 really good survivors. Yet with killers that I consider myself to be very much good at, I got 4 complete potatoes. Last time I checked, that wasn't the idea behind skill-based match-making, so I really don't know what the hell is going on with it. Lack of any sort of transparency about it doesn't help either.

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334
    Not sure

    Hard to say. I was away for a week (I needed a mental health break) Because I was a having a rough time. Now I come back and, as killer, my first few rounds were pretty good, felt balanced, I don’t consider myself to be very good at the game. But after that it was right back into clicking, t-bagging, looping ######### from survivors (one of the reasons I had to take a break in the first place). So maybe it still need to work out it’s kinks or maybe this is it and it’s basically my nightmare. I just want to play casually and I keep getting these, I don’t know, pro players?

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    Not sure

    “Unbalanced mess” is my current opinion.