My Experience so far with the MMR

Played DBD for about 16 hours in the last 2 days, I mainly play killer but I also play survivor as well. Here is my experience with the MMR system and my thoughts.

My survivor games were VERY tough, the killers were distinctly better than they were two days ago. Which is FINE with me, I like hard games.

But my killer games... I play all the killers, and cycle through them. I'd say about 80% of my games in the last 2 days I felt bad for some of the survivors I was going against. They were obviously newer, and very easy to down. The game would be an easy win, though I just give hatch every game now anyway.

I'm Rank 1 Killer with 1k Hours in the game. Not MUCH but I actually miss games that really challenge me.. I can tell you what. None of the survivors that were new had a fun time going against me.

I truly believe for the health of the game, and player experience, something needs to be fixed. I want people to join DBD and enjoy the process of learning the way I did, not being randomly put against a 1k hour killer.

Just sending my feedback , hope this gets read by someone important.


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Do you main few killers, or kinda every killer?

    What I have found out that differences between each killer's ratings can be quite big.

    I have really hard games with my mains, but when I play anyone else for daily / challenge it is usually quite stomp festival.

    It is really good when you wanna learn new killer, but even when you don't know that killer's power well, you still have knowledge how to play as m1 killer.

    I think some portion of your main ratings should be added to other killers, so differences are not that huge.

    I wish they would show each killer's ratings, so I can compare it...

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    I play all of the killers equally. Maybe the system will even out over time after doing really well with some of the killers that seemed too easy.

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    Played another 8 Hours today on my broadcast.

    Same results.. the games just aren't what they used to be. Before I felt like every game was a challenge and truly testing my skills and making me a better killer. Now it just doesn't feel fair at all to survivors. If this is suppose to make killers have "more fun" by making the games easier, It's really not.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I main only a few killers and honestly the sbmm doesn't feel really any different then the normal one, I have some really ######### games where I feel like I'm playing toddlers or seal team six. Survivor side has been remarkably harder though not sure if better killers or worse teammates cause ill run a killer for 3 gens then get camped till death with only 1 more gen popping so idk.