Any reasonable arguments against MMR?



  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    Given past attempts at balancing things around matchmaking, I would have little faith in the MMR system. In a lot of the games I've been playing in the past few days, it's been an easy game - literally half the time the killer has had one perk. On top of that, I am by no means a good player at all, but I am still better than someone only running a single perk! And how would this work in a SWF too? High MMR survivors playing with their low MMR friends severely disadvantage the latter, because if they're escaping they're not going to have a fun time in solo queue where they'll be way above their heads.

    On top of that, my friends have been getting the same end playing killer. While I'm getting matched against one perk killers, they're getting matched with high rank, full sweat build survivors. Sure, it may take a while to balance out but if this is the treatment that new players are going to get it's not going to do the game any favours. Especially since this can also lead people to not try out new killers because of matchmaking like this.

    Finally, comes the rank dropping. People already do this in order to face lower ranked survivors/and killers, but it's only going to be so much worse now. Because that swf that just threw the game to de-rank? They just gave the killer a boost in their MMR that could really mess them over, because technically they have just gained a 2/3/4k on that killer to a spot that could give them really un-fun games in the future. The same goes for a killer meme-ing around and farming with survivors to lower their MMR - it messes them over and this is especially important in both scenarios as you get a higher MMR boost if your opponent is ranked way higher than you. So in the end it doesn't fulfil its intended purpose because you can't stop people from playing like this. And there are a lot more things that I'm sure factor into this as well.

    In the end, MMR could be a good idea, but the nature of the game and its players leads me to believe it may do more harm than good - and that they should work on fixing the current matchmaking a little more before they try to implement the MMR system, as this may only make some people more frustrated.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Honestly the only argument that I can think of is that people won't be able to do content creation as easy. If people are the same skill then they can't do dumb stuff and get away with it.

    Other then that I think that as long as they do the MMR right then it will be fine.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Honestly the only argument that I can think of is that people won't be able to do content creation as easy. If people are the same skill then they can't do dumb stuff and get away with it.

    IMO, that's an argument for it. Quality over quantity, as they say.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    As a survivor I mostly got really terrible baby killers who relied on facecamping or tunneling during this thing. As killer I'd either get sweaty SWF groups or groups that had no idea what they were doing it was a coin toss.