MMR personal feedback

Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'll just write about solo survivor for now, was gonna go into playing as a duo and various killers but I have other things to do today sadly

Most of my swf teammates are anti-mmr and playing something else so I started off alone. Solo feels playable. More than playable, it feels good. Kindred and small game basekit for solos would've been nice but this feels even better. Teammates were consistently good, they do gens, they last a while in chase, they get saves when possible. I don't think I saw one teammate with selfcare or urban evasion (not judging for your choice of perks, but those two I often see being used badly). Multiple times a survivor without any hooks would take a hit or aggro for a teammate on death hook, even if injured, which I don't think I've ever seen outside of swf.

As for the killers, they were mostly good. A few outliers, like one huntress who got zero hooks. She wasn't very good with hatchets but she didn't seem clueless at all, my guess would be she scores a lot higher on some other killers. Generally went against higher-tier killers with a decent amount of skill (spirit, nurse) or extremely skilled low-mid tier ones (one trapper and one nemesis in particular were seriously impressive). Pretty much all games felt winnable from both sides. There was very little camping or tunnelling (a fair bit of slugging though, which is fine by me) and teammates generally shut this down or punished it where it happened. Not all killers were that happy in postgame, one nurse complained we felt like a tournament squad, although she wasn't so much salty as just a bit stressed I think. But on my end whether I died or escaped matches were longer and everyone got more points than what I'm used to.

This is just anecdotal and from around 15 games so not much of a sample size, I might get on later and get a basement bubba with three blendette teammates honing their botany knowledge by crouching in the shrubbery, who knows. So far, I <3 it.



  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    @MandyTalk this might be better for feedback I just forget the realm outside of general discussions

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,585

    I've taken care of that for you @Aneurysm and thank you for your detailed feedback.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203
    edited August 2021

    OK. I... I have to apologize about the few rants I've written yesterday. I had one or two bad games and... You know, when you start to have one bad game, then the second is bad, you expect the third to be bad...

    I don't know if they were bad actually. Most of the time, my teammates were fine. They played how I'd play: taking protection hit, not being allergic to generator, not being downed in five seconds... From time to time, there was the player who was never hooked, healthy, but prefer to hide instead of taking a protection hit to help the injured teammate who is on death hook. But I guess I can't have perfect teammates from my own spectrum all the time.

    The Killers were good, except one Trapper. But I don't know what happened to me, I lost a few chases easily and started to panick and to think I was bad, losing confidence. I'm someone who panick easily. My rants were mostly based on the fact I lost confidence on my own skill and started to panick, etc. Before MMR comes, I was proud of the improvement I've done.

    If I try to think outside of the fact I've been in a bad mood which affected the way I play, I think MMR are good. Not always as I would like to, but most of the time, I have quality teammates and Killers. I mean, the number of matches with potato Survivors are way less common than before.

    I wanted to try Killer, but after waiting ten minutes in queue, I gave up and came back to my ten seconds queue as Survivor. (I'm from EU, daytime is always long for Killer queue, but I don't play past 20:00, which is probably the moment Killer queue is faster.)

    Edit: it was 100% solo Survivor, by the way. I always play alone.