The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


PatBrutal Member Posts: 566
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

Here you can ask your game mechanics question for our next Q&A (Thursday October 25th)
I'll close the thread by the end of the day.

  1. One question per person
  2. Short and Sweet question (don't write a paragraph)
  3. Spamming is not allowed
  4. Troll/off-topic questions will be deleted
Post edited by Mandy on


  • Twinkletits
    Twinkletits Member Posts: 60

    Not sure what you mean by "design" but okay: Will you guys make any hoodie Nea outfits? (Or do you guys want questions like: "Why is the game designed the way it is?")

  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 566

    @Twinkletits Sorry my mistake I removed design by game mechanics :)

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    edited October 2018
    When an event or a chapter is released is very hard to do a game as killer. Any plans to fix this issue? 
  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    Any idea about putting hair changes and colors for men chars like a grey for david king? i see you all focused on hats, fedora and italians hats its cool.

  • Twinkletits
    Twinkletits Member Posts: 60

    @Patricia Oh no problem, shite happens! Anyway since my last question (about Nea outfits) doesn't make sense here's a new one: Were 360's "intended" and if not what's your opinion on them?

  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2018
    Hello dear DbD Team!
    Can we get some more QoL changes for the gameplay?
    Few examples I would really appreciate to see changed is struggling and wiggling, the option to toggle the sprint and crouch button, not to have to repress M1 at dying state if a mate doesn't fully healed you at dying state, leatherface charging mechanic like billy etc. Just some example I have in my mind. Please also share other QoL changes your planing to do soon™ :)
    Greetings from Germany 
  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    Is using voice communication an intended game mechanic? As in, was it designed and balanced for this game in regards to solo survivors and killers?

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2018
    What are you guys going to do about the long Killer lobbies? Almost every time an event or new Killer comes out, it takes an extremely long time (talking about 20 minutes to 3 hours) to get a full lobby as Killer at red and high purple ranks. I’m pretty sure that everybody wants to play the actual game, not a lobby simulator.
  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396
    edited October 2018

    Hi devs, it is possible to improve new changes for the player level rewards ?

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    Any chance the early-development game mechanic of climbing might come back into the game?
  • Ashcchi
    Ashcchi Member Posts: 16
    Hey, I have been asking this a lot on twitter and just finally remembered to post it here. I was wondering if you guys ever plan to make blood (from prestiging) an accessory. I think not being able to have the blood on every piece of clothing and only the articles rewarded for prestiging, discourages quite a lot of people from buying in game store cosmetics. It is getting rid of the only apparent thing that shows you've prestiged. I also had a suggestion for the perk small game ..i think maybe you could add a counter somewhere to show how many unopened chests and uncleansed totems there are left ..i feel like it will make the perk more useful, and maybe balance the buff of noed a bit more. All in all these are just two suggestions ive been wanting to convey guys are doing such a wonderful job! Please keep up the good work and know we are all supporting you! 
  • shootaman777
    shootaman777 Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2018

    I apologise for writing a paragraph, but this question is one that requires a paragraph to explain:

    1) The Question:

    What is the speed loss by a killer (or speed gain by survivors) when going around each loopable tile in the game, in meters/second?

    2) What we already know about it/why the question is being asked:

    It is understood and acknowledged that, due to movement and collision mechanics, survivors are able to take shorter paths around loops, effectively increasing their distance/second (speed) traveled over the killer, or decreasing the killer's distance/second (speed) traveled in relation to the survivor.

    For a fact, I can say that the overall/average movement speed differential is less than -0.4 meters/second for killers, since slower movement speed killers (Hag, Spirit, Huntress, etc that move at 4.4 meters/second) still can EVENTUALLY catch up to survivors around a loop, even though it takes a ridiculously longer amount of time than it would take for the standard 4.6 meters/second movement speed killer (Trapper, Leatherface, etc).
    However, the differential is greater than the difference between Evil Within tier 1 Myers' movement speed and that of survivors, since he can be infinitely walked around several small, irregularly shaped objects with no chance of EVER catching up to a survivor.

    It would also vary by loop, since some are tighter than others (such as Autohaven loops), and some loops (such as the tall hay bales on Coldwind Farm) don't have many tight turns but have long pathways.
    Rather than doing time trials around every loopable tile of every tileset in the game, which would take hours upon hours with multiple people while recording and many subsequent hours doing calculations, I'd prefer to ask the devs directly since they have all the numbers, after all.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited October 2018
    Your thoughts on sloppy butcher diminishing the bleedout (dying state) bar while
    injured instead of a self care time penalty? 
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited October 2018

    Can Survivors in the dying state be allowed to hold the Sprint button to crawl 50% faster at the expense of bleeding out faster? Maybe remove the bleed out cost for Survivors using Tenacity.

    (This would also help against Killers who don't plan on hooking any Survivors, as the Survivor can speed up the 4-minute bleed out duration.)

  • B3tt33whit3
    B3tt33whit3 Member Posts: 22
    Why was not gaining any BP on killer disconnect built in to the game? Why is it still like this on ps4? 

     This mechanic seems faulty. 
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    @B3tt33whit3 said:
    Why was not gaining any BP on killer disconnect built in to the game? Why is it still like this on ps4? 

    (This has been answered before. Implementing such a compensation would allow 1 player to boost 4 others. Meanwhile, if only 1 Survivor quits, only 1 player is boosted/compensated, so fewer Bloodpoints are handed out for free overall.)

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2018
    If the luck mechanic was to be relooked at, what changes or additions can the community expect?

    The luck mechanic has been the same since a long time. I believe more can be done with this mechanic, in order to add a 'little uncertainty' to the gameplay.) 
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Did you find this event mechanics successful?

    Players are speculating whether or not this event was some sort of testing ground for new objectives in the base game. If so, were you happy with the results?

  • Naitsirk
    Naitsirk Member Posts: 3

    would it be possible in a foreseeable future to get more optimization options. i would like to disable long hair, skirt and coat physics as these will often "glitch out during a chase. can get quite annoying and disorienting as a killer.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Nos37 said:

    @B3tt33whit3 said:
    Why was not gaining any BP on killer disconnect built in to the game? Why is it still like this on ps4? 

    (This has been answered before. Implementing such a compensation would allow 1 player to boost 4 others. Meanwhile, if only 1 Survivor quits, only 1 player is boosted/compensated, so fewer Bloodpoints are handed out for free overall.)

    He’s talking about PS4 where if killer DC you LOSE DATA!

  • taotaooooo
    taotaooooo Member Posts: 3

    there are players farming every single event (double blood points and The Hallowed Blight Event) . Do you have any idea to solve this ?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2018

    Crows currently feel a bit underwhelming and don't feel like a menacing presence to survivors as they should. Any plan to "buff" the Entity's servants?
    Side question: we'll we ever see other "woodland creatures" (Maurice doesn't count)?

  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2018
    Kenshin said:

    can you open the ranks from 1-10? so rank 1 can be matched with rank 10 what means lower queue times for high ranks. that would also stop the purpose of deranking to get faster queues. thanks.

    Probably the most important QoL change we need right NOW (30 minutes lobby Q btw)
  • Kongereke
    Kongereke Member Posts: 10
    First question:
    "Flex emote for killers and survivors?"

    Second question: 
    I assumed alot of people would ask this question but in case noone did i wanted to ask it. But if noone asked it take this as my only question:

    "Any plans to fix this event? Seems like the event is very closeminded and killer sided?"

    This is a real issue considering the killer lobby queues i've had to wait upwards to 30mins in waittime during eu peak. I believe this is very damaging for the game as you have an event ongoing and alot of people simply cannot play or cannot enjoy playing. I assume the reasoning behind that is that you can farm upto three times as much bp on killer during the event. 
  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 566

    Thanks for all your questions, closing the thread.
    I'll do another one for the next Q&A.
    Stay tuned!

This discussion has been closed.