Now that its basically confirmed hell raiser what's his power



  • dirtsmell
    dirtsmell Member Posts: 46

    It's easy enough to say, but in my practice I find, even if I'm staring directly at him he can mark me before I can snap him.... unless I'm not actually trying to look at him, then I snap him out. It's very frustrating. But we all have our "this one killer I dislike because reasons" killers.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,144

    it is leaning mechanic. Leaning makes it harder to break him out of nightshroud and makes his stalking faster. another strategy is just to just hide behind walls until he stops leaning. it ends up being staring contest. he is m1 killer with no chase power so even if you get exposed, it often yields no meaning in many situations. very easy killer demolish, he is fun killer to bully.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,694

    I just want something original. There's far too many killers that function in the same way as others. So many these days focus on speed or reach. Hopefully it's something we haven't seen before.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    So, as a fan of Hellraiser, I have many ideas.

    As someone that has played DBD, however, I threw all those ideas out and went for the most basic things I could:

    Chains of Bad Stuff (probably scary or edgy sounding)

    M2 to make a Survivor you are aimed at stand still for 1.5-2.5 seconds. They can break out of this. If you hit them, they take an injury and have Deep Wound. If they get out, they can only get Injured and cannot be put into the Dying state. This makes Pinhead have to aim and hit them to stop them in place, then make his way to them and secure a hit.

    Lament Configuration

    Press CTRL (Secondary Killer Ability Button) to put a Lament Configuration down. Anyone that gets within the radius of it will be chained. This will notify Pinhead and lock the Survivor within its radius. The Survivor can run over and attempt to solve the cube, with the same success rates as Beartraps. Nailface will have between one and three of these (CANONICALLY SPEAKING, there is more than one Lament Configuration. Three are seen in the second movie. In the comics, there are MANY more of multiple designs). The Lament Configuration plays the iconic music box theme, which lets Survivors know they are getting close to it. Crouch walking does not set it off, and can allow a Survivor to disarm it without setting it off. Pinhead will either need to collect his boxes in order to reload, or have the reload function that Clown has, though using the second option would remove all Lament Configurations currently in play.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,998

    Well considering how Pinhead can summon chains out of literal nothing I'm assuming he's going to have a ranged attack

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    No need to speculate. We’ll see what it is in 4 days when the PTB drops.