Killer Combatant Series #1! Wraith barely takes the win! Voting over!

TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
edited August 2021 in Polls

I don't care if this has been done before I just came up with the idea on my break eating Subway in my car. My inspiration is from Deadliest Warrior! So here it goes!!! I'm gonna start this for all the killers and the winners will be based on the most votes. Not tournament style per say but I will take suggestions from yawl for who you want to see next! Other factors will be considered besides the voting itself such as abilities and weapons that killers use. Just like in Deadliest Warrior! And somewhat like Super Power Beat Down.

Anyway here we go into the first round we have....



RULE I. I am going to avoid fights like Cannibal and Hillbilly.

RULE 2. I am going to try and avoid reasonably unfair fights like Executioner versus Legion would be a good example of a no brainer lol xD

RULE 3. All killers are considered mortal and killable. (Immortality is not a fair argument standpoint thus any killer who is immortal is considered mortal in this series.)

RULE 4. The winner will be determined after voting ends every Friday Night.

RULE 5. Every Saturday Morning I will post a new Killer Combatant Series.

RULE 6. I will vote my opinion the morning of the decided winning killer. If it is a tie, before I vote, my deciding vote will be based on everyone's comments using reasonable evidence as to which killer would actually win. My vote can create a tie between the two killers ending in both killers demise/victory.


Killer Combatant Series #1! Wraith barely takes the win! Voting over! 45 votes

TapeKnotSkeletalEliteFancyMrBFreddoUistreelbjorksnaslandromatChurchofPigglitchboiInsatiableMopNoOneKnowsNovaImBrakingBikeGannTMvacamanTheArbiterPSPsyainTrickstaaaaaVioletCrimesHigh5YourFace 23 votes
FallenRanger0Seiko300kodiakySlaughterhouse3SacrilegeGGmusstang62Psycho_Mooksxtr4meFobboRobotInPyjamasDoomedMindCheeseAntonQwQw[Deleted User]JackthrynTwitchyMikeGruulNinesbluelinkyt 22 votes
Post edited by TwitchyMike on


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    You can't send someone insane if they already have no sanity left.

    This would render doc useless.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    I would say doctor as he is more experienced in torturing and killing people.

    Gameplay/power-wise, Wraith has his stealth, but Doctors ability is directly anti-stealth.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    Maybe make it about only human ones. Like legion, and huntress. Because technically pyramid head would win, since he is immortal. And we know nemesis would win out of all the mortal ones. Not saying you should, just throwing out ideas :)

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Doc's a hefty guy, so my bet is on him.

    Also, his entire thing is anti-stealth, so that kind of puts Wraith at a disadvantage.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited August 2021

    I should also have addressed this you make a good point. So we're going to get rid of the "immortality" part of the killers. They are Killable in these matches we will just say that. Yes Killers abilities play a factor but the immortal factor is obviously OP.

    @Mooks and @QwQw and @NoOneKnowsNova Yes! I thought this would be a perfect round to start off with because they in a way counter each other! Doctor is anti stealth but yes wraith would be able to resist the doctors madness!

  • Nines
    Nines Member Posts: 26

    I think doc takes this one. Wraith doesn't look much like a straight up fighter.. could use some leg days at the gym...

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited August 2021

    I'm not buying the whole "well wraith kills people so he's obviously insane" shtick because then that could just be applied to every killer across the board. That's just not how insanity works- it's a broader term but "usually reserved for describing severe conditions involving psychotic-like breaks with reality."

    You can be a murderer and still be completely in your right mind and know exactly what it is that you're doing. People that are mentally unhinged may be more prone to violence, but there's a very large gap between unhinged and certifiably insane. Truly, I don't think we have a single "Insane Killer" on the entire roster and we've yet to see one. Perhaps you could say the Doctor himself is insane but if he was performing valuable research for the CIA it's difficult to say whether or not his sense of reality was intact, if it wasn't then I doubt he'd be learning anything valuable. However there is the line in his lore: "Carter's experimental information extraction had turned to horrific and bizarre torture" but again it's difficult to say whether this is could be Carter working to uncover secrets of the human mind by pushing well past scientific ethical boundaries or if he's well and truly insane and he only "thinks" he's still doing valuable research and in reality he's making false connections in a broken reality- not real science anymore but simply human cruelty.

    Aside from that the closest things we have to insane I would say are Ghostface and the Trickster- not because they've got broken perceptions of reality but because they are very obvious psychopaths. Charming and likable on the outside and pretend to care about others, but are completely cold-hearted and fail to form genuine attachments, opting to have completely shallow and fake relationships in order to maintain the facade of a normal life to cover their criminal activities.

    But they definitely understand what they're doing- both killers have a twisted sense of pleasure and gratification from their violent acts and a sense of accomplishment or achievement for their respective "performances". (Ghostface performs for newspapers, the cops and local authorities, and enjoys the attention of the horrified public eye. Whereas Trickster performs for an oblivious loving audience / adoring fans and the undivided attention of his victims who are subject to his torture- the contributors to his "art").

    EDIT: The Clown also- at least for a brief period also falls under a similar form of psychopathy. Using the circus to escape his crimes and surrounded by a close-knit community he was forced to learn to socialize: "He donned a new personality like a disguise, quickly becoming known as charming and helpful, and was welcomed into his new family." However this doesn't last and he falls back into bad habits and violent tendencies and the Clown unlike Trickster and Ghostface drops the charade: "He removed the costume less and less, shedding his old personality with it, fully embracing the clown, his true self." Perhaps making him closer to the behavior of a sociopath- who unlike Psychopaths who are more manipulative, detached, and meticulous in their planning: "Sociopaths experience anxiety and find rage far harder to control. They may act without thought and, as a result, they may have a harder time blending in. Inconsistencies between their words and their lives may be easier to see." which aligns perfectly with how the Clown eventually became complacent and sloppy.

    Every other killer has some kind of motivation for why they kill: Ambition (Blight), Rage (Oni), Vengeance (Deathslinger), Fear (Leatherface), "Justice" (Pyramid Head - manifestation of guilt), Devotion (Plague), etc. so on and so forth so I'm just not sure that this necessarily means that they wouldn't be susceptible to The Doctor's madness.

    NOTE: Yes I am entirely aware that I totally went off on a tangent- however, seeing as I wasted literally an entire hour on this train of thought with a bunch of research and lore digging and everything I'm still posting this comment. Even if it is completely unrelated, meant absolutely nothing, or is completely wrong, at this point too much time has been invested to just delete it.

    TL;DR Killers are not completely insane, though likely many if not all are somewhere on the spectrum of mentally unhinged. Ergo Doctor's madness still works.

    The Doctor's madness aside, he's still imo one of the more powerful killers in the entity's realm electricity is a high key busted supernatural power to have. And outside of the game from a lore standpoint- in a brawl with other killers he could up the voltage for more painful and devastating damage. At the current level of intensity it's enough to paralyze the survivors motor functions for a brief moment- long enough that they can't even raise their arms to drop a pallet or move their legs to vault a window. A similar effect could be easily reproduced and used against the killers (even if a greater voltage was necessary) and I could totally see the Doctor shocking one of the other killers right before they were to land an attacking blow. Also we see the Doctor applying a high enough voltage to kill a survivor directly to their brains during his mori- so there's also that.

    And physically I don't think there's a lot of question regarding The Doctor's capabilities, dude literally tore the sleeves off his lab coat to show off those guns attached to his torso. I'm not saying he's the strongest killer out there- but it definitely doesn't seem like he's lacking either and I would say he's on the physically stronger end.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited August 2021

    Ya that's a pretty big rant lol 😅. But interesting content. Would make a great college paper! As of right now it seems we're currently tied! I think regardless of Wraiths mental state the Sanity would affect him. Whether it's a small amount or a little. I really think the battle will involve a lot of stealth and hit and run tactics from the Wraith towards the Doctor. While the doctor tries to predict what the wraith will do. If the Doctor isn't careful the last thing he will hear is the sound of Wraiths Bell. But if the Wraith is too careless he will walk right into Doctors Electricity and fall even further into madness. I plan on having an elaborate showdown explained in writing once the winner is determined. Note I don't have a personal opinion in these so it's going to be strictly unbiased. If there is a tie the tie breaker will be determined by canon facts that you all argue here. I am saving my vote until the end.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited August 2021

    Okay last chance to put your votes in! Dang this is pretty close...

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    20 votes for wraith and 17 for doctor. Looks like Doctor is going to win!

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I dunno, Wraith's pretty strong. He ripped an entire man's spine out, but who knows what Doc has underneath that smile of his...

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited August 2021

    Well... other than that, definitely other than that.

  • NoNamed
    NoNamed Member Posts: 1

    Doc for life! <3

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    This was close just like I thought it would be. It's why I picked a great first two combatants. I will post a Killer Combatant Series every Saturday morning and it ends the following Friday night. Thank you all who participated... now the winnings go too...


    I even voted for the Doctor on this one but even including my vote the wraith wins 22 votes to Doctors 21 votes.

    So here's a quick battle scenario to think about. Let me know how you personally think this battle would've gone. Feel free to still vote and post your comments. But here's how I think the Wraith would've won.

    The Wraith (Phillip) has just finished cleaning off his weapon after a fresh kill. Another survivor falls to his skull mace. He takes the survivor to the nearest hook with anticipation to please the entity. On his way however he sees a figure in what appears to be a doctors uniform. Electrical flares seem to surround him every so often. He is kneeling over laughing and seems to be torturing another survivor as the survivors screams can be heard. Phillip quickly realizes that he isn't the only killer in this hunt and the Entity is up to something. Phillip quickly hooks the survivor and cloaks himself with his Wailing bell. With his quick speed and stealth he quickly makes his way over to The Doctor (Herman).

    Herman is getting ready to pick up the survivor and take them to the nearest hook when he suddenly hears what appears to sound like a deep purring of breathing. It's not a sound he is familiar with and quickly drops the survivor and begins looking around with his never closing eyes. He scans the area being fully alert to his surroundings, no longer concerned of the survivor crawling away. He charges up his Static Blast, just as Herman releases the charged blast he sees a figure caught in the attack. Phillip groans in pain as he feels electrical charges shoot into his body breaking his stealth and revealing him to Herman. The Doctor laughs and runs towards Phillip who is still recovering from the recent blast.

    Just in time Phillip recovers quickly enough to meet the doctors electrical baton in a clash of their two weapons. Herman's stronger build and stature quickly start to over power Phillip as Phillip is still feeling the effects of the blast attack. Phillip with his free hand uses his wailing bell to hit Herman in the side of the head staggering him away. Giving Phillip just enough time to use his bell to disappear back into the shadows. Herman looking around furiously as his recent prey has just gotten away realizes it's too soon to use his Static Blast so he begins to charge up his Shock Therapy.

    Meanwhile Phillip is starting to feel madness but maintains his resolve enough to focus on what he needs to do. He quickly surprises Herman from behind slashing his back with his weapon. All Herman heard was the sound of a bell right before the attack. But this doesn't stop Herman no... As Phillip tries to cloak himself again the doctor still in that instant charging his Shock Therapy releases it towards Phillip barely hitting him as he turns a corner into the killer shack. Herman see the outline of Phillip scream and smiles as he knows he has sent him further into madness.

    Phillip quickly starts seeing The Doctor everywhere and starts wailing at every figure just to release they're not real. This buys Herman just enough time to find him and is able to hit Phillip in his right arm just as Phillip desperately tries to block the attack but unable to do so due to the madness growing and influencing his fighting capabilities. Phillip staggers back trying to regain his form and prepares for a final confrontation. In a moment of clarity Phillip overpowers the madness building in his mind and with his incredible agility performs a leg sweep on Herman causing him to fall down the stairs into the basement.

    Herman not realizing he was so close to the ledge of the stairs as he was overly excited about finishing off his opponent and falls to the bottom of the stairs. He gets up just in time to see Phillip standing over him ready to swing. Herman tries to block the incoming attack but Phillip knocks his weapon out of his hands. Phillip then rears back his weapon a second time aiming right for Herman's head. Simultaneously as Phillips weapon bares down upon Herman, Herman attempts to release his Shock Therapy attack one more time. Just as he can get off his attack, his head meets the skull of Phillips weapon. Herman just barely got off his attack but only after taking a fatal blow to the head.

    Phillip screams in agony as his madness increases, unable to do anything more to Herman in his current state. He staggers away snapping himself out of the madness. Quickly regains his focus and rushes back over to Herman ready to strike again only to realize he is already dead. As Phillip walks towards Herman the entity grabs him and drags him into the Abyss.