5+ minutes queue as killer since MMR

The game feels more balance and it's cool and everything but... The queues I've been having when playing killer last forever, I almost lose interest for joining the game when i find a lobby. When it gets to 2 minutes it should increase massively the MMR range for finding a lobby.
When do you usually play? Nothing has changed for me personally. During the day it's mere seconds for a Survivor queue, as the day progresses things get more equal, until Killer queues are instant.
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Usually at 3 PM. I used to have 30sec queues at that time.
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Killer queues have always been really long. At least for me
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Killers always have long queue time at daytime and insta lobby after sunset, it's how it's been forever since I started playing the game. I guess there are just a lot of killer mains who have free time during afternoon, and then they have to go to sleep early.
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Survivor queues used to regularly take 10-15 minutes minimum
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Before the test, my killer queues were 5+minutes, now they're instant. It might be that you are better at killer and therefore have to wait a little longer to get survivors that are close to your skill level.
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Late last night I was getting very quick survivor queues and waiting about 4 minutes for Killer queues, which was the exact opposite of how it used to be