Killers, are you satisfied with a 2K?



  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 884

    Depends on how the game went and especially on how good the survivors were. If they were really good and i was expecting to get destroyed, i feel good, but if i messed up and could have got an 4k with some better plays it feels like a loss. If i played "fair" and got a lot of hooks, a 2k is alright, but sometimes i just can't feel good immediately when it could have been a 4k if i would have played more smart.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,571


  • kodiaky
    kodiaky Member Posts: 51


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,597

    Not at all. I need at least 3. It helps when I actually pip.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353
    edited August 2021

    Yes, I play by the logic that as long as I get at least a 1K I’m content.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,900

    "It only becomes frustrating when they're toxic as hell, then I want them all on hooks by any means possible."- That part made me giggle a bit, haha. I agree though! A 2K is absolutely fine to me, especially if I get a lot of points and good chases. :)

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    For me, it depends.

    Was the game fun? If it was a meme game for the luls, I'd have taken a 0k, unless I'm doing Rancor Roulette.

    If the match was hard-fought on both sides and was super close, then I'll accept a 2k.

    If it was a sweat show and the Survivors trybarded the hell out of the game to get gens done fast and leave, then I'll be pretty upset.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759

    Sorry Idk if somebody already answered but Blast Mine!

  • DeadByFrameLag
    DeadByFrameLag Member Posts: 56

    No, definetly not #########. 2 kill isnt enough. Minimum 3k

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2021

    A 2k isn't even balanced. It's just the easiest number, based on the statistics, that the developers chose to try to balance the game around. It's the most basic concept to exist, the "There's 4 survivors, so 2 kills 2 escapes = balance!" despite it being a 1v4 asymmetrical game, which often will not balance around that kind of arbitrary number.

    Most people would consider a 2k a draw, and I can tell you right now if high SBMM killers are getting 2ks, the likelyhood they had to sweat their absolute balls off compared to the survivors is sky high. I'd say you'll be lucky to walk away with a 1k if you're playing survivors equal to your skill.

  • [Deleted User]

    No, it's a tie

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,176

    Killers: we want 3k average.

    Future Devs note: To make the escape rate 50%, now Survivors have a team of 6.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Depends. Most recent Trickster game was a 2k this morning, the survivors were good at holding W and splitting up on gens. 4 hooks all game but with 1 gen left they made a dumb basement play I was able to punish at get a 2k by proxy camping and letting the last gen go. I was prepared to let them hook trade but they decided to just finish the gen and leave, I didn't feel like that was anything close to a W, just salvaging a losing game.

    If I get 8-9 hooks ands all survivors are on death hook and manage to get 1 or 2 in end game, that feels much closer to a W but I would still feel like if they get the gens done then I could have done better. Come down to gens done really, Ill always consider keys/hatch a W as I completed my main objective of not letting the gens get done.