Disliked Map = DC

I am in this game since it got released. It was a wonderful game once and really one of my favorite to play. But lately it's going more and more down. And sadly it's mostly cus of the attitude of people.

This game always had a randomiced system to choose a map, there are offerings to influence the map choice and since some time an offering to reset other map offerings.

Now it became a trend to dc (mostly seen on killers, sorry) in the middle of the game cus they decide the map is #########. Or play like crap by downing everyone and not doing anything else, just standing and waiting till they bleed out and tell me in the end chat how horrible of a human I am for choosing a certain map they don't like.

Like seriously, guys! We all love certain maps, we all like certain things, some things are really not nice. We each other cannot know (unless we know each other) each others favorite and dislikes. I don't mind if someone dcs in the loading screen when a map is brought they really hate. That is fine, I can understand it. I play killer too and got some maps are just hidious to play on especially with tons of pallets.

I do bring map offerings too, I cannot know what the others like (unless I ask, the killers I cannot know sadly). But I do that cus I play a lot and with my luck I end up 3 times on the same map. I like the differency in my game play and cus I often don't see some maps for many games.

I can understand when people be toxic and teabag you, cus 'you are sooo bad, ez game', that there is the urge to dc. (I know, that survivor are the more toxic once in this game and it's horrible) But if that happens a lot to you, bring a perk to ruin their game too like noed.

The dc-trend lately, not only on maps goes out of hand and I really would wish the penalty would be longer, so people think twice before dc.

I really don't wanna attack the killers in general here, I am sorry if it sounds to you like this. Really not my interntion. I lately played against a lot of talented and very strong and sweet killers. Not everyone of killer main has this attitude! I am just stating how my expercience the last weeks is going! :) But please feel free to let me know your opinion.


  • Miss_Johnny
    Miss_Johnny Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2021

    I can understand SOME dc on killer side and survivor side. I cannot say I never dced. I did on both sides, yes. I am not perfect, really! But the trend is getting worse and worse. Get first hit down = dc, killer camps = dc, I hate the map = dc, I didn't get the survivor = dc. Every match I have either one of my teammates dc or the killer. The last 30 matches, I had around half of them with at least one teammate less and 8 where the killer dced. I never before had the dc that badly.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    They should just up the dc penalties and implement an afk system to stop players going afk as well.

    If I had my way I'd also remove survivors trying to escape to give up. People just need to grow up and accept not every game will be going as well as youd like

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    my opinion about that?, if you like to DC np but then take the conseq. and dont wonder why you get banned

  • Miss_Johnny
    Miss_Johnny Member Posts: 57

    I am sorry but there is barely consequences. 5 mins is in my eyes not enough for the amount of people dc lately. It ruins the fun for the rest. And I have not heared or seen one ban for dc, but that could just be me.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,466

    If youve been here since release then you would know that dcing use to be a lot worst

    Remember 3 man games? How about 2 man games? How about a 1v1?

  • Miss_Johnny
    Miss_Johnny Member Posts: 57

    That might be your opinion but not mine. :) I have experienced different. I mean it was way harder in the begining to go 1v1 or less. But now I have way more teammates dc then ever and killer as well. And I play quite some hours weekly, sadly! LOL