Will Hellraiser get a map?

The only two licensed Killers that did not come with a map are Leatherface and Ghost Face. One of them was in a paragraph, while the other was technically an original character that wears a licensed outfit.
I have never seen Hellraiser. Would that movie have a good location for a map? And how likely do people think a Hellraiser map would be if there is a suitable location?
Assuming that it is Hellraiser. It'd probably be the Hospital or Hell's Labyrinth.
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I hope it won't be yet another indoor hospital. It would be nice to see an outdoor licensed map once in a while.
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It's a Paragraph.
It's not getting a map, nor a Survivor.
The mid-Chapter Survivor isn't going to be Hellraiser related either.
The three most iconic locations from the movies are the family home in the original, the asylum from the second movie, or the Labyrinth from the second movie. The Labyrinth is the most visually striking of the three, and definitely sticks out.
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Maybe? Don't get your hopes up, though.
Speaking of maps, I wonder if there are more realm overhauls coming anytime soon.
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Yeah I’m thinking chains + teleportation + illusions. Like a mix between deathslinger, nurse & doctor.
The puzzle box will probably be an interactive item for survivors (similar to Freddy’s alarm clocks)
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The labyrinth from 2 would be awesome! Especially if Leviathan is floating in the centre!
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The labyrinth? Raccoon City already has a map. 😎
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I ######### wish man
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i really doubt it.
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and how do you know its a paragraph
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To be fair, it's from a well known leak source, so you can take that with a grain of salt. Could very well be wrong, but said source has a good track record.
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as long as its not from leaksbydaylight i gotchu
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It's from DBDLeaks. Like I said, grain of salt and all that.
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I kind of doubt we'll see a map with this next chapter. All the teasers were taken on the chapel. Doesn't even seem like we'll get another realm beyond update either since we would have usually gotten a teaser for the upcoming realm beyond update by now.
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Watch it be some obscure stuff, like the dance hall from Hellraiser III
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A map 2 chapters in a row 🤣
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Beat me to the RPD joke.
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Hell's Labyrinth could be cool.
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Doubtful, maybe he'll be released with a reworked map.
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The space station from 4…
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Badham Preschool's third visual rework.
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Of course not, we already got a map this year. Maybe next summer
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why just a visual rework, why not just a WHOLE rework
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Didn't the devs say we will only receive two maps this year? We've already had one so I think they will do the second one in the following chapter.
Edit: Poor choice of words
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We only deserve two maps?
isn’t that a bit overdramatized?
but yeah, they said there are only gonna be 2 maps this year and everyone assumed it must mean a second licensed chapter. I am kinda not expecting a new map this chapter but we will see. I think they also said something similar in another years road map but they ended up still making a map that wasn’t in the plan…
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and the family home is small, unless they made it so it includes the labyrinth built off the house