SBMM will be the death of DBD with the current balance

You need to balance the game first before you can implement this. So far I have went against nothing but competent team after competent team. Players cannot competent vs these players on killers like Pig, Myers, Clown and pretty much every other killer besides like 4. BHVR you are basically saying play only meta killers if you are a competent killer because you refuse to acknowledge that when the survivors are good, and even more so when they are coordinated, they control the game. So if someone is good at Pig and gets their MMR up, too bad I guess? I couldn't even play a Scratched Mirror game because the survivors all know what to do. I didn't even want to win, I just wanted to have some fun, but Scratched Mirror Myers just can't compete vs people that are competent.
This game has relied on low skill survivor players for its balance since its inception. Without them mixed in with decent players, players have zero chance of enjoying the game on off meta killers. It is quite sad honestly. Because I would love to face competent players on Myers, or Pig, but when I do, I lose or struggle the whole game and I have to sweat and slug and tunnel for a chance to win. Then when you play sweaty all you get is verbal abuse because the survivors refuse to understand you can't let everyone get free saves, or 12 hook because the pace of the game just goes too fast to allow that
Seriously. You guys really need to think about and fix this issue. I don't enjoy playing only meta killers and thousands of other people that like to play killer also don't just want to play meta killers. We want to be able to compete vs competent players on whatever killer we want to play. If the SBMM stays like this without significant balance changes, off meta killers vs competent players and teams will have no chance.
Perhaps SBMM is what's needed for BHVR to see just how imbalanced certain mechanics/perks/maps etc. etc. can be.
It's one thing if a killer does poorly, its another if a multitude of higher mmr players using said killer still do poorly against even lower mmr survivors.
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Your skill checks should get harder the higher your rank is. It's pretty silly that the primary gameplay mechanic for survivors is exactly as hard at all skill levels, making it a challenge for newbies and completely trivial for pros.
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They know about how poorly balanced high ranks can be, they just don't care.
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SBMM is mostly for the majority of the player base honestly. Only the real sweaty, or high ranks players will have harder matches overall. Especially the top 20% of killers, they will have sweatier matches.
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Isn't Killer MMR based on which killer you're playing? So your Nurse MMR will be different from your Pig MMR.
Also, losing games as Killer will drop your MMR, letting you match with worse players over time.
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not really. they need implement MMR first before changing the game. Most of my games as killer are 6-7 hooks with 2 kills, 2 escapes against strong teams. I'd say around 60% of the teams are very good survivors. 40% are weaker. The weaker teams are 3-4 kills with like 9+ hooks.
The weaker killers struggling isn't anything new, they've been bad before, it just got covered up by bad matchmaking.
as survivor. I am sad that spirit is not played as much after stridor nerfs and footstep nerf in phase walk. I am going miss playing vs spirit.
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The system is good. It just needs to be followed up with balance changes. That's what MMR is really bringing to light right now, how imbalanced the game is. "Killer is just a sweat fest every time." "I always get bad solo teammates." Like, where have y'all been? Nothing's changed on that, so why are you blaming that on the MMR system?
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Actually killer isn't always a sweat fest. I regularly play at rank 1 and before the SBMM test I could play fun builds and weaker killers. Sure sometimes I would need to sweat but that wasn't 5 or more games in a row. Now when I go on a killer I usually win a lot on, that is also weaker, I'm struggling because the killer just doesn't have enough in their kit to compete vs 4 competent players. I understand it isn't fair to the lower skilled players that I and many killers have played against and killed, but it also isn't fair for people to struggle just due to the bad game balance.
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This has to happen for the game to be balanced. They can't get good data when matchmaking under normal circumstances sucks.
They may not be completely aware of how bad most killers are in high MMR play. Or how bad map balance is. There are so many maps where some killers have a best case scenario 2k as soon as they load in, but the devs maintain "actually, the kill rate says otherwise". They need to actually see it.
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I'm somewhat dreading hopping back into DBD because of the MMR changes. Was already struggling because of performance issues when playing, not looking forward to possibly getting matched a bunch of times VS groups that have no busbeing matched against me
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It wont kill the game, just the fun out of it
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Yes but that's the entire point we're trying to make. If you weren't having a sweatfest before, you weren't going against the best, or at least those of equal skill to you. This system theoretically ensures that you are. Once people are going against equal skilled opponents, the devs can start collecting stats across all skill levels, and start balancing around that. I too play red rank killer and some matches are easy af. Others are the complete opposite where I've got 4 hooks at 1 gen. We want an ideal match, where it's not too easy but not unwinnable, and this MMR system will help us get there.
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They already know about it- they just don’t care. They happily say FU to the people who have supported and put the most time into their game. Nothing will change.
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I just think this game relies too much on rng for mmr/sbmm to work properly.