Couple additional questions for Stranger Things Content

1. Will you still be able to earn the prestige cosmetic pieces for ST characters you own after the license expires?
2. Will Demogorgon keep his unique chase and lobby music?
3. Will demogorgon's mori stay the same?
I would assume yes on all of them since they did not specify these would change about these characters.
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yes to the first one
Not sure to the second one
yes to the 3rd one.
I hope that helps, I will keep trying to get more information as it becomes available.
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If they get rid of his chase music then I'm really upset about this.
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If Demo loses his TR... Now that will be sad.
He's like the whole reason all killers released after him got their own TR's.
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I know that would suck. I mean... all the lobby music is based on the DBD theme so it does give us hope for it staying.
Although if both pieces were made in partnership with Netflix, that makes it a tougher call.
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Isn't Demo's chase music borked still?
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I hope Hawkins gets an increased rotation rate during the sale. Would hate to see it go without playing on it enough to appreciate it.
I still think, with a graphical overhaul and a few room replacements (stage instead of portal room, VIP area where the upstairs is) it'd be a great fit for an All-Kill map. The layout of Hawkins is so unique and it'd be a massive shame for it to vanish and never re-emerge in any way.
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@MandyTalk Just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to answer everyone's concerns. I know there have been a lot, but it really goes a long way. :)
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Will they be able to make balance updates and bugfixes on Demo?
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Thank you!
And yes the chase music will stay the same
And yes we will still support the characters in our game, they'll have bug fixes, balances fixes etc.