Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Questions regarding removal of Stranger Things

Though I know nobody is certain the real reason as to why the chapter is being pulled, I had some simple questions I wanted to ask the community, I know nobody really knows but I just wanted to hear some opinions.

My first question is how will the removal of Nancy, Demo, and Steve affect the achievements? Will they be removed, and will players who have achieved them still get to keep them?

My second question regards Jonathan Byers, he's a legendary character and many were weirded out by him having Steve's voice, so I'm guessing he'll never have his own voice?

My third question is how will their perks be obtainable? Will they just show up in the shrine or be able to be collected like Default perks?


  • tea
    tea Member Posts: 140

    First question: They will probably be legacy achievements or overall removed from the Steam achievements list.

    Second question: Correct. All of the cosmetics regarding the three ST characters will be unobtainable and no new cosmetics or updates will be added to any of the three.

    Third question: Probably either or. I can't see them removing the perks so my guess is that they will be public perks or available on the Shrine from time to time.