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Want to know what you would do in this situation.

Member Posts: 108

You're playing as the Shape.

Map - Badham Preschool II

You get your third hook, 1 gen remaining.

On Barbecue you see that other survivors are working on a gen on the opposite side of the map.

When gens are finished you see that both gates are near them.

What do you do?

I face amped and got a salty response from one of the people survived. That I'm awful, I have 1k hours and I face camp. He tells me that he's a killer main on rank 1. When I ask him what I should've done in this situation, he tells me to go stop the gate.

As a side note nobody got above 20k BP.

And that I rarely play as Shape.

What's your opinion on this situation and who's right?


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  • Member Posts: 1,568

    If I only got 3 hooks for 4 gens, that means I already lost and I wouldn't expect them do something stupid.

    Honestly I would try to chase them there. Maybe get tier 3 and down some survivors for bbq stacks. I like to chase survivors more than secure one kill. Even if it means they all escape.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Idk I'm a survivor main. But if I played killer I probably would have just stayed by the hook. It could have prompted the other survivors to come to you to get more kills.

    This is what I would have done but ultimately idk. I play survivor not killer.

  • Member Posts: 108

    I had BBQ tier 2 so I got all the stacks. But if I had tier 3 BBQ I would have done what you said.

  • Member Posts: 108

    I never cared about killer strength, but the reason I asked my question this way, cuz I know you need to do better, but bad things happen and I wanted to know how people would handle this situation.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    I wouldn’t camp. I would stalk the other survivors and try to go for a snowball. Meaning T3, down, slug, go for the next person I see going for the hook, etc.

    I guess is the answer depends on what you want. Do you want more hooks/kills or do you want at least 1 “secure” kill.

    Everyone understands that once all the gens are finished camping is like the only thing that is expected, because there is nothing else to pressure.

    In your case the fact that the gates were far, I would have taken advantage of that and tried to snowball.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I wouldn't stray too far but I wouldn't just stand in front of the hook. I'd focus more on getting hook trades than trying to ensure one kill. You said it yourself, they + the gates are on the opposite side of the map so it's not the easiest save. Myers can also stalk and benefit from the usual "everyone indecisively running near the hook" situation, but I wouldn't use T3 unless I felt like I could down more than one person with it as it might make them do the thing they should do in the first place: just leave.

    Most of the time they trade hooks, run away and reset until someone is about to die. Even if in the end you still get 1 kill, you got more hooks. If you get a few of them injured you can try to drag the people trading to hooks even further away from the gate too.

    Sometimes they mess up and you snowball. Emphasis on mess up because again, they should probably just leave and certainly not overcommit in the face of a killer that can activate instadowns.

    And very rarely they do what they probably should've done in the first place in that situation: Open the gate and leave without a microsecond of hesitation. In which case you get 1 kill anyway.

    This is just me of course. I'll take the extra points and hooks of leaving enough room to trade hooks and potentially get more if they mess up over just securing a single kill.

  • Member Posts: 526

    Camp the Hook, Feed the Evil Within Meter as they brag, Slug, Make trades, Don't act dumb, Watch for decisive, Get Brutal Killer, Close the End Game Chat, Next Game.

  • Member Posts: 538

    I feel like people say this stuff when they've never tried killer before. This kinda thing used to upset me as a new player, way before I switched to killer qnd realised qt that point in the game your best hope is to hook someone, kinda proxy camp to try and get some hook trades

  • Member Posts: 27

    Face camp and then close chat forever.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I would've probably proxy camped, try to tier up off of any rescuers and try to down a few of them. If just one rescuer then go for them to make sure it's a trade.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Not a whole lot to add here that other people haven't said already.

    Some players will find a reason to be salty no matter what the outcome of the game was.

    Camping was the correct choice. Ideally if you had extra Evil Within to stack still, then 99% it on the survivors that are doing the obvious "I'm over here, look at me while my teammate tries to save the other guy behind you", don't stay directly -on- the hook, you want a hit before they reach the hook so you can get the second swing as they unhook also so you can either trade, or get two kills instead of one due to altruism and greed. STBFL usually helps in these situations to get two quick hits in succession.

  • Member Posts: 21,212
    edited August 2021

    I'd try to manipulate them to come for the unhook so that I can get at least a 2K.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    At that point it doesn't even really matter. Just camp the guy on the hook and hope that the other survivors are stupid enough to give you any more than a 1k.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    this tbh

    Camping the hook isn't going to get you much, cos the attempt to save wouldn't even get made. I don't particularly care about kills but think that in the circumstances that you mentioned, baring in mind that you're playing a killer with an instadown capability, I would definitely have tried to get more out of it and baited survivors in for the unhook.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Nothing your too slow to get there in time I. Cpuld get my kill and pop t3 if they try to save

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    If you don't have time ofc you want to secure the kill. Although facecamping as an instakill killer is not very smart, you want to bait them, make them feel like they can get the unhook and hopefully get more than 1 kill giving them a little space while you feel completly safe.

  • Member Posts: 600

    I'd 100% just camp. because it's Badham. Unless, maybe, if I had EW 99'd. Protecting gates doesn't make any sense in this situation, they'll be open before you'll be able to reach them.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    4.6m/s×20s (time to open gate) = 92m.

    Just in the time it takes the survivors to open a gate you would've gotten on the other side of the map. But they weren't yet opening the gate, the gen was still being done. Which means you had more than enough time to get there and maybe even get EWIII for potential snowball, albeit more hooks and possibly kills.

    Personally I would've went for the gate, just because Myers has an easy to use insta-down

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Left the area I can't just stand there doing nothing even if it's the end of the match.

    I would of baited the others to make a rescue wandered the area looking to catch someone off guard.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    As someone that mostly plays survivor if killer downs someone as last gen finishes I 100% expect them to camp that survivor, especially if they have an instadown ability. I've seen red rank killers from rank 1-4 do it when they want to secure a kill after a bad match.

    That being said, rarely does the killer get more than a 1k out of it because the other survivors are not likely to head back for a random - especially if it is an instadown killer on other side of the map away from the gates. Also, if the gates were on other side of the map next to eachother you could've headed over there to at the very least try and get more BP - personally I'd rather get more BP than stand in a spot to guarantee a kill.

  • Member Posts: 1,380

    Doesn't matter what they say our what the situation is. Hell, if you really want to tunnel the first guy you see out of the game. How you play is your prerogative, if you feel it just to be a moral killer then do so. if you do not care, nothing a survivor says should bother you.

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    Well for one, I wouldn't be playing Myers in the first place because his power kinda sucks in modern DBD, lol. If I were in this scenario though, then I would've just shamelessly camped. There is no other option in that scenario. In my experience, if people are salty then they will go out of their way to find reasons to insult or mock you. Maybe you killed their friend or you just annoyed them earlier in the game. That Survivor likely would've complained or mocked you even if you didn't camp in that scenario.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I disagree. If people want to play a certain playstyle, even if it is not a strong playstyle, they should be able to figure out how to handle certain situations that arise. The answer shouldn't be "don't bother" unless the person is a Spike actively looking to play for results at all costs.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I would just camp. I have a tape in my head of Reddit videos with captions like "This is what happens when you greed for two kills and get no kills," and, if I was already doing badly in a match, and there was no one near me, and it was EGC, and I was struggling for one kill, that tape would start to play.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I would have proxy camped, gone around the general area and waited to see if the survivors would come back for the save. If the savior didn't have BT there's a chance you could get another hook, possibly turn one kill into two (maybe more, but that's a pretty tricky scenario). When I run BBQ I always go out of my way to get all those first hooks for the BP gains, kills are secondary to me.

    Regardless, there's no right or wrong in this situation. You had a choice and you made it, I understand the survivor's frustration but it was the end of the match and he's the one who got caught. It happens.

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