SBMM full time?

Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

I have seen several posts on Feedback about wanting SBMM back, so I wonder how many players would actually like this current version we have seen.

SBMM full time? 25 votes

Full Time
rhaJawsIsTheNextKillerSkeletalEliteMooksPurgatorianMercêsRattiusGuest1567432fogdonkeyRodrigoLSirGandoUnderdawglechero1125Crossway 14 votes
Need work
AhoyWolfdreamsy10FobboDino7281Puffythog1 6 votes
Seiko300Yoshman2523coley_219Rogue11Laendra 5 votes


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428
    Need work

    Needs a lot of work still.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    Full Time

    playing with the normal rank based matchmaking after the test just made me realize how horrible that is.

    just make it Full time and adjust further based on feedback/data.

    many people that complained just did so because they want to. I had several players complain in after chat about this MMR after it was already over. It’s getting ridiculous at this point how people just hate on the system without giving it a chance.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    Need work

    I don't hate SBMM. I just hate what they said to do with rank, when SBMM goes full time.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    Full Time

    You mean the reset to 20 and BP as rank rewards?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited August 2021
    Need work

    Yes, grind is insane in this game, so some players might think this is good, but 250k is not much and that is for rank 1. I can get that in 3 games using offering.

    250k as reward for rank 1 is pathetic and lazy imo. So far only "reward" you get is harder games. If they don't manage to motivate players to improve, there will be lot of players losing on purpose, because it won't matter to them.

    To get from rank 20 to rank 1 in month time is lot of time with knowing that it will be wasted on next reset back to rank 20. Sorry, but 250k is not worth it, not even close.

    It's not like those games will be easy, because of SBMM you will have to tryhard a lot to get there.

    I would change duration from one month to same as Rift (70 days), so there is more time to climb and more time to prepare better reward. Charms, Skins or just something you can show off.

    And show players their ratings, or just create something as symbol about your rank.

    If they would show only symbol and not actual number, it will be harder to track how system works and abuse it.

    If I can see my ratings, I can easily create goals what I want to achieve next. Like get all my killers to Platinum, or above rating 2000. You wouldn't even need rewards with it. It would also help me compare results on my killers or with other players.

    When you show players their ratings, they will have always have something to do, because they have actual feedback and are motivated more to improve, when it is not just based on feeling.

    I have maxed every killer I wanted and have every perk, so I just can't give less [BAD WORD] about extra BP.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    Full Time

    Agreed on the BP rewards fully. It feels like they just wanted to have something and decided BP it is.

    On the topic on visible MMR (either direct or symbols or something) I guess the idea is that no one should actually have such goals as to have every killer on platinum or something like that. The idea is probably that you should play the way you just feel comfortable and not think about the system at all.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
    Full Time

    It is not much, but these rewards are not meant to solve the grind.

    Removing grind is important and needs to be addressed directly, not by some random rewards. For start they could remove perk tiers.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    Need work

    I don't know about you, but games I had with my mains during SBMM weren't really peaceful experience.

    High MMR was full try-hard contest, which I have skill to handle, but I am not going to be willing to do it in long term without motivation.

    I would go for it, if I can see my progress and gladly play like on tournaments with my mains.

    high MMR is fine as survivor (I play only SWF, IDK about soloQ), because they play as a team, but it can be quite tiring and stressful for killer, because you just know that any mistake will probably cost you the game.

    If they implement it as it is, I am gonna have 1 killer on high ranking, when I will feel like it, but I am going to lose multiple games on purpose with some killers, so I have way to chill and just enjoy the game.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited August 2021
    Need work

    250k is nothing compare to amount of what you need, it was just only reasoning I have found why would anyone like it.

    As fix for grind I really liked solution by user Pirate:

    Basically change layout of bloodweb that you have 6 perks per page instead of 4 and they are moved to center, so entity starts to target perks faster.

    Really easy to implement and would help a lot.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Full Time

    I agree it still needs work but they could still tinker with it and get more data needed with it being switched on full time.

    Most, but not all, of the complaints I read were from what seems are the top players, those who make it back to red ranks quite easily every month. Although I am nowhere near that caliber of those players I hope once it is fully switched on all sbmm, from low to high, will be balanced over time. People may counter that by saying the devs don't want to balance for high ranks. If they are changing the system from ranking to sbmm it would have been a waste of resources doing the balancing for a system that will soon be outdated. Hopefully this changes once the system is implemented.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 421
    edited August 2021
    Full Time

    It wasn't perfect, but they'll lose me as a player if they don't switch it back on ASAP, or alternatively I have to go 4 SWF full time.

    Not like I didn't have bad games, but the games after MMR are an entirely different league of "bad". Glorious rank based matchmaking gave me a rather bad Trickster with next to no aim. One survivor disconnected pretty early. There was an extremely nasty 3 gen setup that I tried to break with three gens extremely close and not even LOS blockers between them but one survivor decided to keep and keep running around this very area, went down, was hooked right there. Someone else goes for the rescue, killer still there. Gets caught of course and runs the same dumb loop so nobody else can make a save and we had to wait until this guy got downed and carried to another hook so the first survivor could be unhooked.

    They always stayed at the same loop, kept getting hooked there, and I was sitting here like "this map is huge, the killer is bad, there are much better loops against Trickster in other parts of the map, it's almost impossible to go down to him, why do you need to stay and go down in this exact same small place all the freakin' time where a gen really really needs to be done if we want to have a chance to get out of this".

    Ran into the killer and let him down me so that I could kill myself and move on to the next game and what does this guy do ... slug for the 4k and I am lying there waiting for him to down the other two, meanwhile one heals me up and I have to run into the killer again ... argh ... I'm back to playing killer when I am more in the mood to play survivor but not like this.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387
    Full Time

    I didn't feel I was destroying opponents, nor did I feel I was being destroyed by them. If I am going to get 2 kills average I would rather it be like this instead of the 4 kills followed by 0 kills pattern (which obviously would get the same average)