Auric Cells Prices

Not sure if it's affected anywhere else in the world but here in Australia the price of Auric Cells has gone up by a few dollars. So before for the 1100 Auric Cells it was about $11.80 but now its $14.40. So now it's almost $15 for a skin and now about $20 for a Legendary/Ultra Rare skin.

I'm just curious as to why this was necessary? As well as why was there no announcement or anything about it so we'd atleast know instead of it just hush hush being updated in game.

I understand there's the issue with exchange rates and all but doesn't even steam have set prices for different countries etc.? For as long as I can remember too $11.80 was the 1100 Auric Cells price so why suddenly is there an issue with that?

A few dollars doesn't sound like a big deal but now for two 1080 skins it's basically the same price as the base game itself or 3 chapters give or take a dollar or few cents.

Just doesn't sit right with me.


  • RogueNOTH
    RogueNOTH Member Posts: 55

    I agree, I think they are asking us to pay more and that's why I won't be buying as much cosmetics as I used to

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    This is crisis, prices have increased by 10% overall (at least in France).

    As money was created and added from nowhere in the Occidental world, the dollar and euro lost a bit of their value, so we need to spend more for the same thing.

  • l33t
    l33t Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2021

    I hate to tell you but 1100 cells is only 8.99 usd the base game it self is only 30 you get almost 4000 cells for that price. That being said I think one outfit costing more than an entire chapter is outrageous the chapters are usually like 7 usd and that comes with a killer and a survivor or 2 depending on what chapter you buy the resident evil pack was 11 something... cosmetics are overpriced it ends up being how bad do you want it. Another good for instance is Jill and Leon's Chris and Claire are twice as much as the whole pack. That's BS skins are way too expensive.

    Post edited by l33t on
  • Mosey
    Mosey Member Posts: 6

    Which isn't the case in Australia. Currently in Australia the 2250 pack is almost $30 AUD (which is also the same price as the game) but only for two very rare skins. To also put this in perspective if you buy the RE chapter or ST chapter from steam in AU it's about $15. However if you for whatever reason wanted to buy them through auric cells it'll cost you around $20 and thats the smallest pack + 1100 pack. Another issue with the 2250 pack is in AUS all the normal 1 killer 1 surv dlc's are about $10. So you could buy 3 whole chapters aka 6 characters for the price of 2 Very Rare skins. I know in US it doesn't vary much with 1 extra skin but that's still more reasonable than this.

    Not to also mention now future rifts will cost basically an extra $5. It might not seem like much but it will stack up very quickly.

  • l33t
    l33t Member Posts: 13

    Another part of the difference is I'm on Xbox not pc I dunno if that also affects prices but either way I'm with you, cells cost too much I/e skins you have to use cells to buy skins and to buy chapters you have to use real money not cells to use cells you have to buy one character so buying them with cells would be twice as much