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What tier is PTB Pinhead?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

Yeah, for reference S,A,B,C, and F tier. Nurse, Huntress, Hillbilly, Clown, Trapper. Honestly not having the PTB and being a new killer I can’t say. But, what do you guys think?

What tier is PTB Pinhead? 46 votes

S Tier
A Tier
bjorksnasJarolTrickstaaaaaD4M4VR1CKTricksters_Wife 5 votes
B Tier
Slaughterhouse3TapeKnotzacktbhDetailedDetrimentkinRoboMojoMookslandromatglitchboiFobboDhurl421BasementDwellerKarao_KePSPGazgemauchGGSlushyFyronykJustWhimsicalEvilTurnip690 19 votes
C Tier
Gibberish_Morbi_TheRockstarKnightmusstang62Critical_FishCornHubAwkward_FiendCluelessDarkMagikRattiusGuest1567432GannTMBadonkadonk[Deleted User]SirGandoThatOneDemoPlayerTroutMaskReplica 17 votes
F Tier
Mat_SellaGamergirl69OWOOrangeJackDerZuntorRez_Marsiel 5 votes


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    too early to say

    Doesnt seem terrible though might be good

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    A Tier

    He is looking like he could be potentially strong. I feel if a pinhead user is able to use his chains quickly, and get survivors attached in near loops it could be hard to get loop him. But it's to early to say if he is going to be strong. But for now based on my playing him I think he is an A. His biggest weakness is keeping your distance, so he does not get you with his chains. So take that into consideration.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,469
    A Tier

    A tier, he has a nice basekit resting comfortably around B tier but his addons have the potential to upswing him into high A tier, injure and deep wound feel really strong on him and fun to use

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    B Tier

    I would say (upper) B Tier but with minor tweaks Pinhead could very well be A tier.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517
    C Tier

    I really do love the design of him and he looks like a lot of fun, but it does seem like a fair point that his chase power is kind of... a worse version of clown bottles right now. It's roughly the same amount of slowdown and much harder to land. I think he could be a blast with some simple number adjustments

  • C Tier

    Few tweaks and he could be high B tier

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    B Tier

    He's a hybrid between Clown and Freddy, except this Clown can miss his bottles, and this Freddy can teleport away from where he wants to be. He has potential, but his power is incredibly weak in it's current state.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    B Tier

    B at his best. He has to aim his portal like a nurse, then he has to land a very hard skillshot only for them to break chains in 1sec. Too much effort for such tiny advantage.

    Overall he looks like Fancy Pig power: Useless chase power and global game slowdown

  • Mrcrazyyy
    Mrcrazyyy Member Posts: 1

    The thing that makes him good in the PTB is the chain bug where you can't unchain for some reason. Other than that, he's really not that good other than his passive ability.