Buff Monstrous Shrine using the new perk mechanic - Scourge Hook

Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

Monstrous Shrine is trash perk - everyone knows this, but just in case.

Entity progression speed is barely noticeable - which I actually don't mind (it would be op and feels bad design for survivor). It can stay on 9%, I'm fine!

Both penalties for trying to unhook yourself though.., are basically non existant - 9% of 4% is not noticeable number and it still let's survivors try 3 times... Also it only works for basement.

Overall, trash perk which is literally useless and even tells survivors that it is there (penalty to luck shows up).

Make Monstrous Shrine a Scourge Hook perk. Simply apply MS current bonuses to all 4 special hooks and double them for the basement. Also, please make this unhooking penalty strong enough to shave off 1 unhook attempt (Right now it increases the penalty... but survivors still have 3 tries... useless!).

If you vote, please comment and share your reasoning, it is a shame to see such a trash perk after buffs to the general perks. Like... Sloppy butcher, Deja vu, Kindred - Those perks are SUPER GOOD now!

Buff Monstrous Shrine using the new perk mechanic - Scourge Hook 27 votes

Cool idea, let's try
GibberishHattySkeletalElitedoitagain_musstang62ElikCritical_Fish[Deleted User]FilthyLegionMainRattiusFobboDhurl421AdjathaSOMENINJANAME[Deleted User]TroutMaskReplicaBennett_They1Them 17 votes
Cool idea, but perk is still useless
_Morbi_Yoshman2523TapeKnotRoboMojolandromatVioletCrimes 6 votes
Cool idea, but it will be over powered
thog1LeFennecFox 2 votes
Trash idea which will make the perk over powered
Trash idea which will not even save the perk
Sarsos 1 vote
Just make every attempt always FAIL (even with deliverance) and keep it a basement perk
PSP 1 vote


  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327
    Cool idea, but perk is still useless

    I think it would need something else to be actually impactful. Decreasing the chance of self unhooking basically only hurts builds based around kobeing (Which are quite rare in my experience at least). If the extra hook progress speed applied to the scourge hooks then that would actually be very strong but it might just encourage camping. Not sure what to do with this one to be honest.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    Cool idea, let's try

    The other Scourge Hook perk should also be tweaked. 4 Basement Hooks + 4 Surface Hooks.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    Bumping up, cause I really think it is a great chance to actually do something with Monstrous Shrine

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    edited August 2021

    @RoboMojo Camping is always encouraged when survivors are showing themselves not doing gens. Eliminating someone asap is the best strategy and if killers want to camp in spite of someone, they will, no matter the penalties.

    9% is really not that great and I think it would be ok. Actually, it might be interesting counterplay to efficient players who keep doing gens and try saving at the last possible second (usually swf).

    Or maybe the 4 scourge hooks only have faster Entity progression, while Basement hooks have both Entity progress bonus and unhooking penalties (accordingly stronger).

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    Bumping up, cause I really think it is a great chance to actually do something with Monstrous Shrine

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    Cool idea, let's try

    Basement being all scourge hooks seems like a good change for Monstrous Shrine. It's way harder to get them there than typical scourge hooks (unless you're specifically running a basement build and the survivors are oblivious), so the scourge effect would have to be REALLY good.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    @Adjatha Oh I think I misphrased it. I meant to apply both MS to basement hooks AND 4 other random hooks (like Scourge Hook perks do).

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    Cool idea, let's try

    Oh. I see. I mean, that kind of goes against the "make the basement super deadly," which is what the perk is supposed to do. Frankly, I think ALL scourge hook perks should ALSO affect the basement.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    @Adjatha Your idea could actually work quite well. Scourge hooks in general havin some effect which would be doubled for basement. It would fit your theme quite nicely, but It might break Leatherface, Huntress and Trickster in some way. I would like to at least see it on PTB to test it out.