Stranger Things Chapter Salvage - The Hound

Yes this a reskin of the soon to be removed Stranger Things Chapter to keep its gameplay available to new players.

If there is any questions or suggestions I would love to hear them.

The Hound

The Hound is an Animalistic Killer, able to open multiple Dens and traverse between them to cover large distances. Using its Power, Animalistic Awareness, it can detect any Survivors within a close proximity to the Dens then unleash a pounce attack to inflict damage from a distance.

Its personal Perks, Feral HowlPredatory Glair, and Smoke Em Out, impact the environment close to Generators and affect nearby Survivors in unexpected ways.

Difficulty rating Intermediate


A snout full of knife-like teeth, large razor-sharp claws, and powerful legs to pounce on victims, make The Hound a frightening monster to face in any situation. It is a nightmare of unrestrained, feral rage as it hunts down its prey and rips it to pieces, devouring every last morsel of flesh and gore, leaving nothing for scavengers. The creature is untouched by any sense of compassion or restraint. Looming over its victim, it shows no doubt or mercy, just the pure instinct of its insatiable blood lust as it delivers the deathblow. A perfect hunter, The Hound is a macabre testament to the horrors lurking in the woods and why it was choice pickings for The Entity.

The Hound's Perks

These are Perks which start off only appearing in The Hound's Bloodweb.

  • Feral Howl - Level 30
  • Predatory Glair - Level 35
  • Smoke Em Out - Level 40

Feral Howl

Your eerie howl chills the air and interferes with progress.

When you put a Survivor into the Dying State with your Basic Attack, all Generators within 32 meters of you instantly explode and start regressing.

Applies an immediate 8 % Progression penalty.

Feral Howl has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.

"The creature appears to have some unknown influence over electricity and nearby electronics." — Stev Hawkmin

Predatory Glair

Your distressing stare drains and weakens your prey.

Whenever a Survivor is repairing a Generator, they suffer from the Exhausted Status Effect.

  • If the Survivor is already Exhausted, their Status Effect's timer will be paused.
  • The Status Effect lingers for 3/4/5 seconds after stopping to repair.

"Its stare fills me with dread." — Stacy Weller

Smoke Em Out

Your experience of hunting prey informs you of what to do when they attempt to hide.

Each time a Generator is repaired, all Windows and Vault locations within 32 meters of it become blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds.

"It's at the door, but if I stay the fire will surely take me." — Capt. J. Byae

Power: Animalistic Awareness

An unknown and otherworldly power surged through the fire.

Suddenly the floor ripped open, swallowing The Hound whole.


Press and hold the Power button to fully charge and activate Animalistic Awareness.

  • All Survivors within a close proximity to any Open Dens will be indicated by Killer Instinct.


Press the Attack button while charging or holding Animalistic Awareness to pounce forwards and unleash a vicious bite.

  • Pouncing into Breakable Walls or Pallets will destroy them.


Press the Active Ability button to place an Hidden Den on the ground in front of you.

  • Hidden Dens are invisible to Survivors and cannot be collapsed by them.

Traveling Thru Dens 

When standing on a placed Den while viewing a highlighted Den, press the Active Ability button to travel through the Den, emerging from the highlighted Den.

  • After emerging from a DenThe Hound is cloaked by the Undetectable Status Effect for 3 seconds.

Open Dens

Dens become open when they are first traversed to or from.

  • Open Dens are visible to Survivors and can be collapsed by them.
    • Survivors walking atop or collapsing an Open Den suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect.

Power Trivia


  • Pounce takes 1 second to fully charge.
    • Pounce must be charged to at least 65 %, otherwise The Hound will perform a normal Lunge instead.
    • Cancelling a fully charged Pounce results in a cool-down of 0.45 seconds, during this time The Hound cannot interact or attack.
  • Pounce boosts The Hound's Movement speed to 460 % or 18.4 m/s, for a maximum distance of 11 meters.
  • Pounce applies the following attack cool-downs:
    • 2 seconds for successfully Pouncing on a Pallet or a Breakable Wall.
    • 2.25 seconds for a missed Pounce attack.
    • 3 seconds for a successful Pounce attack.
  • Pounce increases the The Hound's Field of View by 15 °.


  • Animalistic Awareness allows for 6 Dens to be set by default.
    • Setting a Den takes 1 second by default.
    • Entering a Den takes 1.5 seconds.
    • Den effects apply within a range of 4 meters by default.
    • Dens emit noise that can be heard within a range of 8 meters.
  • Traversing thru the Dens is done at a maximum velocity of 20 m/s.
  • The post-teleport Undetectable Status Effect lasts for 3 seconds by default.
  • Power Recovery takes 10 seconds by default.


  • CollapsingDen will take a single Survivor 12 seconds by default.
    • Multiple Survivors doing so will incur an efficiency penalty of 33 % (2 Survivors) or 50 % (3-4 Survivors).

Collapsing a Den will reveal its Aura to all other Survivors, so that they may come help.

  • Collapsing a Den will occasionally spawn Skill Checks, but without a Great Success zone.


  • It is impossible to place a Den within a specific radius of the following Props:
    • Within 2.5 meters of a Pallet.
    • Within 4 meters of an Exit Gate or a Hook.
    • Within 8 meters of another Den.


Rotten Pumpkin

Pumpkin flesh infected by rotten soil.

  • Traversing thru the Dens will destroy the Den you entered.

Rotten Pumpkin grants an additional 200 Bloodpoints for traversing thru Dens.

Black Heart

A black fermented heart ripped from the chest of a Cow in the Woods.

  • Slightly reduces Pounce Recovery time after successful Pounce attacks.

Rat Liver

A soggy pile of salty, soft liver.

  • Slightly increases The Hound's Movement speed while charging Animalistic Awareness.

Rat Tail

A chewy rat tail for The Hound to consume.

  • Slightly increases Den Entering speed.

Sticky Slobber

A fetid, viscous Slobber that covers the tunnels.

  • Slightly increases Killer Instinct Detection range when charging Animalistic Awareness.

Viscous Webbing

Spider webs that coat the tunnels entrance.

  • Slightly increases Den Collapsing time for Survivors.

Rotten Green Tripe

Rotten tripe that fuels The Hound.

  • Slightly increases The Hound's Movement speed while traversing the Dens.

Mew Mews Guts

The tasty guts of an unfortunate Cat.

  • Slightly reduces Cool-down for missed Pounce attacks.
  • Increases the number of available Dens by 1.

Cracked Glasses

A broken pair of glasses that were dragged into the dens.

  • Slightly reduces Pounce Recovery time after using it to break a Breakable Wall or Pallet.

Ellen's Soda

A soda can charged with rebellious Moxy.

  • Reveals the Auras of Generators being repaired in yellow while traversing the Dens.

Thorny Vines

Thick, thorny vines that reinforce the tunnels.

  • Slightly increases Den collapsing time for Survivors.
  • Slightly increases Killer Instinct Detection range when charging Animalistic Awareness.

Empty Lighter

A lighter used to light the way.

  • Survivors under the effect of an Open Den suffer from the Blindness Status Effect.
  • Once out of contact with the Den, this effect persists for 60 seconds.

"Take this you hellish mut." — Capt. J. Byae

Dark Truffle

A dark fleshed mushroom from the Dens that distort the senses with its spores.

  • Slightly increases Undetectable Status Effect duration after emerging from Dens.

Deer Lung

A raw, rubbery lung that reinvigorates The Hound.

  • Considerably increases The Hound's Movement speed while traversing the Dens.
  • Reduces the number of available Dens by 2.

Broken Yard Stick

A yard stick that once ruled the Hawkmin public library.

  • Survivors near Opened Dens are indicated by Killer Instinct without having to charge Animalistic Awareness.
  • Slightly reduces Detection radius.

"It didn't even flinch." — Stacy Weller

Vibrant Flower

A bright Yellow poisonous flower not in any encyclopedia.

  • Moderately increases Undetectable Status Effect duration after emerging from Dens.

"It ******* Burns." — Host Ellen

Large Oak Resin

A sticky, flammable sap that fortifies the gateway to the main den.

  • Moderately increases Den Collapsing time for Survivors.

"Lets see how you like it." — Stev Hawkmin

Cold Pup

A large, cold pup coated in charred fur.

  • Considerably reduces Animalistic Awareness Recovery time after traversing the Dens.

"How do you like my trophy you cursed canine." — Stev Hawkmin

Leprose Lichen

A potent lichen that's dust helped locate the Den burner.

  • Reveals the Aura of all Survivors while traversing thru the Dens and for 3 seconds after emerging from a Den.

Fine dusty foot prints pathed thru the Hawkmin estate.

Red Lattice

A crimson lattice that conceals the final den.

  • The Hound emerges from Dens silently, but more slowly.
  • Tremendously increases Undetectable Status Effect duration after emerging from Dens.

"Come out little puppy." — Stacy Weller


Stacy Weller is an strict librarian, able to make acute observations and gain insights that others may miss.

Her personal Perks, Story Teller, Observant, and Solitude, give her the information she needs to tackle unexpected challenges.

Difficulty rating: Easy


Studious and rebellious, Stacy Weller is a strict librarian with an instinct for a good story. When her closest friend, Brenda went missing, she did everything she could to unravel the truth and secure justice. A brilliant scholar, she chases stories and follows leads despite the inequality and chauvinism she encounters at the workplace. Pursuing a lead one evening, she try's to coax a dog out from under a porch. A moment later she awakens in a strange misty realm with the sound of a familiar roar echoing through the air.

Stacy Weller's Perks

Story Teller - Level 30

Observant - Level 35

Solitude - Level 40

Story Teller

You seek justice and uncover the truth no matter what obstacle stands in your way.

While repairing a Generator, its Aura is revealed in yellow to all other Survivors located within 32 meters.

If the Killer downs a Survivor while you are repairing a Generator, you see the Auras of all other Survivors for 8/9/10 seconds.

"Let our deeds echo thru the mist." — Nancy Wheeler


You can observe every detail, no mater how small, at just a passing glance.

You walk 10/15/20 % faster and can see your own Scratch Marks.

"Barbra what did this to you." — Stacy Weller


You can look inwards and collect yourself when you feel lost and alone.

Each time you cleanse a Totem, Solitude activates:

You are automatically healed 1 Health State when hiding inside a Locker for 10/9/8 seconds while injured or suffering from the Deep Wound Status Effect.

Solitude does not activate if you currently suffer from the Broken Status Effect.

"If you are lost just look for parallels in your heroes." — Stacy Weller

Stev Hawkmin is a guarding mayor, able to protect and support his fellow Survivors while providing his own brand of humor.

His personal Perks, Self Sacrifice, Campaign Smile, and Pioneers Persistence, enable him to distract Killers, tolerate pain, and get back into the fight.

Difficulty rating: Easy


Popular and compassionate, Mayor Stev Hawkmin is an strong mentor and leader. His ancestors founded Hawkmin's Grove and have held a respected part in its government ever since. This was true until his secretary, Brenda Hallmark, went missing. After three days all police Capt. J. Byae turned up was torn pieces of her dress blooded and scattered throughout the wood. This rightfully put the citizens in a panic, not at all helped by radio host Ellen spreading rumors of a ruthless killer hiding among the populace. He reassured his citizens that this was being handled by the local police and they reluctantly believed and were calmed, until librarian Stacy Weller disapeared. The search party was sent out but all that was a broken yard stick and the torn bloody scraps of a dress scattered thru the wood. A pattern was forming. This both served to narrow the investigation and terrify the population. There would be no calming the population now, especially with Brenda lampooning himself and his police. Stev called Capt. Byae into his office to discuss the case and on how to recover from the live slander being spouted by Ellen at 11. As they listened to her mock them as she talked out the final notes of the song they herd glass shatter. The entire struggle between Ellen and her assailant was being broadcasted to the whole town. Hope of halting chaos in the the townsfolk was lost. Until they remembered the fight. The assailant attacked thru the window breaking the glass. Broken glass causes cuts and thus bleeding. A blood trail. Stev ordered Capt. Byae to get to the the radio station, follow the blood trail, and bring the fiend to justice. All while reporting the details to him live over the walkie talky. Byae speed to the crime scene, located the blood, and followed it into an old, abandoned house in the wood. By the light of his lighter he entered thru the wooden cabin's one door to find the radio host dead on the back wall. He was then struck from behind with such force that he rocketed into the far wall and his lit lighter flew into the thatch roof setting it ablaze. The final thing herd from his radio was the static distorting his screams as he was burred alive. Stev listened to the horrifying static cries until he heard the fire go out, and then dragging. Hope. The radio was still broadcasting. He speed thru the night to the last known location. If he started from their he could triangulate their new position with the noise of the radio. He got to the burnt remains of the house only to find Byae's lighter. He would avenge him. He triangulated the position of the radio to a den under a sappy Dark Oak tree. An animal. An animal had the entire town scared. An animal had outwitted the finest detectives he knew. An animal had taken the lives of four of his friends. An animal. A rage engulfed him as he lit the tree ablaze. A dark satisfaction overtook him as he heard the whimpers and wines of its inhabitance be charred. The tree burned for two hours until he felt it was safe to reach in and pull out the beast who had done this. All he came out with was the charred small remains of a pup. Stev laughed. He did not have the beast yet but had managed to slaughter some of its kin. He took his new trophy home. He would have it mounted on his mantle by sun up. As he marched across the wood floors of the Hawkmin estate ready to skin the crisp mut he heard scratching coming from down the hall. he went to investigate the noise he found the only place it could be coming from was beneath him. Before he realized what was happening the ground opened up and a swirl of black claws, fur, and furry filled his eyes. It was the beast. Standing before him was a 7'5" mass of furry, anguish, and bloodlust barley contained by the jet black coat of a feral wolf. It lunged at him taking him to the ground. Stev's only defense was the lit antique oil lantern his ancestors used to light hope in his town. He slammed the burning oil across the beast setting it ablaze. Burning the beast tried to flee but he tacked it to the ground. He ignored the burns of the oil. He ignored the snapping and clawing of the beast. He ignored the flaming wood beam that fell and pinned them both in the estates inferno. The only thing he cared about was the fear. The beast was freighted. Stev cackled at its howls of pain as the walls collapsed around him. He had saved the town. He had honored his ancestors. He had avenged his friends. He. Had. Won. He let the thought settle in his mind as the the beasts death cries lulled him into his eternal slumber. When he awakened he was in a strange place that seemed familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.

Stev Hawkmin's Perks

Self Sacrifice - Level 30

Campaign Smile - Level 35

Pioneers Persistence - Level 40

Self Sacrifice

While you have a reputation for being self-centered, you risk it all to help those in need.

When you unhook a Survivor, the rescued Survivor will leave neither Scratch Marks nor Pools of Blood for the next 4/6/8 seconds.

Both you and the Killer see each other's Aura for 4 seconds.

" My ancestors founded this town and I will die protecting it." — Stev Hawkmin

Campaign Smile

Government has taught you the importance of staying face, which has given you strength.

While you are on the Hook in the Struggle Phase, Campaign Smile activates.

If another Survivor is within 16 metres of your Hook while Campaign Smile is active, the Struggle Phase timer is paused for 26/30/34 seconds.

"Show the people you are scared and they'll be terrified." — Stev Hawkmin

Pioneers Persistence

You have learnt to persist through situations with grave stakes.

You still think your best option is to walk away and believe things will take care of themselves.

When you heal another Survivor for the equivalent of 1 Health State, Pioneers Persistence activates:

The next time you are unhooked or unhook yourself, you suffer from the Broken Status Effect until Pioneers Persistence deactivates.

You are automatically healed 1 Health State after 28/24/20 seconds.

While Pioneers Persistence is active, the following conditions will deactivate it:

Successfully being healed by Pioneers Persistence.

Being put into the Dying State before the timer elapses.

Pioneers Persistence does not activate if you already suffer from the Broken Status Effect.

"We stand strong and that phyco can't beat us." — Stev Hawkmin

Legendary Skin

Capt. J Byea

Captain of the Hawkmin Grove police department and closest friend to Stev Hawkmin, Jaune Byea fought for the people of Hawkmin's Grove for 37 years until he was burned to death in an abandoned cabin in the woods set ablaze with his own lighter.
